Maz "Gwee"'s OSA Application {USA}

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Well-known Member
Jun 30, 2022
Oregon USA
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:621882104
Discord name: Sockomo

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1,600 hours or 2.1 months

Age: 23

In what country are you located?: U.S.A
Time zone: PST (GMT-8)

Character name(s): Maz "Gwee"
Civilian name: Ms. Marwood

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Held: O-1 SPC, HH-11 PVT Holding: Consultant

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Warning for failRP as 860-2 when it could leave containment and did not know it was not supposed to leave it's CC. A 2 day ban for toxicity when I accidentally called someone a slur out of frustration.

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?: I bring professionalism and leadership to the table when it comes to roleplay. I do my best to supervise the site in the later hours when there are not many people on during the night. When I'm given orders by my higher-ups, especially ones that need to be completed within a certain timeframe, I make sure the task gets completed and I inform my higher-ups of it's completion. I have experience with completing medicine/chemical orders for combative departments with my time being a pharmaceutical consultant and general chemist. If data or information needs to be collected, I am fond of my clipboard and I know how to write proper documentation. I am well trained in hosting interviews from Psyche Evaluation experience and I enjoy engaging in Q/As. During breaches or riots, I tend to recommend orders to other departments when their higher-ups are occupied or off-site. I see this position as an opportunity for me to expand my knowledge about our site, the CoC, the FLC as well as more experience with clearance 4 roles.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?: To shadow the Overseers. Follow their orders and complete assignments given by the Overseers, usually within a specific timeframe. Their job is also to supervise the site when no other higher-ups are on-site. This means authorizing Advanced Armory for MTF Personnel and collecting information on other departments or events that can be reported to the Overseers. Overseer Assistants also write changes to the CoC or FLC when they are proposed and uphold the CoC and FLC.
Their job is also to authorize specific tests or sign documents that require SI/Overseer approval when non are on-site. They also assist in giving A-1 orders and assisting in info-breaches if necessary.

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Maz had been a dedicated medical doctor for the SCP Foundation for the past 2 years, working tirelessly to save lives and provide top-notch medical care to her patients. So, when she received the news that she had been selected for a promotion to the position of Overseer Assistant in the SCP Foundation, she was both excited and nervous.

The first time Maz set foot into the facility, she was offered a job as a medical trainee by one of the O-5 themselves. She was caught sneaking into the facility with her pinewood authorities who may have been a bit delusional. To this day she is still grateful for her life being spared and given the opportunity to work for The Foundation. After all her time working for The SCP Foundation, she has seen things that she know must be hidden from the eyes of humanity. All she's known is to help the weak and contain chaotic evil.

Maz learned that working in the SCP Foundation was not for the faint of heart. She encountered numerous dangerous and unpredictable SCPs, but her medical background and quick thinking helped her handle each situation with ease.

As an Overseer Assistant, Maz's main responsibility was to oversee and manage the containment and how The Facility studies the various SCPs. She was also responsible for coordinating with other departments and ensuring the smooth operation of the facility. But nothing prepared her for a new Anomaly to appear in pinewood and have Nu-7 successfully contain it.

The Anomaly was a humanoid, A large creature with glowing red eyes and moth-like features covered it's body. Maz's Overseers were not on site when this incident occurred so she did not hesitate to give orders to the research department to begin testing on the creature. With time, the Anomaly was properly designated with it's own SCP number and classification while changes to the code of conduct were written to integrate the new SCP into the Facility's daily routine of testing.

As she settled into her new role, Maz realized that she had a passion for the work she was doing. She felt fulfilled knowing that she was playing a crucial role in protecting the world from dangerous anomalies and helping to understand them better.

Over time, Maz's hard work and dedication paid off, and she was promoted to the position of Overseer. She was now responsible for overseeing the entire facility and ensuring the safety and well-being of the SCPs and the facility.

Maz's journey in the SCP Foundation had been challenging, but she had proven herself to be a valuable asset to the organization.

She will never regret the offer she was given.
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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Jul 29, 2022
Maz is a hard working consultant with a lot of experience. I think she will do great as an overseer assistant.
Aug 8, 2022

Records and Information Security Administration

A message has been received from the office of ██-3 ██████████████

To: "Gwee"

Hello. We appreciate the time and effort you invested in the application process for the position of █████████ Assistant. After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that we have chosen not to move forward with your application at this time. We want to express our gratitude for your interest in applying.

Please contact me (via discord @bogitos) with any further questions or concerns regarding your denial. If you would like to re-apply you may do so in no less than two weeks.

-From ██-3 ██████████████

Application Denied
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