Mette "Mink" Game Master Application [UK]

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Mette Frederiksen

Well-known Member
Nov 4, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): corneliuscornelius13

For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: 630+ Hours according to acievements

Age: 17

In what country are you located?: Denmark

Time zone: CEST

Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Mette "Mink" Frederiksen and [LDR] Mette "Mink" [GA-O] when playing Nu7

Chaos name (include your rank): Lars "Lucky" Løkke [TEU-SSGT]

Civilian name: Alex Vanopslagh

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:150806701

Discord ID (name#0000): Kaj Kage0244

Do you have a mic?: Yes

What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP UK

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:


Warnings between November 4 and January 1 are all from when I was a huge minge.

Between July 20 - 26 was when I returned and were from a combination of learning the rules again and minging.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:

I have some slight experience from another server I used to play where I would do minigame events from time to time.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:

I have played a bit of FiveM and Unturned RP but mostly Garrys Mod RP.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:

I can be on 4-6 hours on weekdays and 8+ hours on weekends, these times can change depending on
work, school, other plans etc.

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:

I keep on coming up with different event ideas that I believe would create interesting and fun RP scenarios for people to enjoy,
therefore I am applying to become Game Master so I can share those ideas with the rest of the people on the server, but not just
that I also want to be able to help other players to create RP themselves such as researchers needing SCP that are not ingame or
help create immersive trainings for combatives.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:

I believe that I can bring new fresh event ideas to the server that hasnt been suggested before that would give people memorable
experiences, and help grow the community as a whole by creating different challenges for people to conquer.

I believe that I am special over the other applicants due to me being active, having a vast knowledge of the SCP universe,
being really creative, always ready to help others with events, my Garrys Mod experience (Especially Prop Building), my work
drive and my problem solving.

1. Due to some technical difficulties at site-[REDACTED] SCP-184 was transported to site-65 for temporary storage, but due to a power outage the electromagnets containing SCP-184 failed and it came into contact with the floors of site-65, now its starting to change the facility in different ways, walls where there shouldnt be walls, random furniture placed everywhere and other weird abnormalities happening. Site-65 must now hold out until MTF Zeta-9 arrives to recontain it and be prepared for the worst to happen...


-1 Game Master to spawn props while cloaked.
-Phys gun, tool gun, props etc.

No props will be placed to disrupt RP (Unless everyone is cool with it) and when no one is around the props will be removed.

Context: The Serpents Hand is a cult of people that believes in using SCPs for personal usage, military usage etc. This makes the SCP Foundation their number 1 enemy because their of their opposite ideologies

2. While some DEA agents were out patrolling surface as usual they spotted multiple people wearing robes in Pinewood walking in and out of different buildings, after DEA went in for a closer inspection they confirmed that it was The Serpents Hand. The different GOIs must now choose the next steps wheter its kidnapping them for valauble intel, getting them out of Pinewood or shooting them to lower their numbers. The different GOIs might possibly teamup so they all get a piece of the cake.


-3-5 Players / Game Masters
-The Serpents Hands Model / Pac3
-Health commands etc.

Context: SCP-1609 aka "The Remains of a Chair" used to be a chair that appeared behind people that wanted to sit down, but then UNGOC decided to put it in a woodchipper. Now the remains of SCP-1609 will kill all hostile people near it.

3. While MTF E-11 were patrolling light containment zone they found wood chips and pieces on the floor for which they called a cleanup crew to clean it up, while the cleanup crew were trying to sweep it up it suddendly dissapeared. Reports then started flooding in from D-Block that multiple GENSEC were collapsing out of nowhere, they reported there might be an anomaly in play. The Foundation must now work together to find out whats happening with the personnel in the facility and recontain any possible anomalies.


-1 Game Master to kill hostile personnel while cloaked and spawn wood pieces on the corpses.
-Tool gun, props etc.

The Game Master should not be killing anyone not participating in the event or ruining RP.

Context: SCP-057-IT are merman people who are highly aggresive towards humans.


SRI "Aureæ Notitiæ" Cpt. [REDACTED]: Hi? Is this working?

Overseer-?: Yes it is.

