Rule Suggestion Make Faction Siege Raids FailRP

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Blacklisted Player
Oct 7, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Makes Siege Raiding in area's that do not benefit CI or some form of roleplay FailRP.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Probably not

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Stops GOI's from entirely pausing roleplay for up to 45 minutes (which just happened today where they held Floor 2 for 45 minutes with a TB that had a sanctum pixel peaking).

Forces GOI's to actually go along with a raid that benefits their faction instead of backtracking to a siege raid the second something goes in the foundations favor.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

Harder to get kidnaps than when CI siege raid

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

Siege raiding has to be the most unfun thing you have to deal with on the server, waiting for countless minutes as a non-combative has to be some of the most tedious things to do and I feel extremely bad for roleplay heavy whitelists like Research and Medical who have to deal with this from day-to-day.

Siege raiding on Floor 2 serves no purpose on the foundation and is just senseless killing leads to no goal at all and ruins server health for the entire time the raid is active.

And no this doesn't mean that siege raiding critical area's like the reactor room and floor 3 for example would be disallowed as these area's actually have a redeeming factors for CI like turning off reactors etc.

The rule that would make the most sense to impose would be a rule that says that "Factions cannot raid without a goal in mind, holding area's like floor 2 which leads to no victory on each sides (Ex: Breaching SCP's, kidnapping etc) where there is just senseless killing is FailRP."

To combat people from camouflaging their goal of a siege raid by saying "it's for keycards / kidnaps" would be to impose a certain amount of time that CI are allowed to hold area's like Floor 2 which serve no purpose to hold so that they actually have to have a goal of kidnapping, because most of the time them kidnapping someone during a Siege Raid is a convenience not a goal.


Raiding with no goal A.K.A Siege Raiding non-critical areas should be FailRP
Probably won't be accepted, because Ventz and other staff wants CI to do this (causing chaos and disrupting RP).

Also sounds like a pain to actually enforce.

All that being said, less code time is a W, so + Support

After reading other comments, making this a staff issue when it can be dealt with by discussing with CI leaders and changing IC policies does seem silly.

- Support
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Dr Random K.

Blacklisted Player
Oct 8, 2023
Site 54
As someone who has played a good amount on both sides I find it the single most boring type of raid and dont think that it really benefits the server in any way
Oct 4, 2022
Siege raids are boring, they don’t provide anything enjoyable to either side. CI just stands there and waits for a couple people to run up the elevator, foundation just either sits and watches the elevator or trickle feeds CI keycards and hostages from people trying to push them.
Jan 27, 2023
saying a siege raid doesn't benefit CI is fucking ludicrous lmao keycard acquisition is necessary to make the following raids good, not defending siege raids necessarily (I'm aware they are boring, hence why they are limited to MCOM+ ICLY) but 1. saying they are done for no reason other than to disrupt foundation is silly, and 2. putting a stupid rule in place instead of just telling CI "hey this isn't fun for foundation you have been doing these too often" or perhaps... JUST PERHAPS... using some of your 500 gallons of NHU to flank CI on floor 2...

What do I know though, I'm just an evil DELCOM who just wants to ruin RP and sit around in base all day ain't that right mars?
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saying a siege raid doesn't benefit CI is fucking ludicrous lmao keycard acquisition is necessary to make the following raids good, not defending siege raids necessarily (I'm aware they are boring, hence why they are limited to MCOM+ ICLY) but 1. saying they are done for no reason other than to disrupt foundation is silly, and 2. putting a stupid rule in place instead of just telling CI "hey this isn't fun for foundation you have been doing these too often" or perhaps... JUST PERHAPS... using some of your 500 gallons of NHU to flank CI on floor 2...

What do I know though, I'm just an evil DELCOM who just wants to ruin RP and sit around in base all day ain't that right mars?
CI handshake GOC

Sitting afk in base and ruining RP
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Blacklisted Player
Oct 7, 2023
saying a siege raid doesn't benefit CI is fucking ludicrous lmao keycard acquisition is necessary to make the following raids good, not defending siege raids necessarily (I'm aware they are boring, hence why they are limited to MCOM+ ICLY) but 1. saying they are done for no reason other than to disrupt foundation is silly, and 2. putting a stupid rule in place instead of just telling CI "hey this isn't fun for foundation you have been doing these too often" or perhaps... JUST PERHAPS... using some of your 500 gallons of NHU to flank CI on floor 2...

What do I know though, I'm just an evil DELCOM who just wants to ruin RP and sit around in base all day ain't that right mars?
Sitting on Floor 2 doesnt benefit CI at all, you can say it's "ludicrous" or however you want to say it but sitting on floor 2 just so you can get a few kills and a few minutes of dopamine into your receptors doesn't make it healthy for the server player base.

