MilitaryRP - GM Application - eso


New Member
Jun 28, 2024
Your Username: eso

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:67630575

Discord Username: marsh9896

Age: 20

What's your current playtime: 3 Days 12 Hours this month, cant find a way to get the global one.

Do you have a mic: Yep!

Your characters name: KGB JLT Eli Balchunas
I don't have either a NATO or citizen character.

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: It is!

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: None, ever.

How many hours can you be on everyday: Depends on the day and my real life circumstances, atleast 3 hours every two days is being realistic. More depending on my real life plans for the week.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: Yep, plenty, as per the rules I wont name any communities, but in the more seriousRP side of GMod I've generally been on the event team of nearly every server I've joined at some stage or another, helped run multiple map change events, general day to day situations and things to increase the overall atmosphere and player engagement when the server may otherwise be suffering a lull in activity or general player boredom (such as during peace time on MRP, for example).

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: As I said in the answer above, I've had plenty of experience with similar roles to this before, and I've found the server super fun to play with on the USSR side; the community seems great and friendly, the atmosphere is generally welcoming and chill, yet one thing I've noticed is a lack of concrete story or real 'progression' to the lore in the day to day of everything, which leads to a bit of a stagnant feeling and everything feeling dull. Afghanistan, for example, lore-wise we've been in for an IRL year (if not longer), with little, if any, progress.

As a GM, I'd love to help solidify something more concrete and an actual progression system of sorts, to run effects where the outcomes and player decisions actually effects the whole servers lore and the overall server progression (for example, a map change event which could result in the USSR or NATO taking over Afghanistan completely, and the lore and map appropiately updates to a different frontline, like Iran, as a permanent adjustment), though that view is relatively large and from what I could tell so far, something untried on this MRP server as of yet. I think it'd be a great step though.

Otherwise, I'd like to help out during peace time hours by running consistent events and giving players things to do, because admittedly, most of it is rather dull and lacking for content, which I'm sure server leadership is looking into remedies for.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: I mentioned this in the answer above, but to re-iterate, experience, competence, creativity, and a general drive to improve the overall atmosphere of the server and give it a longer life of longevity. I will mention though that I significantly prefer discord as a communication method over teamspeak. (Stinky app, it's personal preference)

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

VIP Down - VIP Down

Jets belonging to the NATO alliance have managed to intercept and shoot down a high-priority target above the Afghanistan region, supposedly carrying important information vital to the USSR's future plans in the region. The transport craft carrying the target has crash landed somewhere around the local AO, with only a small contingent of Russian soldiers left to defend the VIP on-board, and provide urgent medical care before they bleed out. Both NATO and the USSR will be forced to mobilize quickly to retrieve the VIP, with only one life being permitted for each side. There will be the added limit of 20 real life minutes for a medic from either side to reach the VIP and perform impromptu medical care or they will bleed out, and the event will be considered a failure for both sides.

State Visit

An emissary from one of the various NATO countries pays a visit to the local base with the intent of improving troop morale and to ensure that the soldiers from their home country are treated well. The emissary will perform inspections around the NATO base, while a group of SGRU have the intelligence about his arrival leaked to them. It's up to them if they attempt an assassination: otherwise the emissary will depart after thirty minutes have passed.

Supply Drop

Aircraft carrying logistical supplies and weaponry for the USSR has been reported to be landing at the local Airfield base. The USSR must successfully defend and transport their supply shipment back to their base, while NATO attempts to intercede and capture the merchandise for themselves. Though, the equipment must be handled carefully, otherwise unintended consequences may occur. Chemical weapons are dangerous, after all.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):

The Herat Offensive

The Herat railway station has always been a vital piece of logistics for NATO forces in the area; used to rapidly reinforce the surrounding fronts in both supplies and men, it's widely considered to be a stronghold and one of the most important regions in the whole of Afghanistan. If it were to fall, the USSR would be left with the perfect opportunity to push further inland to the country, and threaten the current capital.

