Military RP GM Application - M_Burger_M

Your Username: M_Burger_M

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:557147451 ( Incase it is needed, my SteamID64: 76561199074560630 )

Discord Username: 3rdchickennoodlesoup

Age: 17

What's your current playtime (type !time in-game ): In the past month 151h or 8d 7h

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: Person Without A Job

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: This is the first Gamemaster application I have made, but the first ever application I have made is for moderation, which is linked here:

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: 4 bans, 20 warns, mostly about a few years ago (around 2022 and 2021) when I was immature and blatantly trolling around having no intent to roleplay or anything, just being a stupid kid.

How many hours can you be on everyday: Around 3-6, depending on how busy I am with personal stuff during the day

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: No

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: Mainly it is because I see how the other Gamemasters operate and what they do around the community and it kind of made me want to do it as well since I have a lot of ideas, which could get implemented. Secondly because I would like to give ideas and maybe even change things for the better during events.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: I am really good at building maps and thinking of more ideas (havent been able to do them, because the projects are a bit too much to do alone), I am a really active member since about a month ago, when I started playing again, I have a teeny bit of reputation in building, since I have made a few sim room layouts. (I dont find myself special over other people, because everyone is special in their own way, which I know I cannot beat)

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

Event 1: [Joint]
A group of terrorists has gone viral over the news, after they got spotted bombing hospitals and civilians causing huge ammounts of harm to the local infrastructure and economy, your mission is to stop them without too many casualities on the civilian and your sides.

Event 2: [Joint] NATO has captured a UHC General, and can bring them to ONE territory (doesnt matter who it is controlled by) and can build defences for 5 minutes (which CANNOT BE REBUILT but can be REPAIRED and will be removed after the event is over), after which USSR has 20 minutes to safely (UHC General can die up to 5 times by teammates, and NATO cannot kill them at all or he getse another respawn) get the UHC General out of the territory and back into one of their controlled ones.

Event 3: [USSR] USSR wide parade through a civilian filled town, which goes wrong and MILITIA attacks them when they least expect it, caught with their pants down, USSR has to defend UHC and defeat the MILITIA before all of UHC dies.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server) AND
List an example mission for each pair of regiments (RMP/KGB, SAS/AG, SHA/ISAF, JAF/ABT, 10th/17thAR):


A crazy scientist, based in the famous abandoned town of Pripyat in Ukraine, has developed a new laser weapon, which will be working solely on the radiation from the river water and has world ending capabilities, you must work together to distrupt his supply chain of supercapacitors and then find and eliminate the scientist, afterwhich you have to destroy any evidence of it ever happening. You will have 1 day (1 war period or 60m) to accomplish this, if you fail the world will be vaporized from the immense power of the laser. It wont be easy since the compound they are in is extremely fortified with multiple armoured vehicles and 5 helicopters called OH-58 KIOWAs, with us trying to kep this quiet from others, we cannot use any TANKs or Ballistic Missiles.
UHC and NHC will be deciding how they go on with the plans, but ideally it would be:

Missions for the Regiments:
SHA and ISAF push in and try to stabilize Huge airfield, hopefully distracting most of the enemies away from the precious Pumps, that the Laser needs to function after which they push into the Residential block and Pool where they hold it until the others get to the Stadium where they continue onto the Laser.
KGB, RMP will push into the middle, starting off with Apartments then the Markets and after they push onto the City Center and Powerplant, where they wait for the Infantry and Special Forces to get to them to push onto the Stadium.
AG, SAS will push in through the Residential area of Pripyat after which they wait for 10th and 17th to take over the Abandoned Tank Depo, then they will push onto the Suburbs of Pripyat then Pump Controls and finally the Pumps.
ABT and JAF will use their limited Helicopter spawns to use them to their greatest extent, giving 10th and 17th the best support possible, not letting any of the KIOWAs destroy them if possible and destroy any tanks. ONLY 2 HELIS FOR EACH (NO MORE)
and 17th will wait for AG to capture the Residential area of Pripyat, then push and try to take over the Abandoned Tank Depo, where they both get ONE SOVIET TANK of their choosing.




Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Feb 9, 2025
He has built sim rooms with me and has helped me with them on occasion, he would be a good addition to the team