MilitaryRP - Ban Appeal - Dmitri the Mango

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Your in-game name: Dmitri the Mango

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:567922611

Ban Reason: Ban Evasion (Alting)

Date of ban: 26th May 2024

Who banned you: GOD (STEAM_0:0:106216517)

Ban length: Permanent

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I was not ban evading. My brother is banned on the server and who was infamous at the time. I was not banned on my account and I surely do not own or possess of any alternative accounts.

Why should you be unbanned: My and my brother share the same house and played on the same server. Likely holding the same IP or internet connection types. Again, I did not ban evade on my own accord. I did rdm and ardm someone but rather than listening to me or even checking whether I did in fact have a brother who was banned, I was thrown into the gutter.
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