Luna's Captain App [UK] [2nd]

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Well-known Member
Mar 15, 2023
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
2+ Years
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
GMT +3
Character name(s):
Civilian name:
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

MTF Units:
E-11 SGT [CL3]
A-1 LCPL [CL4]
Nu-7 PVT [CL3]
O-1 (More than 2 years [Very OLD]) [CL4]
Chaos Insurgency:

CI-Gamma (SSGT) [CL3]
SCP-096 Whitelist [N/A]
Senior Agent Whitelist [CL3]
General: ( OLD 1-2 Years Before )

Internal Affairs Ambassador [CL4]
Executive Researcher [CL4]
Assistant [CL4]
GSD Captain x2 [CL4]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
For all of my SCP-RP career ( 2+Years )

2x RDM
2x FailRP
1x FearRP
1x Silver Rule
I got my last warning at "April 2023"
Why are you applying for Security Captain?

I took a break from my GMOD career for a long time and I decided to start again a while ago. My first steps after starting was to apply to Alpha-1 Regiment and it was Accepted. After promoting the LCPL rank, I headed to the DEA Agent department for a while. I became a Senior Agent there and parted ways with A-1. After looking for a CL4 position for myself for a while, I decided to apply GSD Captain for third time, which is the department where I can deal with business in the most general sense. In my opinion, compared to other departments, the GENSEC department has received a really nice Rework and its responsibilities have increased throughout the Foundation. The D-Class work program really caught my attention and I had the chance to experience it for a long time. As you know from the old times, we worked with Henry for a long time in the "Direwolves" squadron estabilished under the title GENSEC.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:

What makes me suitable for this position is that I have spent a very long time on this server and know the rules and protocols. I had the opportunity to work in this department before, and considering that it was fun even in the past, its current state is really interesting. I have taken all the exams for Licenses many times and I know the stages of all of them by heart. Since I have held many CL4 positions before, I know very well my responsibilities, what I can and cannot do, and what is prohibited. I know exactly when to activate any code. I have the potential to teach a really good lesson to GENSEC who abuse their jobs. I really like doing paperwork. If I am accepted into this department, you will find me mostly dealing with D-Class work program. I handle all kinds of paperwork with pleasure. I've written documents that have rated 10/10 before. Im active in the game for at least 4 hours on weekdays and more than 6 hours on weekends.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:

To deal with both D-Class and Chaos Insurgency/Global Occult Coalition dangers within the entire foundation, not only D-Block, by dividing all GENSEC security forces into positions. 2 different kits were determinated for this situation. Station kit is for D-Block defense, Patrol kit is for defense from external forces ( CI/GOC ) and also GENSEC have Containment Units for defending site (mostly D-Block) from SCP's.

Tryouts should be organized occasionally for people who wants to get a License (Heavy Weapons License or Security Response Unit/RRT).

If Code-2 is active or multiple D-Class are armed, sweeps should be organized and the D-Classes' weapons should be stripped.

Captain should control the PW-BD, close or open when necessary. Must assist other security forces when no other CL4 is available.

Create and manage trainings that include only the GENSEC department or large trainings that include other departments.

Must teach others working in this department, especially 'Cadets', how to do their jobs well.

Should give credit to people who wander around D-Block and do their job well.

There are 3 different sub departments within this department; It is divided into 3 groups: Document & Development, Fieldwork, and Management. Each sub-department has its own duties, to briefly mention; (These for only Captain SubDivisions)
1-) Document & Development: Manages the documents and makes general planning in this department, with Cary Raven as its Head of the SubDepartment.
2-) Fieldwork: Although this department does not currently have a head, it focuses on the day-to-day running of this department.
3-)Management: This department does not have a head and it checks whether the captains are doing their jobs efficiently and helps the chiefs in the recruitment of new captains.
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Date of Birth [REDACTED]
Age [28]

She was born in the [REDACTED] province of Canada, she was unemployed until she was 28 years old. One day she came home and found a tiny piece of paper stuck in her door handle. When she opened it, she found a phone number 01837-0238-0273743-82. She had no idea what it was, Since she was bored, she called that number to have some fun.

*Telephone Sound*
*Communication Established*

"Luna" --Hello ?, Hello anyone there ?

[REDACTED]--Hello, thank you for reaching us, please tell us briefly about yourself. [ Deep sound from back ]

"Luna" --Oh yes, my name is Luna, I am 28 years old and I am good with guns

*A door bang is heard from behind and the phone line is disconnected.
According to the camera records, Luna was kidnapped by unidentified people 2 days ago*

*This camera records is restricted for CL4+ personnel*

Luna --Where am I ?

You have been sellected for SCP Foundation, Do you want to continue ?

Luna --Sure...

This is an SCP Foundation, we will introduce you all around later, the main reason we chose you is that your basic abilities fit the GENSEC section. I don't think I need to tell you what will happen if you leak any information...

Luna --Of course

And from this day onwards, Luna became an employee for the GENSEC department. She continued this job for a long time.
After a while...,

[Foundation Announcement System]
*Sergeant Luna please report to Captain Office*

Luna --Hello ?

Hi luna, we wanted you to report to the Captain Office for important Promotion. Weh have been watching you for a long time, your behavior and management style were truly incredible. Congrats, You are a new Captaion for GENSEC Department!

[Foundation Announcement System]

[Control] Attention, security malfunction detected, multiple containment mechanisms have been identified... Location unknown. Security and MTF teams please respond urgently.

*** Lights Cut Off***
Oct 13, 2023
This guy is very active and deserves to be captain, Mostly plays GENSEC, I believe he can really do this job.
May 12, 2022


this girl ... wow..
small little story:
one day i was so stressed as a CPT, i was organising a sweep cuz there is a HUGE riot.
was being called from multiple departments and idk who to focus on.
she just came in d block in the peak of my stress levels.

officer luna: "let me take over the sweep"
captain green snake: "oh thank you so much!.. EVERYONE! officer luna is in charge of this sweep .. listen to her orders!!"

she then did one of the best sweeps i have ever seen
might done better than i would have done
didn't know she had a lot of experience in the server.. she was already 2x ex-captian.. she should get this job without a thought

the only small thing missing is her not using her mic.. i say its helps with RP and to make things quick as typing is slow in general but i didn't know she was a female.. so i understand.
active a lot as GSD officer
multiple times let her manage d block
... i believe she can manage CPTs also!
i cant describe how good she is

bro ... the RP she did in the application .. should get her to Chief of Security of how go it is!!

small note: didn't know she is a girl until i red the RP she wrote above
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Jan 2, 2022
Hello luna, today i will be giving you a +support for the following reasons:
+good amount of time
+Positive interactions
+Active on GSD

Answer the question correctly if you get interviewed. If you can't answer, try to think one.

Jay ''GHOST'' Jackson
GSD Captain

servet sayar

New Member
Oct 14, 2023
CL4 Experience +
Most Active Person in GSD +
Lead Skills+

Give my bro Captain he deserves it.
GSD logo.png


Thank you for showing interest in the position of GSD Captain, after careful consideration we have decided that you are ready to take on the challenges that the role of Captain has to offer. I’m happy to announce that your application has been ACCEPTED.

An interview is required before you are officially a member of Gensec leadership so please contact me on discord to arrange a date and time: dontorro

Kind regards
Chief of Security Cary “Raven”​
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