Medical Consultant Application [UK]

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Well-known Member
Jul 15, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:567754406
Discord name: GhostRW#0116
For how long have you played on CG SCP: About 9 months
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Price Wilson
Civilian name: Price Wilsonn
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-UK
Do you have a mic?: YES
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: MTF E-11 CSG (HELD) MTF Nu7 PVT (HOLDING) CI-A (HOLDING)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Warning not sure was ages ago
Why are you applying for Medical Consultant? I'm applying to be a medical consultant, because i have noticed that there isn't many consultants on the server, and i would like to change that.
What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?: I am available to be on the server at all times, and i wish to help more people achieve their medical licenses.
Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice: (EST) aka (ELECTROSHOCK THERAPY) is given to certain people that need it, if a D-Class or any faundation staff is infected with an "SCP" that is when EST is approved, You first ask for the permission if they want EST, if they say yes tell them to line up at the wall, then you say, "DO NOT GO TO THE LIGHT" then you crouch use defibrillator to revive them.
What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?: Train trainees for the medical licence, you may also enter places in the medical department where no one else cannot enter, and you need to be mature at all times.
Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in: Since i was born I've grown up with parents as Doctors and nurses, ive always been passionate at what they are doing, also i've grown up with a brother that is mentally ill, when my dad and mum weren't around because they were always at work i had to take care of him (i was 18 at the time he was 13), give him medicine, and be the best brother i ever could be towards him, but sadly he passed away when he was 15, now im 20 with a passion to become a doctor and to become so much more then just a standard doctor, So i decided to contact the SCP foundation and applied to be one of their medics/doctors, now am i Combat Medic thats on a mission to become a Consultant...


Active member
May 26, 2022
-/+ Neutral

Seen u around site alot
good interactions

barley (have seen but not alot) on medical


Well-known Member
Jul 12, 2022
Although I believe you are a nice person and would do well, your application is quite lacking and doesn't show qualities to be a MC.

Your reason for applying for consultant although positive but shows no want for the role except "there is not enough so we need more". In the "What makes you suitable for MC" question your answer is just short and lazy and shows none of your qualities for MC. When you are describing EST, you fail to mention that you need to ask for the reason of EST and if the person had been revived before. You also don't seem to understand the responsibilities of a MC.

I am not the best at writing lore myself, but "Contacting the foundation" is not a thing, the foundation contacts you. Your lore shows nothing about your character.

I have no experience of you being in medical although I'm not active there so I cannot comment about that, I am only judging your app and not you as a person so please do not take it as that. Have a lovely day and best of luck!
Jul 23, 2022


Good Evening Blitz123,

Thank you for taking the time to create an application for the position of Medical Consultant.

After discussion, we feel you are NOT READY to take on the duties and hold the position of a Medical Consultant.

Kind Regards,
Zazi Jenom.
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