MilitaryRP - Ban Appeal - Disturbedd

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Active member
May 17, 2024

Your in-game name: Disturbedd

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:550830224

Ban Reason: Cheating

Date of ban: 26/05/2024

Who banned you: Robert H

Ban length: 26 Weeks

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will not apply for staff until I can trust myself not to use my binded commands to my advantage in a war time.

Why should you be unbanned: I believe i should be unbanned as the problem was due to my access to the console commands, with these binded to my keyboard, it made it a lot easier for me to abuse these powers, as i only had to press a button, instead of typing out the command which would've most likely made me realise it was not a good idea, additionally, this was my first time with commands such as these, and as such i used them as much as i could, anything i did with my commands, mainly noclip to allow myself to travel quicker across the map, i additionally used admin respawn a couple times, however this was my first couple days as a GM and originally thought it was like a bonus for being a GM , kind of like the Referral program which gives you a reduced spawn time, this was not the case, i do not excuse my actions and take full credit of what i have done and hope to be appealed so i can restart my career in the KGB.


Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
MilitaryRP Staff
Platform Team
Group Moderator
Jun 3, 2022
Appeal Denied

Hi @Disturbia ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

During the MRP Sever Leadership meeting we had noticed that you were abusing your game master permissions during a war to gain an advantage. Your belief of believing your additional ULX permissions is an award is a questionable thing as to my knowledge you had to be spoken to by Server Leadership several times about your use of permissions.

At this time, we do not feel you are anywhere near ready to be allowed back onto the server and your punishment should remain unchanged.
You may try to re-appeal your ban in 1 months time.

Kind regards
Steven Connor​
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