Accepted Make Cl1-Cl3 Researchers creditable by Execs

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Sep 10, 2023
What does this add/change/remove?
It would make it so that Executive Researchers could give out Credit to all other research staff (excluding Dpt Chief) So they could credit Jr Researchers, Researchers, Sr Researchers, Thaums, and Research Chemists.

Has this been suggested before?
Maybe, but I have not been able to find it.

Possible Positives?
It could be used by Execs to credit other Researchers, which could be utilized in such cases as crediting them for attending lectures, which is a positive as it could incentivize more participation in Lectures. And secondly it would also make it so that Execs can reward good work such as Excellent handling of tests, or mentoring other researchers. Finally it would just overall be a good quality of life addition.

Potential Negatives?
I cannot even think of anything other then Dev time.

Why should this be added?
Honestly. It just makes a lot more sense for Execs to be able to be able to credit Researchers. I mean, right now we are entrusted with Banning Researchers from the Job, organizing lectures and handling projects, but not trusted with actually crediting those same researchers who we can Jobban. So in conclusion I believe that it'd just be an overall sensible change
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James Overscott

Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 10, 2021

I can't remember if it's already been added, but if it hasn't it's on the way.
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