MilitaryRP - Ban Appeal - Disturbedd


Active member
May 17, 2024
Your in-game name: Disturbedd

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:550830224

Ban Reason: Cheating

Date of ban: 26/05/24

Who banned you: Robert H

Ban length: 26 Weeks

What will you do to stop this from happening again: To stop this happening again, I will not apply for any form of Staff or Game master role until I believe I can stop myself from abusing the powers which come with these roles.

Why should you be unbanned: I fully acknowledge that my actions were out of line and abusing the powers I had as a GM was irresponsible and ruined other people's experience due to me cheating with the fly command, giving me a massive advantage over the enemy team, It was incredibly stupid of me to do and really think I could get away with it, I have thought and considered my actions and understand that what I did was wrong and there is no way to justify my actions. I also contributed a lot to the server, not in terms of money but my time and effort, helping to rebuild the KGB by recruiting members etc additionally, I like to believe I made many friendships with other players in the server, helping to make the game a more enjoyable experience for everyone, and I believe I deserve a second chance to prove that I am more responsible and have matured as a person now and personally think everybody makes mistakes and deserves a second chance to make things right. Thankyou for reading and considering this appeal.
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