Denied Make Heavy Gun Dealer sell the Mosin or Karabiner

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Game Master
Game Master
Oct 16, 2024
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Adding the ability for HGD to sell the Mosin or Karabiner snipers for about 3.5k

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I really don't know

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
More variation of guns in the HGD arsenal
Making surface more realistic as in this area in Canada civs should have hunting rifles
Making D-block look like WW1
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
More Snipers on surface besides the MK18
Turning surface into WW1 (not a negative in my book)

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I feel like adding more variation to gun play is always fun and these two guns are fun to mess around with and fit within setting as this rural Canadian area which would be a great place for hunting. As for balance they changed snipers to be a 1 shot to head 2 shot to body anyways and plus the MK18 which the HGD already sells fires much faster.
Oct 14, 2022
It adds balance considering the amount of debuffs the surface roles are starting to get now.
Every surface faction is using their buffs that they are also gaining to achieve an advantage over civilians like how CI was kidnapping a bunch of civilians the other day for no apparent reason, or that GOC was just shooting rangers randomly, this possibly adds more ways to achieve actual balance to surface combat. Also right now the only thing surface combat withholds is just how far away the regiments can kill you... If this isn't accepted it would be very ironic considering how regiments can have a Thaumatologist but civilians cant even have a bolt action rifle.


Well-known Member
Jun 20, 2024
+ Major Support We need more of a verity of weapons between Civilians and the rest of the GOI's. What current rangers/Parawatch/other Civi's have to do right now is wait till SOP's do combat. I like the Idea


Game Master
Game Master
Oct 16, 2024
- To Bill Nye, i would suggest different rifles to the ones i suggested but these are already are in the game plus they still are used as hunting rifles even thought yes they are naturally Russian and German guns. If there was like a Ross rifle or a Lee-Enfield i would say that one.

-To Caramelalpaca, The mk18 exist and if civvies wanted they could just buy it and do the exact thing. Even worse is they could buy the RPK16 and really fuck shit up.
As for the second point, again the MK18 just literally exist, while it cant one shot head shot i believe with 100 health and 100 armor if everyone wants to use snipers they can. I even prefer the MK18 over the SVD sometimes
Third point, they can i believe modify which guns has which attachments which if this was a problem they always could just remove you putting scopes on these guns which i believe is already the case

Aaron Hench

Well-known Member
Sep 11, 2024
Sadly this won’t get accepted because:

- Civilians having heavy weapons is unfair
- Too many snipers means there will be even more unbalanced surface combat
RPKs honest reaction to that information:

Also nothing is stopping from SOP also buying weapons from the gun dealer afaik. Althought it might look weird like 'why is this military guy buying weapons from me, are they low on supplies or smth'



Well-known Member
Apr 13, 2024
+/- Neutral
- Mosins and Kar88ks are cool
- Give civilians access to snipers
- Promotes combative gameplay for civs
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