Madden San Miguel Site advisor App (USA)

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Jun 8, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:99142637
Discord name: Tatertotoverlord#0001
For how long have you played on CG SCP: like 8 months
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): Madden San Miguel
Civilian name: San Miguel
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
No (Had one but was appealed)
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?

I want different experiences within the server and i've enjoyed ECA so i want to open more of a non-combative stance.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
I feel I'm suitable because I've worked my way up from different Regiments and I have great knowledge on the tasks of what Site admins Complete. I'm very active and approachable and easy to work with I'm competent in leading and making change within regiments and sub regiments

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:

Keep their assigned Department inline and working correct
work with or against GOIs by making treaties or destorying them
Manage MTFs E11 Nu7
Carry out Tribunals against CL4 Members
Uphold Site policy (COE COC)
Work permits
GOI raids

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Madden San Miguel is a person who originated as a GSD Cadet, He rose from Cadet to guard to officer. One regiment Peaked his interest Epsilon 11 "Nine Tailed Fox".
After taking the test and passing the required materials Madden Was Accepted into the regiment as a Private. After months of Stationing, a term used in the foundation "Triple Breach" Occurred, breached in some way Happened occasionally But nothing that Madden could have imagined. SCPs 682 076-2 and SCP 8837. All Breached and they worked together. Watching his Fellow soldiers get Ripped in half Compressed into a small cube or ball, and cut into Chunks of meat Changed Madden Forever. Even After this breach Madden Stayed in E-11 Doing his duty for the foundation Rising threw the ranks of Enlisted And NCO, His resolve was pushing for new Containment Chambers, New policies, Better equipment, and better pay. People in the higher authority did not Enjoy the plea of the newly made Lieutenant, Madden didn't know at the time but here was a HIT on his head. While Madden was conducting the same Tryout Procedure he took to get in a member of Internal Site Security came to talk to him, Madden Had some Suspicions of the ISD agent and asked him few a Questions, Due to some slight movement Madden Decides to terminate the ISD agent due to reasonable suspicions of Class F anesthetics and Hostile intent. Unknowingly to Madden Someone had evidence to motion that he had committed murder, due to this he was forced into Tribunal. After a painful Time in the tribunal Madden was Found guilty and was given a Lock on his rank and Demoted to SGT and given time in Solitary. While in Transit Members of Omega 1 Told an Agent to hand madden over to them, Taking him into Ethic Committee and sat down in front of an Ethic Member. Madden was unsure of what the Ethic Wanted, But The ethics member was not mad at madden instead he was unhappy with the ruling and it being too Harsh. Madden was Astounded by his remark. The Ethics member then explained that he would put a word in and See what he could do. Ever sense then Madden Has been entirely loyal to the Ethic Committee and wished to assist them in anyway possible. Due to his ambition, Madden wants to work up the ranks of the administrative department to assist ethics in anyway.
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Well-known Member
Aug 17, 2024
Great guy, knows what he is doing and is very active, well deserving of the position.


Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Jul 11, 2024
A message has been received from the Site-65 Administrative Department
The Site Administration Verdict Report
REGARDING: Madden's Site Advisor Application


Hello Madden, first I would like to take the time to thank you for putting in your application to become a Site Advisor. Secondly, I am pleased to announce that your application has been pushed to an interview. Don't hesitate to contact any Site Administration member to move forward with your application process. Good Luck.


Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Jul 11, 2024
A message has been received from the Site-65 Administrative Department
The Site Administration Verdict Report
REGARDING: Madden's Site Advisor Application


Hello Madden. First I would like to thank you for taking the time to apply for a position in Site-65's Administrative Department, I am proud to announce that your application has been ACCEPTED. Congratulations on your promotion to Site-65's Administrative Department.
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