FYI: This is very different from the "Ranger and Mayor Rework" thread previously posted prior to this.
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Give the Mayor and Ranger back sweps/commands from the DarkRP code (Which is already in the server) in order to RP more effectively and appropriately. These commands and definitions are taken directly from and the code itself.
/Placelaws - Place a laws board
/Addlaw - "Add a law to the laws board.
/Removelaw - Remove a law from the laws board
/resetlaws = "Reset all laws."
/broadcast - Broadcast something as a mayor
/lockdown = "Start a lockdown. Everyone will have to stay inside.",
/unlockdown - (cancels the lockdown)
/wanted - name reason (arrest warrant)
/unwanted - name reason (unarrest warrant)
/warrant - request a search warrant
/agenda = "Set the agenda.",
/addagenda - "Add a line of text to the agenda.",
Battering Ram Swep - Battering Rams are used to unlock and open locked doors. The player requires a search warrant before given the ability to use the Battering Ram.
Picture of the battering ram swep below for reference:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
These commands and sweps will drastically improve roleplay/gameplay on the surface.
By allowing the mayor the commands to /placelaws:
- He can place a physical law board with laws for citizens/rangers/anyone to see while traveling through Pinewood.
- enables those to see the current laws, so that they can be aware of them and avoid confusion about what is legal vs Illegal. (Currently, there is no way to see what the current laws are in the town)
the subsequent commands /addlaw, /removelaw, /resetlaws are supportive functions to the /placelaws command and are absolutely necessary for it to function properly.
By allowing the mayor the command to /broadcast
- He can send a message in chat to the citizens of pinewood to alert or inform them. An example of this is using the /broadcast to alert about a new law in place or to make an announcement or a warning. (the possibilities for RP potential is endless)
By allowing the mayor the command to /lockdown
- He can send a message to alert the citizens/surrounding areas of the lockdown. This is a quick way to let citizens know to stay in their homes and avoid danger. This should only be activated when called for in RP. For example, an SCP enters the town and starts attacking the citizens (Which happens quite often).
Subsequent command /unlockdown cancels the current lockdown.
By allowing the mayor the command to /wanted, /unwanted, /warrant
- He can make individuals who've broken the law wanted, unwant individuals, and write warrants to search their house.
By allowing the Ranger the command /agenda
- They can have a small window on their screen with the police agenda. It helps with coordination and team objective focus. (historically only the chief of police gets this role, but since there is not a job for it in the server, all rangers should be allowed the command and they can coordinate amongst themselves what the agenda should be)
/addagenda is a supporitve function of /agenda. Would allow players to add an extra line in the agenda window.
For reference, here is a picture of the agenda window on a player's screen.

By allowing the Ranger to have the swep - Battering Ram
The item would make sense for the class to have because there is currently no way for rangers to open a locked door of a citizen who is hiding in their house. This would provide the rangers a way to open a door to a wanted person's house and make an arrest. The swep itself has a safeguard built into it to prevent abuse. It only opens the doors owned by a wanted/warranted person. So this cannot be used on other doors around the map.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
This will require the developer to add a few lines of code to both the mayor and ranger jobs. But neither is complicated or a major time commitment to do.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This suggestion should be accepted because it will bring massive quality-of-life improvements to surface roleplay, will fix current issues, and streamline roleplay.
1. These commands/sweps are ALREADY in the server. They are apart of the framework and coding of the server. This WILL NOT increase the download or connection time to the server
2. If there are 1 or 2 parts you do not like, please do NOT -support the entire post. Instead +positve what you like and -negative what you dislike. There are a lot of good suggestions here that should not be overlooked because of 1 or 2 things. Remember this suggestion is customizable.
Thank you for reading and please leave your thoughts below.
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Give the Mayor and Ranger back sweps/commands from the DarkRP code (Which is already in the server) in order to RP more effectively and appropriately. These commands and definitions are taken directly from and the code itself.
/Placelaws - Place a laws board
/Addlaw - "Add a law to the laws board.
/Removelaw - Remove a law from the laws board
/resetlaws = "Reset all laws."
/broadcast - Broadcast something as a mayor
/lockdown = "Start a lockdown. Everyone will have to stay inside.",
/unlockdown - (cancels the lockdown)
/wanted - name reason (arrest warrant)
/unwanted - name reason (unarrest warrant)
/warrant - request a search warrant
/agenda = "Set the agenda.",
/addagenda - "Add a line of text to the agenda.",
Battering Ram Swep - Battering Rams are used to unlock and open locked doors. The player requires a search warrant before given the ability to use the Battering Ram.
Picture of the battering ram swep below for reference:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
These commands and sweps will drastically improve roleplay/gameplay on the surface.
By allowing the mayor the commands to /placelaws:
- He can place a physical law board with laws for citizens/rangers/anyone to see while traveling through Pinewood.
- enables those to see the current laws, so that they can be aware of them and avoid confusion about what is legal vs Illegal. (Currently, there is no way to see what the current laws are in the town)
the subsequent commands /addlaw, /removelaw, /resetlaws are supportive functions to the /placelaws command and are absolutely necessary for it to function properly.
By allowing the mayor the command to /broadcast
- He can send a message in chat to the citizens of pinewood to alert or inform them. An example of this is using the /broadcast to alert about a new law in place or to make an announcement or a warning. (the possibilities for RP potential is endless)
By allowing the mayor the command to /lockdown
- He can send a message to alert the citizens/surrounding areas of the lockdown. This is a quick way to let citizens know to stay in their homes and avoid danger. This should only be activated when called for in RP. For example, an SCP enters the town and starts attacking the citizens (Which happens quite often).
Subsequent command /unlockdown cancels the current lockdown.
By allowing the mayor the command to /wanted, /unwanted, /warrant
- He can make individuals who've broken the law wanted, unwant individuals, and write warrants to search their house.
By allowing the Ranger the command /agenda
- They can have a small window on their screen with the police agenda. It helps with coordination and team objective focus. (historically only the chief of police gets this role, but since there is not a job for it in the server, all rangers should be allowed the command and they can coordinate amongst themselves what the agenda should be)
/addagenda is a supporitve function of /agenda. Would allow players to add an extra line in the agenda window.
For reference, here is a picture of the agenda window on a player's screen.

By allowing the Ranger to have the swep - Battering Ram
The item would make sense for the class to have because there is currently no way for rangers to open a locked door of a citizen who is hiding in their house. This would provide the rangers a way to open a door to a wanted person's house and make an arrest. The swep itself has a safeguard built into it to prevent abuse. It only opens the doors owned by a wanted/warranted person. So this cannot be used on other doors around the map.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
This will require the developer to add a few lines of code to both the mayor and ranger jobs. But neither is complicated or a major time commitment to do.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This suggestion should be accepted because it will bring massive quality-of-life improvements to surface roleplay, will fix current issues, and streamline roleplay.
1. These commands/sweps are ALREADY in the server. They are apart of the framework and coding of the server. This WILL NOT increase the download or connection time to the server
2. If there are 1 or 2 parts you do not like, please do NOT -support the entire post. Instead +positve what you like and -negative what you dislike. There are a lot of good suggestions here that should not be overlooked because of 1 or 2 things. Remember this suggestion is customizable.
Thank you for reading and please leave your thoughts below.