SRI "Aureæ Notitiæ" Cpt. [REDACTED]: We are requesting assistance off the coast of Italy.

Overseer-?: What seems to be the problem?

SRI "Aureæ Notitiæ" Cpt. [REDACTED]: We have gotten sightings of SCP-057-IT nearing the coast of [REDCATED].

So? Isnt that what you specialize in?

SRI "Aureæ Notitiæ" Cpt. [REDACTED]: Yes, but we are currently busy with other instances of SCP-057-IT at [REDACTED].

Very well, I will see what I can do.




-Stop SCP-057-IT instances from causing chaos by all means. (Combat or negotiation)
-Protect the ship from possibly GOIs.
-Research SCP-057-IT. (Optional)


CI High Command:
We have gotten intel that site-65 is responding to an emergency on some SCP-057-IT isntances and are on their way to [REDACTED] off the the coast of Italy on a battle ship, you have been tasked to sink their ship to the depth of the sea and take care of the SCP-057-IT instances.

CI COM: Yes sir.

CI High Command: Good to hear, im sending a helicopter to your location tell your men to get ready for pickup, you will be stationed in an abandoned building.



-Sink the Foundation battle ship.
-Take care of the SCP-057-IT instances. (Combat or kidnap)



Hello, we are about to take care of some SCP-057-IT instances, and I am requesting your assistance.

UNGOC GEN: And what do we gain from it?

Overseer-?: It would be a good opportunity for you to learn more about the anomalous entities of this world.

UNGOC GEN: Hm, I will talk to high command about this request, I will be in contact shortly.



-Participate. (Optional)
-Assist Foundation. (Optional)
-Research SCP-057-IT.


This event would require.

-The map (The at base version)
-Slight map tweaking, doors, keypads, ammo piles, dispensers etc.
-3-5 Game Masters to play as SCP-057-IT.
-SCP-057-IT Model / Pac3.
-Banning certain jobs such as
surface jobs, SCP etc. (SCP can be temp unbanned for cross tests)

OOC: Besides the main event I also planned this so ordinary RP will also be taking place.


Context: The Serpents Hand is a cult of people that believes in using SCPs for personal usage, military usage etc. This makes the SCP Foundation their number 1 enemy because their of their opposite ideologies


O-1 COM: Everyone gear up The Serpents Hand striked again and this time they took an ethics commitee member, we have gotten information from DEA Agents following them that they are located in a cave not long from Pinewood, there will be a helicopter ready for pickup on surface soon so get going.

O-1 PVT: Yes sir.

O-1 SGT: Lets go save him!

O-1 LCPL: I wll make them pay.



-Save ECM.
-Gather intel on The Serpents Hand. (Optional)


Depending on the amount of O-1 blance changes might be made.

-3-5 Players / Game Masters to play as The Serpents Hands.
-The Serpents Hand Model / Pac3.
-Helicopter Model / Pac3.
-Prop cave.
-TP, Health, Armor commands etc.


Context: SCP-006 aka "Fountain of Youth" grants immortality to whoever comes into contact with it, if someone touches it they can be terminated by an incenerator because it can burn them faster than they can regenerate.


All MTF A-1 get ready to transport a package down to heavy containment zone non-specialized, and make sure no one intercepts the transport or comes into contact with its contents.

A-1 COM: Whats in the package sir?

Overseer-1: SCP-006, a highly contagious virus, when you come into contact you are as good as dead within minutes and there are no visible effects of it. If someone were to come into to contact with it send them to the incenerator for termination.

A-1 COM: Yes sir will do.


-Protect SCP-006 from GOIs.


Im thinking it should either be a wave based event, GOI raid or just normal RP.
Depending on the amount of GOI and A-1 there might be balance changes.

-<!>Only A-1 will be allowed in HCZ Non-Spec for balance purposes.<!>
-1-5 Players / Game Masters depending on if its wave based, GOI raids or normal RP.
-Props for SCP-006 package and incenerator.
-Health commands for "immortality".


Context: SCP-2761 aka "Bananazilla" is a giant T-Rex like creature that resembles a banana and has the ability to adapt to its enviorement.
TL:DR A worse SCP-682.


