Micah's Ban/Warn Appeal (The Florida Gator Incident)

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Jul 3, 2022
Your in-game name: Icarus, Micah; SCP-682 Florida Gator (at the time of ban)
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:144551255
Your steam community link: Date of ban: 08/04/2022
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): Kill Farming. (Golden Rule)
Who banned you: Larry
Ban length?: 1 Day
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url): What will you do to stop this from happening again: Just completely avoid the area in general, considering I was completely trapped in there.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? No.
Why should you be unbanned: It is likely I will have served the ban by the time this appeal is reviewed, but I'd like to contest the warn by bringing up what was brought in the sit: the video evidence provided, as well as some of the points brought up by staff during the sit.
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: I am literally contesting a one day ban, and the warn that followed it. I think that can be very indicative.
Why do you want to rejoin this server?:
I like this server a lot, I have had very nice interactions with the people in the server. I have had a bit of a few distasteful interactions with staff, but nothing too major.

The first thing I'd like to bring up is the Video evidence which was used against me; Few things to address regarding the video.
1. It is about 30 seconds long, give or take a few seconds.
2. A lot of deaths that occurred in the SS where due to TKs and not my doing. You can tell by the death animations of heads popping,etc. The video shows only a few. But you can see those happen throughtout every point in the video.
3. The beginning of the video is the most important part for my case, because it shows me attempting to leave several times, then lights go out, which I then attempted to leave at least 3-4 more times via the elevator then quickly turned around when I realized I could not (still being shot at by at least 20 people.)
4. Someone actually closes the SS door, making the situation worse; The video doesn't show who, but it was likely gensec.
5. I was unable to press the buttons to call the elevator down, nor exit through the door as I got no option to break it.
6. I was rapidly contained, went from 25% HP to 10% as 682 trying to leave before I turned around.

Now, on to the sit itself. From memory, these were brought up and I'd like to reveal what I was saying versus the counterpoints that staff were bringing up. These are off the top of my head, so if the staff that were present during the sit remembers something I dont, feel free to remind me and I will respond accordingly.

1. "We have a zero tolerance policy on rule breaks."
As far as I know, the only zero tolerance rules in SCP-RP is implied in the rule surrounding racism, and then directly stated in the rule surrounding ERP. "Zero-Tolerance" is not a phrase you can find anywhere else not in an appeal already. So if it's actually true, then I'd say there really isn't a point to appeals with the angle of "unjust". If anything, it seems more like a dice roll on which staff member is less or more "tolerant" than the next. I think rare cases should be looked at and judged more carefully especially when it scrutinizes a rule in place. If there were mixed thoughts on the case, and there were, then it is safer to err on the side of restraint. "Zero-Tolerance" is just a lazy way of avoiding compelling arguments.

2. "Why didn't you just call staff?." I was informed during the sit that there were staff present there, including a Senior Moderator. I assumed it was alright with what I was doing so long as I did not enter Bunks; and that is what is named in the Golden Rule itself, considering I was mainly targeting people who were shooting at me out in SS once I was stuck. Usually, staff are VERY quick to intervene when they witness a potential rule break, so they stop it before it happens with Physgun,etc. I have seen this at least 3 other times when people are about to enter SCP 008 they either stop the person from entering or slay all zombies using the command. Also mind how fast I was shot up, Staff would not be able to respond so quick to that. I was trying to leave the area from the get-go.

3. "Just break RP and ask people to let you out." I am sorry, but I find it very hard to compel 30 people who have been shooting you consistently for 20 seconds dwindling your health pool to stop shooting me and let me out. Not only will people not be able to hear you, with so many shooting you and screaming. But with that many active combatants, it is near impossible to do so. I also find it hard to believe staff would refund me the hp lost from "breaking RP" as I have been told before they are not allowed to do that anyway. Also keep in mind of the duration of the video, I was grabbed way too quick to try and do this.

4. "You were intentionally kill farming." Again, The video starts out with the lights turning on with me attempting to leave. I tried a few more times when the lights were off, and before being turned off. You can see me clearly avoiding the bunks, and only were engaging people inside of SS that were shooting at me, ignoring those who weren't. (Reference the beginning of the video)

5. "My final verdict is this.." Several staff, including those as high as 2 admins were present during the sit that carried into Discord. Both Admins were in disagreement regarding the interpretation of the rule. One was for my ban, the other for exoneration. The rest of the staff present were also siding on my end, or just didn't comment, didn't want to. In the end, the Admin who was for my ban, ultimately took over the conversation and said "No more disputes, it will fall to the Senior Moderator taking the sit." Which was Larry, who has the "Zero-Tolerance Policy" he was telling me about.

End be all, I hope this appeal is compelling enough for people objectively look at this and help me know if this alright. I don't want any action taken against Larry, I think he's alright, just needs to hold back a little. If this application can also serve as a good training bit, feel free to point to this regarding compelling arguments and counterpoints during a sit. I also want people to consider the fact of my numerous attempts to leave in such a short amount of time.
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Larry Hummer

Well-known Member
Mar 31, 2022
Hell, Ohio
Good morning (at the time of writing this), Icarus.
First off, kudos for the write-up. Very well done, and I enjoy the language use. The writing doesn't go unnoticed.
Second, in regards to the 'zero-tolerance' policy. I'd like to clarify that it's a zero-tolerance for breaking the Golden Rule of SCP and not in general for rule breaks. The alleged kill farming caused a lot of people to have a less than tasteful RP experience, due to the fact that they had been continuously killed and - at that time - were being waiting in the spawn screen longer than they were alive.
Third, I would like to point out the fact that there were other SCPs breached at that time, which caused the people that were held up in their spawn (Over half the current online Security Force and some freshly spawned MTF E-11 and NU-7) by you not able to respond to the other breaches or areas of interest. That makes it easier for them to cause more havoc and chaos (I.E. potential Riot, SCP reaching the surface, or at worst, Code Black and on-site warhead detonation), when it generally shouldn't be happening.
Fourth, the statement "Staff would not be able to respond so quick to that" is invalid. Staff should be responding to the sit the second it is created. To add onward, I was On-Duty at the time and had just finished a sit. You can even see in the chat when I returned the accusing party of said sit. In short, I was on call and able to take the sit if it were created.
Finally, I would like to say that I believe the consulting Server Leadership staff, which were Pugkipz (better known as Sundowner or Jetstream) and Bloodhound (specifically Bloodhound) gave the final verdict, and not leave it to my discretion. I may be mistaken, but I do believe Bloodhound had given the final verdict so as to not cause more argument and mediate the situation to a conclusion.
I will not apologize for what occurred, but I do feel remorse as this case was in regard to you specifically, someone whom my colleagues saw as a bright and up-and-coming member of MTF A-1. While I'm no longer in A-1, I do respect everyone in the Internal Security departments and view them as people that are held to the highest standards. This is all in hindsight, though, as I had no knowledge of you being in A-1 at the time of the incident. I hope that when you join the server again and for future indefinite times that you enjoy yourself and the community
Appeal Accepted

Hi @Aura_ ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

I have decided to accept your ban appeal due to seeing things from your perspective.

However, I must note that despite your reasoning and everything you've detailed, you still broke the golden rule. You as an SCP have no reason to be slaying all of the GENSEC right next to their spawn point, effectively leaving no place for them to go.

Understand that you as an SCP must use reason and maintain distance from known spawn points, as regardless of the circumstances, you did killfarm.

I will remove your ban, but note that repeating this offense will result in a longer ban.​
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