Mars Staff Resignation Appeal!

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Oct 7, 2023


Steam ID:


Previous Rank:


Date of resignation?:

23rd of February

Why did you resign?

Seeing a lack of progression for myself in the staff team regardless of the amount of work I did.

Prior to this resignation , have you ever been demoted or resigned?:


Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?:

Prior to becoming staff I was kicked for +righting and banned for an unknown reason back in June.

Why should you return / why can you now commit to being staff again?:

During my small tenure as staff I attempted my best to make sure that tickets where being answered as it has recently become a trend for staff members to let tickets stand for up to 5 minutes which in my opinion is way to long for a simple staff ticket. Recently I have seen this trend continue to grow. I find myself often interacting with frustrated players that are complaining about ticket downtimes being to long, especially during off hours when the majority of the staff team (US Players) are asleep and I am awake, I believe I can re-commit hours that I do not spend roleplaying to the server whilst other staff members are not on.

The reason I am willing to re-commit myself into being staff again is due to my genuine will to help the server again, I was burnt out of staff due to me not seeing myself progressing in the staff team, and whilst this may be true I do not believe that a rank promotion should be a priority when it comes to staffing, I believe that I can provide a fair experience for all players that are seeking help from staff member and I believe that I contain the knowledge and integrity to re-continue my journey as staff.​

I've had problems with you in the past not too long ago and when I tried to reach out in DMs you completely ignored me and just blamed people not liking you because "You were IA" at one point and people hate IA. It doesn't seem like you want to improve your attitude towards people you already dislike but maybe I'm wrong.


Civil Gamers Expert
Oct 8, 2023
- Very friendly and approachable
- Taught me the fundamentals of the server
- Has great experience
- Currently active in trusted positions

I've gone through the comments above and honestly, I think the two should hash things out for personal reasons.

I once had an altercation with Conan on Class D but the guy is cool when you work alongside him and meaningless beef can easily be put aside to have fun.

Harold Hawks

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Mar 12, 2023
+/- Neutral

In the short amount of times that I've seen or heard you, you've never really impressed me ic or ooc. You must have done something right to become moderator the first time though which tells me that I don't know enough about you to give a definitive negative support. I hope you do well, wherever you're headed.
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