<!> Urgent Message <!> SCP-2761 has breached containment and is heading towards pinewood, you have now been tasked with recontaining SCP-2761 temporarily while we get ready for pickup.

Nu7 COM: I will tell my men to get ready and prepare LAVs and HUMVEs to recontain it.

Site-[REDACTED]: Great to hear, see you soon!



-Recontain SCP-2761 in a temporary containment chamber in garage before it adapts to the enviorement and becomes stronger.
-Get researchers to research on it. (Optional)


Small balance changes because CI and GOC might be too much for Nu7.

-1 Player / Game Master to play SCP-2761 and setup props.
-SCP-2761 Model / Pac3.
-Sweps, Health etc.
-Props for containment chamber in garage.


Context: SCP-060 is seventeen different trees that if hurt will summon SCP-060-ALPHA which is a skeleton on fire that will protect the trees, the entity can be recontained if the flames get put out.


MTF E-11 LT: Guys I have some news we have been tasked with taking care of SCP-060.

MTF E-11 LCPL: Where will it be located?

MTF E-11 LT: In heavy containment zone cross testing remember not to let anyone hurt them without supervision.


Extra Context: Only two trees will be at crosstesting seventeen would be impossible to oversee.

-Protect SCP-060 from GOIs.
-Supervise research. (Optional)


-1-2 Players / Game Masters to play as SCP-060 and possible one to look what happens to the tree and setup props.
-Skeleton Model / Pac3
-Sweps, health etc.
-Props for trees.



CI High Command:
<!> Urgent message <!> We got ambushed and they got one of us, we have been tracking his location and he is headed towards site-65, I have sent out scouts to see the situation, the scout reported that he is being transported in a convoy of two HUMVEs and one LAV. Which vehicle he is in is unknown which means no matadors setup a roadblock to stop them from getting any further.

CI COM: I will tell my men to get going and setup the block.

CI High Command: Remember watch your fire, if he were to get hurt the blood will be in your hands.



-Save the CI High Command member.


Depending on whos attacking and the amount there might be balance changes.

-4-6 Players / Game Masters to play as drivers and transporters and setup props.
-Possibly custom models for vehicle drivers / transporters.
-Props for roadblock.


Context: SCP-3456 is a skinless centaur like creature that has similar properties as SCP-096 and will stalk and kill anyone who sees it.


UNGOC CPL: Hey did you see that?

UNGOC CSG: See what?

UNGOC CPL: There was a skinless creature.

UNGOC CSG: There have been no signs of SCP-8854 on surface so I dont know what you are talking about.

UNGOC CPL: No no it had flesh just no skin.

UNGOC CSG: I think you are going crazy, go down to medbay for a checkup.


-Stop SCP-3456.
-Capture SCP-3456. (Optional)
-Research or Sell SCP-3456. (Optional)


-1 Player / Game Master to play SCP-3456.
-SCP-3456 Model / Pac3.
-Cloak command etc.

Foundation Staff:

Context: SCP-701 aka "The Hanged Kings Tragedy" is a play that appears randomly on posters, newspapers etc. Where people that read it / see it will feel a strong urge to watch the show, if people show up to the play will go insane for about 24 hours.


Foundation Announcement: <!> A show will be happening in the lecture hall at (Insert time here) <!>

Bob: Hey, are you gonna visit the show this evening?

Yeah, I havent met someone yet who isnt going.

Bob: Have you seen who has hung up the posters?

Joe: No, now that I think about it I havent heard anyone talking about who hung up the posters.

Bob: They must do it at night time I guess?



Executive Researcher: Initiate SCP-914 and SCP-701-1 crosstest.

MTF E-11 LT: Starting SCP-914 on Very Fine.

*SCP-914 Noises*

Executive Researcher: Hmm, how disappointing nothing has changed, return the poster back to the cabinet.

MTF E-11 LT: Will do.


After using SCP-914 "Very Fine" Setting on SCP-701-1 the poster got no visible changes, atleast not yet...

Extra Context: Instead of the usual SCP-701 play happening the test changed the poster, name of the play etc. So instead of making them crazy after the play only one person will come out alive, to determine this different taks, challenges and games will be played.


