Hey everyone, hope you all had an amazing experience this month.
As always: we'll post changes as they happen on the MilitaryRP Discord in #change-logs.
? Staff Promotions ?
Those who weren't promoted this month we wish you luck in the upcoming month.
Super Admin
Senior Admin
Head Moderator
Senior Moderator
As always: we'll post changes as they happen on the MilitaryRP Discord in #change-logs.
? Staff Promotions ?
Those who weren't promoted this month we wish you luck in the upcoming month.





?New Features ?
- VJobEditor
- Jobs are now can be configured by a Senior Admin or Higher
- Calendar System
- You may schedule/book events within your faction (Training, Courts, etc.)
- Credit System
- Staff ranked Moderator+ can now issue 'roleplay credit' using /credit, which gives players 200 XP each.
Works only in peacetime, with a 1 hour cooldown
- Staff ranked Moderator+ can now issue 'roleplay credit' using /credit, which gives players 200 XP each.
- Medal System
- Shows above your name and on your character page.
- VChat Update
- Enabled Emojis
- Added Team Emojis
- Added Regiment Emojis
- Added Order Emojis
- Added Medal Emojis
- Added TTS
- Enabled Chat Mode Selection

- New Font
- Added Back UI Theme
- New Scoreboard UI
- Updated KAdmin
- New Player Action Module
- Updated Sit Addon
- New Sits UI
- New Spectate Option
- Updated F4 Menu Logo to CN MRP Logo
- VChat Update
- New Colors: Amber, Magenta, Cyan and Pink
- Increased War Mastery XP rewards
- Clamped War Mastery XP reward between 70 XP (0-500 War Score, Major Defeat) and 500 XP (1250+ War Score, Major Victory)
- Removed cooldown on perma weapon spawning
- SGM/WO+ can now accept vehicle deployments
- High Command now receive XP in all five trees when war ends
- Increased the ISAF/IVG - Recon slot from 1 -> 2
- Helicopter Balance Changes
- Buffed Ka-50 climb speed by 15%
- Buffed Apache climb speed 10%
- Buffed CAIC WZ-10 climb speed 10%
- Reduced MI-24A cannon ammo from 750 to 300
- Changed Comanche to an explosive cannon
- Changed MI-24A to an explosive cannon
- Reduced Ka-52 cannon ammo from 600 to 450
- Removed Ka-52 Lock-Ons
- Changed Ka-52 Hydras from 24 to 28
- Reduced Kiowa HP from 150 to 120
- Changed Kiowa Hydras from 22 to 28
- Dead player marker is now an X
- Reduced restock timers by 20%
- Update ID card issue to date reflect current lore day
- Made territory name bold on UI
- Replaced M14A2 with BTR80A
- Made it so if you can authorise deployment you can automatically deploy vehicles
- Added Control key to kill cam skip
- Replaced the Auger Minigun with Mauler for NWO - Juggernaut
- Reduced rally marker and squad cooldown to 10 minutes
- Added search bar to deployment menu
- Removed Chinese Phrase from VChat
- 17thAR + 1stAL Regimental Command job Stinger replaced with AT-4
- Added 30mm Flak 36 cannon to NATO and NWO base. They are positioned on top of the Training Centre for NWO and on top of the Command Centre for NATO.
- Reduced price of custom knives from 3,000 VPoints each to 2,000 VPoints each
- Increased Money Roulette amount from £7,500 - £12,500 to £7,500 - £15,000
- Realigned the following weapon scopes below
- FHR-40
- FN 2000
- AK74M
- AMR-2
- MP5A4
- AN-94
- AK-74u
- PP-19-01 Vityaz
- Resized NWO and NATO territory for each base
- Changed S-TAC to Barret for ISAF to make IVG/ISAF Snipers the same
- Changed FN-2000 ISAF OfficerKit to the CZ805 and made the stats the same
- Added Dummy Hackable servers to STS/SAS bunks
- Grenadier Job ( ISAF/IVG)
- Added IVG - Explosives Expert job, requiring Sharpshooter Mastery 10 + Heavy Weapons License
- Added ISAF - Grenadier job, requiring Sharpshooter Mastery 10 + Heavy Weapons License
- Both jobs spawn with a Milkor Mk1 grenade launcher, which has been balanced as follows:
- 3 grenades per magazine (the amount of grenades you spawn with depends on mastery, but most players will spawn with around 6 total)
- 60 rounds per minute (once per second)
- 90 damage per grenade
- Modified grenades to have noticeable drop at medium to long range
- Vehicle Repair Bays re-added to both bases on Highlands
- The minimum rank for each regiment's Company Commander job has been lowered to Sergeant Major from Lieutenant. Sergeant Major was the intended rank.
- Changed all regiment-specific Mastery XP gain methods to work for all regiments (e.g. all regiments now gain XP when paradropping, resupplying FOBs, etc)
- Added ulx toggle_cmissions command for HMod+ or GMs to temporarily disable the mission system so it doesn't interfere with events
- Added Filter
- Updated Player Status Font to Red Hat
- Added Territory Flag
- Fixed bugs and changed networking to reduce amount of data sent to client whilst loading in.
- Reverted the FOB Respawn system back to the old one. [To elaborate you will no longer respawn on a FOB radio in waves (groups).]
- ISAF Sniper and IVG Sniper combat score job reduced from mastery 20 to mastery 15
- NHC/SC Field Command Unit changed to NHC/SC Heavy Field Operative.
- Combat Score value increased from 800 to 2000.
- HP Increased from 100 to 500.
- Armour Increased from 0 to 100.
- Added AT4, Stinger and AA12 to NHC Heavy Field Operative.
- Added AT4, Stinger and Typhoon12 to SC Heavy Field Operative.
- Respawn time for FOBs capped at 20 seconds
- Resupply depot for NWO moved towards the vehicle elevator instead of the ramp.
- Capped all respawn times at max 20 seconds
- Scud/Himars are not regiment bound anymore
- Changed mastery required for RMP/AOR Sharpshooter & Marksman jobs from 20 --> 15
- You can now spawn on the FOB of the team you have affiliation with.
?️ Map Changes ?️
- There weren't any map changes this month,
?️ Bugfixes & Optimizations?️
- Lowered the amount of Network Messages you receive while connecting. (This will lower the probability of failing to connect)
- Fixed being able to equip more than one copy of a weapon at once, leading to the extra equips being lost (e.g. knife keys)
- Fixed cannon damage against tanks
- fixed tank damage against tank bug
- Fixed the CZ 805's mis-aligned iron sights.
- Changed server networking cvars to try to improve performance
- Fixed players being unable to create characters or edit names/bios
Removed Features

No Features have been removed this month.
? Rules Changes ?
- 3.07 - Deploying Vehicles
- A Maximum of 4 Armoured Vehicles can be deployed by either 17thAR or 1stAL. All other regiments may have a max 2 armoured vehicle. A maximum of 2 armed helicopters can be in the sky per team at one time, if a team owns 2 or less territories, the opposing team may only have 1 armed helicopter in the sky. JAF/SWB may have at most 4 helicopters deployed at once. In Lane Wars, only 1 CAS deployment per side is allowed for the war's duration.
- 1.15 - Naming Convention
- Do not use offensive terms or names in your character name, and avoid using unnecessary special characters and numbers. Also, it should have an RP-friendly approach of a realistic name. Code names and Pre-Defined regimental naming schemes are allowed as long as they follow the guidelines.
- Updated rule 2.02:
- RMP CPT+ can now authorise executions if no High Command are available.