Hello everyone, we are happy to announce that we released the MilitaryRP USA Server this month and it launched with great success!
We appreciate the USA Helper Team for their assistance, and soon we will thrive and make the MRP community the largest of all.
We'd like to welcome @Flames to the MRP Staff team, he's assigned as MRP Super Admin to ensure the smooth running of MRP USA alongside @Diasu & @Timber/PEEK as Senior Admins.
As always: we'll post changes as they happen on the MilitaryRP Discord in #change-logs.
We appreciate the USA Helper Team for their assistance, and soon we will thrive and make the MRP community the largest of all.
We'd like to welcome @Flames to the MRP Staff team, he's assigned as MRP Super Admin to ensure the smooth running of MRP USA alongside @Diasu & @Timber/PEEK as Senior Admins.
As always: we'll post changes as they happen on the MilitaryRP Discord in #change-logs.
? Staff Promotions ?
those who weren't promoted this month we wish you luck in the upcoming month.


Jack G



?New Features ?
- New Faction (Terror Faction)
- New Faction that is focused on Peacetime RP/Activities
- New Playermodels
- Get the CB Supply vehicle, drive to either NWO or NATO base supply crate and steal supplies
- Sell those supplies in your base (Crimson Blade supply crate) for warfunds
- Added Black Market Shop for terror faction
- added a Suicide bomb swep
- added a Briefcase bomb
- modified the M9K IED to make it Hackable and defuse-able
- added molotov cocktail
- Jobs Added:
- CB Initiate
- CB Soldier
- CB Autorifleman
- CB Commander
- CB Leader
- CB Bandit
- (gives you a lockpick that allows you to unlock any vehicle once. If you succeed with the pick locking there will be a faction wide 1h cooldown)
- Added Torture for Crimson Blade
- Remove Hands
- Remove Head
- Femur Breaker
- New Vehicles
- Transport Technical (unarmored/Armored)
- Technical Kord (unarmored/Armored)
- Technical SPG-9 (unarmored/Armored)
- Technical ZPU (unarmored)
- Technical S-8 Rocket pod (unarmored)

- Edited dates to reflect the in-lore year
- Removed the ability to use emojis in comms
- Changed both HC offices to have an interior keypad.
- Changed both HC offices to Clearance 15 (Strong/Level 4 Hack).
- Changed rank required for RMP/AOR IA Jobs to PFC
- Added New Spawn Transition Screen
- Overhauled Character Screen Animations
- Added a new lore page to the escape menu and main menu
- Added Favourite system to F4 Menu
- Update ID Font
- Added Basic Spy ID Card to Crimson Blade Bandit
- Added Action Module (Press USE key to interact with other players)
- Nerfed Crimson Blade Warfund Gain via supply vehicle by 50%
- IED Defuse hacking difficulty upped from 1 to 3
- Changed FPCON Access to SGM/WO+
- Peacetime duration increased from 1 hour -> 1 hour 15 minutes
- MilitaryRP Discord
- Renamed the discord command `/uan` to `/nato`
- Added the ability to specify `UK` or `USA` as additional parameters to commands that shows the game's conflict status
- Updated /nato
- Updated /nwo
- Updated /conflict
- Updated /war
- Fixed the peacetime after a flash war not being correctly shortened
- Added Glock P80 to Arms Dealer for $1000, or as a permanent weapon
- Added new donation UI by kvarkar
- Increased MRP USA player cap from 115 -> 120 - MRP USA
- Removed hellfires from all helicopters except the Blackfoot (which has lock-on only hellfires)
- Reduced M230/30mm cannon ammo from 300 -> 200
- Removed Recon jobs
- Reduced Sniper job combat score requirements from 1000 -> 300
- Reduced Marksman job combat score requirements from 600 -> 300
- Reduced Sniper job required Mastery from 20 -> 15 (for specops, was already 15 for sharpshooter regiments)
- All autorifleman jobs dropped from Mastery 20 -> 15
- Increased war reward multiplier for Major Defeat from 0.5x -> 0.7x
- Increased war reward multiplier for Defeat from 0.7x -> 0.8x
- Increased war reward multiplier for Minor Defeat from 0.8x -> 0.9x
- Decreased maximum playercount for guaranteed Lane Wars from 35 -> 30
- Decreased maximum playercount that Lane Wars can occur at from 70 -> 60
- Decreased chance of Lane Wars occurring between 30-60 players online by 33%
?️ Map Changes ?️
(rp_highlands_cn1b_d & rp_highlands_cn1b_n)
- Night Version of Highlands!
- Tweaked lighting on some models to be more uniform
- Added Crimson Blade Hideout!
?️ Bugfixes & Optimizations?️
- Fixed Chat Error
- Fixed bug where two of the same FOB show up
- Fixed CSB being counted towards cap multiplier
- Fixed VMarketplace not showing weapon WR float when hovering an item listing
- Fixed VMarketplace allowing players to list items at or below the minimum commission price
- Fixed marketplace harmless error when switching pages
- Fixed broken doorgroups (added new jobs to doorgroups, removed old jobs)
- Fixed AR-15 erroring for some players
- Heli problems like no explosive cannon and kiowa health should now work again
Removed Features