-Have fun. (Mandatory)


-1-2 Players / Game Masters one to play SCP-701 and possibly one more as support for props etc.
-Props to make lecture hall look like a theater.
-Props for the tasks, challenges and games.
-SCP-701 Model / Pac3.
-Sweps to kill people.

(I know this isnt lore accurate but this isnt meant to be taken too serious, the main goal of this is for everyone to have fun.)

EDIT: Removed Names
EDIT: Warn Appeal Accepted / Updated Warn/Ban Section


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Well-known Member
Feb 4, 2023
Hello, Mette Mink, fortunately, after reviewing this app I will be giving you a + Support

The primary reasons for this are as follows:
- Showed a great understanding of a GM's primary duties
- Good detailing on storytelling abilities, and a showcasing of creativity
- An acceptable demonstration of knowledge of the wider SCP lore

In regards to improvements, the only minor, more nitpicking issue I have is your presentation of some of these factions. This is more focused on faction motivations, as well as characters. Of course, this is as I said nitpicking. It'd be unreasonable to expect you to fully realise a story, including planning out and implementing characters to a high degree in an event's planning stage.

I'll give a few examples so you can better understand my point.

In your six missions, you choose UNGOC for one. There is a minor issue I see in the briefing, firstly, you refer to a UNGOC NCO as a CSG, within the UNGOC there is no CSG rank, the 1SGT rank takes that position. This shows me you have very little experience with interacting with the UNGOC on the server. As I said, this isn't a terrible thing, just something I noticed. The recourse for this would be, assuming you get TGM, to question us on the UNGOC and how to write an event that fits in with them for the server before you run it.

The final thing I believe could do with some improvement is the map change event. Map changes are naturally hard, so I wasn't expecting a fully detailed proposal we could accept and run instantly. But I hold concerns this isn't very well thought out.

One of the main issues is the motivation behind the different factions is very barebones, and the actual objectives themselves feel like they could be completed in barely an hour.

A map change event is a massive affair, and thus you need to have objectives and reasons that can sustain RP for at least a few hours. Your objectives for all factions are simply, kill target, research (optional), and that's it. For the UNGOC it's even more barebones as you've listed just doing the event as optional, which shows you really haven't put much thought into the UNGOCs side of this event. If you can't think of a way to include them, then I recommend not including them. But I will say there are a number of better ways to include UNGOC in an event like this, so I really recommend you take some time to read up on the UNGOC lore.

Now, finally issue with the map change is faction motivations. I've touched on it slightly in the above. But I'll go over it again to hopefully help you understand.

A. Why is the CI's sole goal to just destroy the Foundation in the area? And then maybe research?

- Assuming CI win, you've now just cut 70% of the player base out of the remaining event. Researchers, D-class and all other manners of non-combatants that are meant to support the combatants now have nothing to do but wait till, hopefully, the combatants can beat CI in a total war type situation.

B. UNGOC's motivation and goals for this event are very lacklustre.

- From how you've worded this, you're treating the UNGOC as an assistant to the Foundation. Now while that is the case sometimes, maintaining that in a large-scale event would be highly disappointing to the UNGOC. Imagine you have your 10+ UNGOC players flag up, and they're told their briefing is to "Participate (optional), and assist Foundation. It isn't very engaging and leads me to believe you've included them in this simply because you wanted all factions rather than thinking up something that actually works for UNGOC.

As a tip, UNGOC can have a very active and independent role in this type of event, but I believe your lack of knowledge of the faction is holding you back.

In summary, while I believe you'd make a fine addition to the GM team, my main issue is it seems you lack both normal and RP lead experience in a lot of the areas of the server. Mainly focused on other GOIs. This isn't a dealbreaker and is very easily fixable by simply allowing us as a GM team to mentor you in the areas you're a bit rough in.

I hope my feedback helped you in some way, and I wish you luck in your application.
quite a few of your events are combat centered, which some people might not like - i don't have a problem with it tbh
some events with custom SCPs may be difficult to run, you'd either need knowledge of pac or a helping GM to get it done well

map change event's map is very cool, but I think the idea could do with some work
event ideas are alright but i think they'd be even better if you had some more depth to em
Mar 21, 2022
Hello Mette, your application is well formatted and concise, takes great care to explain how you intend to run the events in practical terms, and is one of the rare occassion a map change actually is a map change.

