Pending Review Medical QoL Changes

On-Hold and / or under current review, please allow us time.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Two changes to medical jobs:
  • Making the Vial (the centrifuge one) and Conical Flask available to all medical jobs in the Entities menu
    • Or, at the very least, Doctor+, including Combat Medic
  • Adding a secondary spawn in HCZ for Combat Medics
    • Possibly in the old HCZ AA
    • This could also be shared with SCUs, given the accepted suggestion to give them a HCZ spawn
  • EDIT TO ADD: Move Defibrilator from slot 2 to slot 1, which is less populated (and already has the Med Kit in it)

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not to my knowledge. The secondary spawn was included in the rejected SOP rework suggestion, but CT completely ignored it in the rejection message, so I'm assuming they just didn't even bother reading it.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • (Vial and Flask) Allows better management and use of medical chemicals and cures - they currently can only use what they happen to have in their inventory, which is ridiculous
    • (Vial) Actually allows medical to use the minimum required chemicals to cure people. Cures only require 50ml to work, but the only container that you can split this amount using is the Vial, which none except the Pharmacist can spawn.
  • (Secondary Spawn) Allows broader Combat Medic presence within the site. They're supposed to cover the entire site and every department (except surface), but they all spawn in one place and most tend to stay around that area. They also, similarly to SCUs, cannot get into HCZ at all if the blastdoors are closed, which means HCZ is not covered at all during many breaches.
    • I chose the old HCZ AA because, as far as I am aware, on UK it is currently only (rarely) used specifically for SC event stuff, and is otherwise completely empty and unused. Last I checked, on USA, it is/was already used as a HCZ medical centre, so this also works well to boost that.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • E-11 have a bit less control over who is in HCZ
  • Shifts breach balancing (imo not a problem, SCPs are very much powerful enough as it is)

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
These are essentially very good QoL changes for medical and breach management as a whole. Medical can finally actually use the right amount of medication for people, without wasting a bunch of chemicals unnecessarily, and Combat Medics become more commonly available across more of the site (instead of mainly just being around D-block and medbay).
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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Aug 19, 2022
I don't think giving combat medic a second spawn especially in HCZ is going to be great (it makes no sense in why they would spawn there as they're part of the medical job) I would agree on changing their spawn location back to security sector for more fairness and prevent combat medics from getting destroyed inside their spawn in medbay. I would also not agree on giving the medical jobs being able to spawn conical flasks and vials as there is already specific jobs for making chemicals (chemist, pharmacist) adding anymore for that would cause disruptions to that job and people not playing on it anymore making the job more useless than it should be.
I don't think giving combat medic a second spawn especially in HCZ is going to be great (it makes no sense in why they would spawn there as they're part of the medical job) I would agree on changing their spawn location back to security sector for more fairness and prevent combat medics from getting destroyed inside their spawn in medbay. I would also not agree on giving the medical jobs being able to spawn conical flasks and vials as there is already specific jobs for making chemicals (chemist, pharmacist) adding anymore for that would cause disruptions to that job and people not playing on it anymore making the job more useless than it should be.
With the flasks and vials, it's less for making chems, and more for sorting chems between flasks and actually being able to use only 50ml of cures. Only Vials allow 50ml increments, and all the cures are 50ml minimum, so without access to them, everyone usually just wastes an extra 50ml for every use.


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Aug 19, 2022
With the flasks and vials, it's less for making chems, and more for sorting chems between flasks and actually being able to use only 50ml of cures. Only Vials allow 50ml increments, and all the cures are 50ml minimum, so without access to them, everyone usually just wastes an extra 50ml for every use.
You can take vials out of the centrifuge and put it back...

John Kild

Active member
Feb 14, 2025
+/- Support

I like the idea with the vials and flasks being able to be purchased in the entities tab for medical, but I do not fully agree with the second idea with the second respawn point. I like the idea of combat medics having more than one respawn points, but I do not think it should be directly inside of HCZ. This is because combat medics are not really supposed to be fully into the fight but they should rather stay back a little and heal and support the other gen sec during situations like this, so by putting a spawn point in HCZ especially during a breach they are being put directly into the fight. But I would suggest places near HCZ or just other points of the map. But I do support your suggestions mainly, I just have my disagrees with spawning inside of HCZ.
Nov 16, 2024
For Doctor/Senior Doctor vial spawns:
- Support
DoM/DoR, chemists, and pharmacists can already spawn these in game. I don't know about DoR, chemist, or pharmacists but as DoM, I try to restock vials every time I enter the server at minimum. DoR should do the same for their labs. You can always ask chemists or pharmacists to flag on and just pay them for the vials, they don't cost much. I also see something bad coming out of giving people the ability to spawn these entities, they may auto delete after a period of time but, I don't see that from stopping people spawning mass amounts of them. There would have to be a lower limit on the amount

HCZ spawn for CM:

+/- Neutral
I can see this being a good and bad thing. I think it would work well to provide E-11 with medical support as they dont have their own medics. At the same time I see a negative giving CMs the ability to spawn there at anytime as there may not be any E-11 and this could cause them to get stuck in HCZ.

Both are valid suggestions though, good luck!


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Suggestion Up For Further Discussion

Hi @Zen ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to put your suggestion up for internal discussion.

Reasons for This choice:
We as content feel that these are some good ideas and we want to add them. However we are looking for higher approval for some parts of it.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as pending review.
Your suggestion will be tagged with the pending review flair and moved forward in the process for approval.​
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