No Features have been removed this month.
? Rules Changes ?
- CB Rules Of Engagement
- Crimson Blade are KOS if they have weapons out, outside of their base.
- Crimson Blade are AOS if they walk around outside their base in Uniforms.
- Crimson Blade that are in the Civilian model may NOT commit acts of Violence and are solely used to gather intelligence.
- Crimson Blade cannot be killed within the Crimson Blade Base.
- Execution authority can only be granted if negotiations fail. You have ONE attempt to save the hostage during negotiations. If negotiations fail, you have ONE attempt to execute the hostage with High Command Authority. If no HC is present, RMP/AOR CPT+ may authorise. A maximum of TWO regiments can engage, with authorisation given prior.
- 8.01 - The maximum amount of supplies
- CSB can request during negotiations is 45,000 supplies (Equivalent to 3 truckloads of supplies).
- 8.02 - Suicide Vest
- Any member of CSB with a suicide vest may take anybody WITHIN voice range hostage regardless of ratio.
- 8.03 - Terror Activies
- Any terror activities must have a valid RP reasoning (For example, to extort supplies/money).
- 8.04 - RPG Limit
- Any member of CSB may RPG anybody without a minimum.
- 8.05 - Bandit+
- must have permission from Mustaffah+ before stealing a vehicle.
- 2.12 - Eastern Resistance Allying Rules
- ER may ally with either NWO/NATO during pre-war for the duration of the war, if ER do not announce who they are allying with before war starts instead they will automatically claim town and may KOS any NWO/NATO (or NWO/NATO allied) individuals inside the town. ER cannot be hired as an individual soldier: ER must be hired as a group by a Resistance Leader. All ER must abide by the alliance if it is made. A Resistance Leader must share whatever they are paid evenly with any Militia on and active at the time of the transaction. Any Alliances made must be announced in (/oc) and must side with the relevant team using the buttons in the F4 Jobs Menu. A monetary transaction must take place before an allegiance is considered valid. A minimum of £1,000 per person in the ER is required for ER to ally. If Eastern Resistance is being hired for the duration of a war they must give all teams a fair opportunity to hire them. In the case of NATO/NWO, a MSGT+ must be the hirer.
- 3.13 - Unrealistic use of equipment
- Equipment must be used realistically. Common unrealistic use includes, but not limited to; throwing a grenade at a heli rotor to destroy it, using grappling hooks on vehicles, grav-gunning stinger missiles as well as using KWKs on helicopters. Use common sense.
- 1.10 Helicopter Stockpiles (Staff Ruling Clarification)
- For stockpiling helicopters, you may only have one heli per pad. If there is more than one helicopter on a helipad, then staff will remove one of them to correct this. It's the responsibility of the person stockpiling to ensure this is followed as it may result in the loss of that stockpile. (Example: 3x Helipads = 3x Stockpiled Helis)
- 1.11 Shooting Whilst Parachuting (Staff Ruling Clarification)
- Shooting whilst parachuting is considered FailRP and is against the rules. People caught doing this are liable for punishment.
- 4.03 FOB Assaults (Staff Ruling Clarification)
- Using the emplacements on an Enemy FOB for the purpose to waste the ammo falls under the umbrella of a FOB assault and shall be treated as one. If you are defending against a FOB assault, it is job abuse if you knowingly change jobs for the purpose of intending to kill the aggressors on said FOB.