While i have some minor nitpicks about certain elements,and in large parts echo Tay´s sentiment about some aspects, they are not significant enough to sway my opion away from believing you to be a suitable candidate for the GM Team.

Best of luck to you.

Alex Bones

Active member
Apr 18, 2022
Hello, Mette Mink, fortunately, after reviewing this app I will be giving you a + Support

The primary reasons for this are as follows:
- Showed a great understanding of a GM's primary duties
- Good detailing on storytelling abilities, and a showcasing of creativity
- An acceptable demonstration of knowledge of the wider SCP lore

In regards to improvements, the only minor, more nitpicking issue I have is your presentation of some of these factions. This is more focused on faction motivations, as well as characters. Of course, this is as I said nitpicking. It'd be unreasonable to expect you to fully realise a story, including planning out and implementing characters to a high degree in an event's planning stage.

I'll give a few examples so you can better understand my point.

In your six missions, you choose UNGOC for one. There is a minor issue I see in the briefing, firstly, you refer to a UNGOC NCO as a CSG, within the UNGOC there is no CSG rank, the 1SGT rank takes that position. This shows me you have very little experience with interacting with the UNGOC on the server. As I said, this isn't a terrible thing, just something I noticed. The recourse for this would be, assuming you get TGM, to question us on the UNGOC and how to write an event that fits in with them for the server before you run it.

The final thing I believe could do with some improvement is the map change event. Map changes are naturally hard, so I wasn't expecting a fully detailed proposal we could accept and run instantly. But I hold concerns this isn't very well thought out.

One of the main issues is the motivation behind the different factions is very barebones, and the actual objectives themselves feel like they could be completed in barely an hour.

A map change event is a massive affair, and thus you need to have objectives and reasons that can sustain RP for at least a few hours. Your objectives for all factions are simply, kill target, research (optional), and that's it. For the UNGOC it's even more barebones as you've listed just doing the event as optional, which shows you really haven't put much thought into the UNGOCs side of this event. If you can't think of a way to include them, then I recommend not including them. But I will say there are a number of better ways to include UNGOC in an event like this, so I really recommend you take some time to read up on the UNGOC lore.

Now, finally issue with the map change is faction motivations. I've touched on it slightly in the above. But I'll go over it again to hopefully help you understand.

A. Why is the CI's sole goal to just destroy the Foundation in the area? And then maybe research?

- Assuming CI win, you've now just cut 70% of the player base out of the remaining event. Researchers, D-class and all other manners of non-combatants that are meant to support the combatants now have nothing to do but wait till, hopefully, the combatants can beat CI in a total war type situation.

B. UNGOC's motivation and goals for this event are very lacklustre.

- From how you've worded this, you're treating the UNGOC as an assistant to the Foundation. Now while that is the case sometimes, maintaining that in a large-scale event would be highly disappointing to the UNGOC. Imagine you have your 10+ UNGOC players flag up, and they're told their briefing is to "Participate (optional), and assist Foundation. It isn't very engaging and leads me to believe you've included them in this simply because you wanted all factions rather than thinking up something that actually works for UNGOC.

As a tip, UNGOC can have a very active and independent role in this type of event, but I believe your lack of knowledge of the faction is holding you back.

In summary, while I believe you'd make a fine addition to the GM team, my main issue is it seems you lack both normal and RP lead experience in a lot of the areas of the server. Mainly focused on other GOIs. This isn't a dealbreaker and is very easily fixable by simply allowing us as a GM team to mentor you in the areas you're a bit rough in.

I hope my feedback helped you in some way, and I wish you luck in your application.
Application Accepted

Hi @Mette Frederiksen ,

On behalf of the Game Master Team I like to thank you for making an application for the position of Trial Game Master, this is to let you know that you have been accepted to conduct the next step of the application process.

Please contact an Event Team Leader such as myself or Critical for your next step.

Kind Regard,

Event Team Lead Jason Taylor​
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