Denied make certain hacks silent add a large deployable shield to the dispenser and smoke grenades

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Well-known Member
Mar 13, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
makes hacking certain areas like in d block vents etc quieter but harder because otherwise they become impossible due to constant enemys coming
adds a deployable shield to dispenser thats big to use when hacking in certain areas so people arent sitting ducks
adds a smoke grenade to the dispenser that lasts a long time like 3 minutes or make flares coverage larger

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
makes hacking possible in areas where otherwise it wouldnt be but extremely difficult
gives hackers something to actually use as cover so hiding isnt impossible
makes d class actually able to get past the bottleneck of d block entrance by adding smoke grenades so 20 mtf and gensec cant just constantly spray them down

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
could be overpowered
will make gensec and mtf mad because they might not actually always win which will make them even more toxic during riots bottlenecking everyone
if silent hacks arent hard enough they could be a problem like they need to be near impossible

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
i believe it would make things more interesting instead of the d block experience just being getting shot from catwalk while trying to hack and then even if you do 20 guards just camp the front door so you will always die but i expect heavy down voting because mtf and gensec dont like to give d class any chance to actually escape at all so lets enjoy watching mtf and gensec mains down vote this suggestion out of existence lol


Active member
May 26, 2022
d class need to have fun winning once in a while as well
Dude d class are already gonna get mega buffed with a reality bender.

They do not should not and will not get another buff for awhile

Every d class suggestion buff will be denied most likely

Harold Hawks

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Mar 12, 2023
bro every suggestion i make gets supressed by mtf lmao
You always get very upset when people don’t agree with you, as if their opinions are inherently meant to resent you when they aren’t. They care about balancing the server. Try to see it from a full perspective.

On that note, status quo with D-Class is fine. As something of a GenSec main it’s usually more difficult to handle hackers than just popping out and shooting them due to the fact that, as the CI main said, they have shooters keeping an eye on watchtower while they work. If you can’t manage to plan ahead like that then take the L when GenSec pops out.
Lastly want to pile on that Im in full favor with Starling’s assessment as well.

all an mtf main has to do is lie and say they like ci and d class more but your actual view and actions prove that not to be the case which is hilarious
Let people have opinions other than yours. You suggest something and when people don't like it you get salty. Maybe, when the vast majority of people -support something, the problem is not theirs, it's yours, and your suggestion is just not as genius as you initially thought.



Well-known Member
Mar 13, 2023
mtf mains downvoting this while pretending to like d class be like its big brain lying time


top bloke
Dec 24, 2020
bossman lane
mtf mains downvoting this while pretending to like d class be like its big brain lying time
-support You don't really listen to what other people are saying & I don't really think you grasp the role of D-Class... The point isn't to create an even playing field, or even edge too close to one. Right now I'd say, especially with the introduction of the new reality bender D-Class, it's as balanced as it should be. A smoke grenade, near-silent hacker, and shield all seem too far for D-Class, as escaping/fighting is meant to be hard.

It doesn't matter if somebody mains D-Class, MTF, Doctor, Chef, or Researcher - everyone can have a fair opinion on what you've suggested. With a lot of your suggestions, I feel as if you don't consider a very neutral perspective which leads to -supports, and then you think people are either out to get you or trying to help themselves. But actually, the suggestion just isn't really too great, and that's why people don't agree.

I understand that you want to be able to have more of a fighting chance, but you have to understand why it's as it is now.


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
we are talking about prisoners fighting military trained soldiers with access to military grade weapons its not supposed to be a even fight


MRP War Criminal
Oct 10, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi @samhartley,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. To cover all your suggestions in this thread:
  1. We do not plan on reworking the sounds of hacking. If your presence has been alerted, work with others to defend yourself.​
  2. Adding deployable shields to the dispensers would be highly abused, and there's a reason as to why we restrict them to regiments.​
  3. Smoke grenades that lasted 3 minutes is overpowered in it of itself. You have flare ammo for a reason as well, increasing coverage to make things easier isn't exactly sufficient enough for a change to be made.​
  4. The community themselves dislike the suggestion heavily.​

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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