Mase Lattes :) Third Attempt For ECA Assistant USA

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Civil Gamers Expert
Jul 31, 2023
Now I know I haven't been active on SITE 65 Civil Networks it is because I just got back into DARKRP I promise To be more active on SITE 65 SCP RP Soon. Meanwhile, I am going to Retake My ECA Assistant With Better Knowledge Of Lore. Let's Get Into It.
What Is Your Steam ID?
What Is Your Discord Name?
Display: ツ Mase Latte ツ: Not Display: maselatte
For How Long Have You Played on CG SCP RP?

How Old Are You? I'm 10 But I am able to comprehend and handle more than you think I can.
What Contruy Are You Located In? USA Texas At This Time.
What Is Your Time Zone? CDT
What Are Your Charter Names (List All That You Have) : P.N.N.F-TM Mase Latte, Mase Latte, Mase Latte :)
What Server Are You Applying For? USA
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI Roles that you hold or have held: I do not have any
Have You Received Any Kicks? Warnings, Or Bans? and Why?: Mic Spam, Banned, Combate Cuffing, Rdm X3, RDM B.

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
What makes me the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant is that I am able to help people, Give help to all and ALL Ethics Committee Members And The Ethics Committee Chairman, Able to give everyone a helping hand on-site, and finally I am good with talking and understanding what people are needed help/ requesting ECA. (Edited Part): I am great with talking to people and I like to have conversations and help people with any and I mean ANY questions. I also am able To Assist with anything. (All that I Can Say)
What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?: My responsibilities are to Help members around the site and assist all of the Ethics Committee And Even Other Assistants, I am also supposed to make sure that the site is doing what they're supposed to be doing and help people who need help understanding the SCP SITE 65. Dealing With Investigations On ethics, Enforcing the code of ethics, Trible Court, making sure the site Is following the codes of Code Ethics, Code Conduct, And The Legal Codex. Dealing with bigger things than IA can with arrests. And being a left-hand man (If I were a woman) left-hand woman

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

March██████: [Annoucnment System] Attention Operative Mase Latte Please Report To Ethics Committee Immidelty.
Mase Latte: I wonder What That Could Be About?
Unknown ECM: Thank You For Coming Mase Latte.
Mase Latte: Um May I Ask Why Did You Call Me Here?
Unknown ECM: Don't Worry You're Not In Trouble I Just Wanted To Talk To You.
Mase Latte: OK Sir.
Unknown ECM: Now I have seen and heard that you have been doing well and handling it as an IA And EA Operative. Also, GSD, Research, and medical. so I and the Other ECM Have decided that you should join EC As an ECA. But If We see or hear that you have been doing badly more than twice we will reconsider. Now you may leave.
Mase Latte: OK I will leave.
Mase Lattes Mind "Man I Hope I Can Join EC As A ECA.
We Just Have To See if he gets accepted or declined

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Civil Gamers Expert
Jul 31, 2023
Now I know That Lore Was Bad but I'm Still Bad At Lore. I just wanted to say I am so glad I joined Civil Gamers/ Networks SCP RP Site 65. Yall gave me the best experience ever. I just wanted to say All Of You Are Amazing


Civil Gamers Expert
Jul 31, 2023
Hi Mase, Today I will be giving you a ( +Support ).

My behind this feedback:

- Dedicated
- Seems to be mature
- Active
- No interactions
- Application could use some more details.

I wish you the best of luck!
If you are from the UK Then probably No Because It is a USA App


Well-known Member
Dec 28, 2022
- good app.........................kinda
-also let the man cook
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