MilitaryRP - Ban Appeal - Bumble

Your in-game name: Bumble

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:206394102

Ban Reason: Bhopping, NITRP, ERP | Ban evasion

Date of ban: 23rd October 2021

Who banned you: KAdmin (Duckie)

Ban length: Permanent

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I won't use my alt account to login to the server or bhop or ERP on that alt account.

Why should you be unbanned: It was 3 years ago but I've been able to play since then on my main. Haven't played the server in a while so I tried logging on my main a month ago but it wouldn't load so I tried my alt, apparently it was banned since 2021, so I retried on my main and the bot banned it for ban evasion. I think its a mistake with the bot because I've been able to play fine last year for months while my alt was apparently permabanned still.