MilitaryRP - GM Application - Apolo


Feb 9, 2025
Your Username: Apolo

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:11101

Discord Username: Gallilian#4994

Age: 25

What's your current playtime: 7 days.

Do you have a mic: Yes.

Your characters name: Apolo.

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: I have applied for staff, however, I sadly did not have the time to be active enough on it, so I had to resign. This was because work got hectic.

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: None.

How many hours can you be on everyday: Minimum of 1 hour, Maximum 15 hours.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: Yes. I was head of the event team on my previous server. I managed the team and held quite a bit of events. Sadly it has been quite some time since i was in a similar role, of course i am always willing to learn. I have also been active here on this server as Helper. I have designed many sim rooms to bring more variety for players when engaging in training.

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: I would like to become GM because I am quite limited in the helper role and would like to expand so that I might create enjoyable events for my fellow players, Nato or USSR.
I was also approached by a GM and told that i would be a good fit for the team. I will do my best to live up to their expectations and do my part in making the server active again.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: Well, to be honest, I'm nothing special. I'm just a regular guy who loves MRP like all of you. However, when I am asked what I bring to the table, I bring the table. I have quite the imagination for designing maps and hosting events. Also, I have experience with event teams,
I was a head builder in many other games as well.
So when you ask me what makes me special, it's my imagination, creativity, and experience that is key for being a good GM.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server): Event N#1.
GMOD Olympics
This would simply involve anyone who wishes to join in doing a custom obstacle course to see who is the fastest. I already have a design made for the sim room and have already hosted this type of event before.
Event N#2
GMOD hide and seek
Players get 1 minute to hide in a small or a bigger map. The seeker can only use a knife so that the hiders have a chance to escape. Once the 1 minute is over, the seekers go fort. He has 5 minutes to find all the players to win. Hiders must survive for 5 minutes to win. Also, I have already made a map for this in the sim room and have hosted this event.
Event N#3
Gmod Parkour
Players get 10 minutes to complete a parkour course in which they have checkpoints they must reach so that they have a better chance of victory. The first person to reach the finish line wins. Or if the time runs out the closest player gets the W. I have made a map for this as well and hosted this small event.

Now, i know these events might seem a bit trivial, but it provides players a nice distraction and a break from MRP-type Stuff, so they can just enjoy and relax and have fun so that they stay on the server longer.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server): Map change event.
This event is quite simple, and there is no need for much planning. It would be territory capture. The winners of the base race have to retake their base on a new map or the next map in the rotation. 3 lanes would be used but not in the normal way; they would be horizontal lanes. It follows similar rules as RUSH from Battlefield. The attacking team starts in the enemy base and has to attack 3 obj and capture them. Defenders hold them for as long as they can. Defenders have infinite lives and time. Attackers get a time limit, or they lose. Once they capture 3 points, they move on to the next 3 and the next while each cap. Gives them bonus time. Once the attackers reach their new base they win. It's as simple as that. It's not a massive event it's just another war type per se BUT simple is better since less can go wrong, and players won't get bored. And just leave.
The attackers get their base even if they lost but with a penalty. If the defenders lose, they also receive a penalty. Short, simple, and effective. It's hard for GMs as it is planning these events, but using existing things from different games is what this server needs to add nostalgia or an engaging experience.

Event rules
Tanks, Vehicles Allowed.
Helicopters Allowed
Tac-Tablet Allowed
Attackers time 30/20 minutes
Defenders Infinite time
Time extends for the attackers when they cap a point by 10 minutes.
The event is over after the attackers reach their base, or the attackers ru out of time
The reason for running out of time is the enemy's map-wide airstrike.

List an example mission for each pair of regiments (RMP/KGB, SAS/AG, SHA/ISAF, JAF/ABT, 10th/17thAR): AG/SAS
ER has taken over W Town and has been causing problems for the military forces stationed there by reading their supply transports. ER is under new leadership and has become more organised.
The leader's name is Stefan von Kriger, a fersom leader with great talent for guverila tactics.
AG/SAS Mission
Infiltrate the enemy outpost undetected and assassinate their leader by any means necessary. If they are exposed to soon, ER will call in Tank and air support and make the assassination attempt harder. Once the leader is dead, plant explosive charges on their main HQ. This will lead to ER becoming disorganized and fleeing back from whence they came.
AG/SAS each have 2 lives if they get killed, event is over if all AG/SAS DIE.

Civilians have started a CULT near Train Bridge and have been kidnapping the local populace to use in their sacrifices in ruling executions. The mayor of one of the towns asked us for help, so we send in SHA/ISAF to exterminate the threat.
SHA/ISAF will make their way to the Cults Location, scout it out, and report back to HC , After they get the green light, they are to neutralise all the cultists and save the hostages that are being kept in cages waiting to be sacrificed. The cultists are armed with infantry weapons (AKs, LMGs).
The number of cultists is estimated to be around 20 people.
The mission ends once all of the cultists have been killed and the hostages saved.
Mission is a fail if all of SHA/ISAF dies; they each get 2 lives.

A new drug ring has emerged which sells dangerous substances to the local populace, even our military forces have been caught buying from them. Their leader is a notorious Drug Lord named Osaf Baghdadu He is hunted by Interpool for his crimes and has even been given the red notice, he has evaded capture for years. We managed to capture one of his drug dealers and have managed to force out information regarding their location,
RMP/KGB mission
Enemy HQ is located somewhere in the Swamps region, where most of his supply and manufacturing happens. KGB/RMP are to breach in and arrest their leader and his accomplices. deadly force is authorised. After they successfully arrest them, they are to escort them back to base where they interogate them. They have to try and get the location of 2 stashes he has across the map. (Towns, Cabin) if they get the info,o they will deploy again and destroy the remaining drugs. If they don't manage to get the supply location, it is a partial victory.

The enemy has set up an FOB at outpost and has cut us off from valuable supply routes, the enemy has deployed heavy armor and weapons. We have reports that they have at least 3 MBTs, 2 APCs, and 1 Arty.
10th/17th Missiom
Our units are to assault their FOB on outpost and destroy all enemy vehicles in that area so our supply trucks can get through. We have been granted 4 tanks and 2 Apcs to handle their Tanks and the infantry stationed there. Once the enemy has been neutralised we RTB back to base .
If we lose all our vehicles and infantry, we lose.
We can use AT4s arstrikes and Vehicles for this mission.
The enemy has the same Weapon kits with the addition of 1 KWK.

The enemy is using Jammers to disrupt our communication networks. They have set up Jammers at 3 key locations on the map: Swamps, Outpost, and Towns. The jammers are protected by infantry with stingers. and in one location, they have an Arty.
ABT/JAF Mission
Our mission is to Bomb their jammer locations until we destroy them. we have 6 Helicopters available for this mission. ABT/JAF are not limited to helicopters, they can also paradrop in and plant explosives on the jammers to destroy them.
The mission ends once all jammers have been destroyed.
Mission is a loss if all our helicopter are destroyed.

I know these missions are quite simple, but they will give them something to do, and will give them quite the challenge to complete. If I do get accepted into the Team, I will create these events and go into more detail for each regiment's mission. I am open to any feedback; please don't hold back with comments and be truthful. We all learn from our mistakes and are here to improve upon them.

Kind regards Apolo