Maxwell "Heisenberg" Delpair ban appeal

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Well-known Member
Apr 23, 2022
Your in-game name: Maxwell "Heisenberg" Delpair
Your SteamID: 76561198383442646
Your steam community link: Date of ban: Sun Feb 4 23 : 51 : 56 2024 even tho i though I got banned a long time ago
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): MRDM / NITRP / Ban Evasion which was me wanting to play again
Who banned you: snirk zenkleburg
Ban length?: 24 weeks 4 days 4 hours 44 minutes
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url): I shall abide by these here rules
What will you do to stop this from happening again: i will abyd by the rules if you give me another chance you unbanning me with make me stop and appreciate the second chance you can give me
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned?
Why should you be unbanned: tbh i see why yall banned me i understand why but all i ask is for one more chance i have cut connection with that friend that influenced me and i want to come back to wat i used to like doing
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: The thing that ensures that i wont break the rules are the fact that i wont be able to play for along time like how long my ban is i think is just unhealthy how long that ban is like for god sake i have XK-class vip i want to enjoy that again also that was alot of money i dont to go to waste
Why do you want to rejoin this server?: i want to rejoin the server because i miss the playing scp rp and there are no scp rps that are as fun as civil networks and i do regret doing what i did and yes i was under the influence of my friend to MRDM but i promise i wont do it again i just ask for one more chance even if its just shortening the ban i just want to play again please

Alpha Toon

Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 9, 2021
Hi @spoofyyogurt,
Im the staff member that had banned you for ban evasion. I first noticed that our system flagged you and when i pulled you i asked you to be honest with me and you were and i handed out the punishment. You then proceeded to make another alt and tried denying that it was you despite the account being linked to the 2 previous accounts. I told you before banning the 2nd alt that you could appeal if you thought the ban was false. Your forum name also matches the name of the first alt I banned. I have asked the original staff member to also comment on here and then a super will decide the outcome. But do keep in mind that we take ban evasion seriously.



Well-known Member
Apr 23, 2022
Hi @spoofyyogurt,
Im the staff member that had banned you for ban evasion. I first noticed that our system flagged you and when i pulled you i asked you to be honest with me and you were and i handed out the punishment. You then proceeded to make another alt and tried denying that it was you despite the account being linked to the 2 previous accounts. I told you before banning the 2nd alt that you could appeal if you thought the ban was false. Your forum name also matches the name of the first alt I banned. I have asked the original staff member to also comment on here and then a super will decide the outcome. But do keep in mind that we take ban evasion seriously.

thank you for your input but that should show you i just want to play again and yes i do regret doing wat i did in the first place but i do feel 24 weeks is a bit harsh and yes i understand you reasoning but i meant no harm trying to come back to the game but was just simply trying to enjoy the game i do truly apologize for making alt account i swear by it i will never do that again even if its just shorting the amount of time i have

Change Z. "Somebody"

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Jun 13, 2022
Hello @spoofyyogurt
I'm the staff member who banned you for MRDM | NITRP. I'm going to be blunt in saying this but it has been 10 days and I can't recall the exact events that happened prior the MRDM/NITRP ban.

Best of Luck,
Snirk Z.


Well-known Member
Apr 23, 2022
i just forgot my name might be Dr. Heinz "Heisenberg" Doofenshmirtz but i dont remember its one o them


Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Jun 7, 2022
Appeal Denied

Hi Spoofy,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

As Alpha said, ban evasion is taken quite seriously here, and you doing it not once, but twice has me unconvinced you will not just do it again in the future.

You may re-appeal in 2 weeks​
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