Putting aside the fact that your only argument against Siege raiding being that it can benefit CI when the convenience of a singular kidnap or keycard dropping happens, you put away the fact that nobody other than CI enjoy this.. you practically ruin all research roleplay and multiple other departments roleplay for your 45 minutes of "fun" sitting on floor 2 doing nothing, and contributing to nothing.

Arguing that we don't use NHU to combat this completely puts away the fact that when the NHU effects wear out, there is a high probability that the person or people on NHU will die to the 10s of CI on Floor 2 and then get revived to then get put through another 30 minutes of boring kidnap RP.

It's obvious that you wouldn't like this rule as it pertains to your regiment but if you look outside of your Chaos Insurgent bias you can see that siege raids leads to absolutely no roleplay for the server (no kidnap RP is not fun) and is just mindless killing.

TLDR: Kidnap RP isn't fun RP, no Siege raids do not benefit CI for the most part, and nobody on the server that isn't CI enjoys combatting a siege raid, a siege raid is practically just killing your own men on purpose for a few keycards (from an in character standpoint)
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May 31, 2023
Des Moines, Iowa
Sitting on Floor 2 doesnt benefit CI at all, you can say it's "ludicrous" or however you want to say it but sitting on floor 2 just so you can get a few kills and a few minutes of dopamine into your receptors doesn't make it healthy for the server player base.

Putting aside the fact that your only argument against Siege raiding being that it can benefit CI when the convenience of a singular kidnap or keycard dropping happens, you put away the fact that nobody other than CI enjoy this.. you practically ruin all research roleplay and multiple other departments roleplay for your 45 minutes of "fun" sitting on floor 2 doing nothing, and contributing to nothing.

Arguing that we don't use NHU to combat this completely puts away the fact that when the NHU effects wear out, there is a high probability that the person or people on NHU will die to the 10s of CI on Floor 2 and then get revived to then get put through another 30 minutes of boring kidnap RP.

It's obvious that you wouldn't like this rule as it pertains to your regiment but if you look outside of your Chaos Insurgent bias you can see that siege raids leads to absolutely no roleplay for the server (no kidnap RP is not fun) and is just mindless killing.

TLDR: Kidnap RP isn't fun RP, no Siege raids do not benefit CI for the most part, and nobody on the server that isn't CI enjoys combatting a siege raid, a siege raid is practically just killing your own men on purpose for a few keycards (from an in character standpoint)
cope suggestion...
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Blacklisted Player
Oct 7, 2023
This is false, there are no testing restrictions applied during codes other than Code 5s and Code blacks
Testing restrictions during Code 1's are enforced by E-11 LT's+ during Code 1's, aswell as this being a lie, researchers cannot test during Code 2, 3, and 4's as well according to E-11 policies.

As well as whilst I was asking around E-11 heavily restrict testing during Code 1 and usually only allowed CL4 personnel to enter HCZ during Code 1's
Siege raids being FailRP makes no sense. It is a very reasonable thing for CI to do IC.

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Makes Siege Raiding in area's that do not benefit CI or some form of roleplay FailRP.
F2 Sieges get CI Keycards and Hostages. They consistently work and are very useful to CI.

Sitting on Floor 2 doesnt benefit CI at all, you can say it's "ludicrous" or however you want to say it but sitting on floor 2 just so you can get a few kills and a few minutes of dopamine into your receptors doesn't make it healthy for the server player base.
I dont have a clue what its like on the US, but on the UK Siege Raids work, really fucking well.
CI get a lot of keycards that supply them for the rest of the day, they get lots of hostages, and it usually goes to plan with limited losses.
Saying it doesn't benefit CI is just wrong.

you put away the fact that nobody other than CI enjoy this.
You're a fucking A-1
The group that works by THEMSELVES, and kidnaps people on site for the most minor shit, for your own entertainment. Please, shut up.

you practically ruin all research roleplay
Use your brain, you cant do testing in HCZ and LCZ whilst a code 1 is active per E-11 and Gensec policy..
Dumb policy. It was made IC, and if a C1 is active due to CI being in EZ and RSD can't test in LCZ/HCZ due to the code 1, maybe you should get that updated. (This is US specific btw)

Past all that, I hate Siege Raids. They fucking suck. Making them FailRP is stupid, they work really well and they have a IC reason to do it.
Only thing I can suggest is DEA/CI reaching out to the other side, and DEA give CI Keycards/Money to leave F2. And no, i don't mean DEA offer 15 CL1 keycards then cry when CI don't accept that, nor do I mean CI ask for 10 CL4 keycards. Actual reasonable deals, that could be made in RP without the use of a document.

Again, Siege Raids are ass but making them FailRP is just the wrong call
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