Under the orders of the Supreme War Council, a front-wide offensive has taken place, aiming to force a break-through and threaten the line just enough so the 283rd division can penetrate, and claim the railway station in the USSR's name. NATO must hold it at any cost.

Through the event, the USSR will have three objectives they must complete to attain a 'victory'. NATO's only objective is to defend and hold onto as much territory as they feasibly can.

USSR Objective One: To threaten the railway station, the USSR must first break through the occupying defensive lines and fortifications put up by NATO forces in the area. Objectives two and three are impossible without first doing so.

USSR Objective Two: After making their initial break through, the USSR must capture and hold control of the railway line itself for a period of thirty minutes, until reinforcements can move in and hold the area for the main force to advance with objective three.

USSR Objective Three: With the railway line secure, NATO's major operating base in the area still remains, and if it does not fall, a counter-attack is inevitable, putting the whole operation into peril. The USSR must advance onto the command centre and pacify it, obtaining complete victory over the area.

NATO Objective: Defend and hold as much land as possible.

Event Outcomes: Depending on the amount of objectives completed, the following will occur.

Decisive NATO Victory (The USSR has failed all of their objectives. NATO has maintained their defensive line.): The Herat Offensive is widely considered to be a complete and utter loss for the USSR, with heavy casualties suffered on all fronts, the perfect opportunity is given for NATO to launch a counter-attack, and strengthen their position in the region. The USSR is pushed back to the very border of Afghanistan, with their hold in the country threatened to be crushed completely.

NATO Victory (The USSR has broken through the defensive line, however has failed to capture the railway line): Despite initial success and heavy fighting, the defenders of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation have proven victorious, maintaining their stronghold in the region. Reinforcements from other fronts begin to pile into the Herat region, quickly and efficiently forcing back the advancing USSR divisions, and for the short term, crippling their forces in the region. The lines return to their previous stagnant stalemate, however NATO now have a prime opportunity to attack back.

USSR Victory (The USSR has broken through the defensive line and secured the railway): Despite the heavy casualties across the front, the advance has paid off, and the NATO supply line in the region has fallen. With the capture of the Herat railway, one by one, NATO divisions were forced to either fall back or were overrun, allowing the Soviet invaders to advance further inland, despite harassment and guerilla warfare by local insurgents. The northern half of Afghanistan is now firmly under USSR control, with the War Council making plans to advance further on the capital.

Decisive USSR Victory (The USSR has completed all of their objectives): NATO has been crushed, forced back battle after battle to their impromptu capital. The USSR buckle in for a siege.

Possible map, though I'm sure there's one much more suited, if not even multiple maps:

List an example mission for each pair of regiments (RMP/AOR, SAS/STS, IVG/ISAF, JAF/SWB, 1stAL/17thAR):

KGB/RMP - A transport containing Prisoners of War captured on other fronts is passing through the area, defended by a detachment of KGB operatives. The RMP attempt to free them and re-integrate them back into the NATO forces.

SAS/SGRU - A high-ranking defector from NATO lines has been reported to be working with local insurgents, with important intelligence on his person. The forces of the SAS must assassinate the defector and secure his intelligence before it can be leaked, while it's the job of SGRU to negotiate with the insurgents for his hand-over.

40th/ISAF - Tensions have spiked in the settlement region, local patrols quickly turn into full on engagements. A short mission where all conflict around that area may be engaged on sight, even in peacetime.

JAF/ATR - A jet has been shot down over the Checkpoint region. The blackbox it was containing must be secured, and then decrypted by JAF/ATR for the flight logs and intelligence it contains.

11th/17th - Plans leak for a NATO tank offensive to overrun a defensive structure around a USSR territory. The USSR must react with their own counter-measures, and if NATO fail, the structure will act as a boon for the USSR in the next war.


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
MilitaryRP Staff
Platform Team
May 18, 2023
+ Very well planned event ideas

+ Has previous experience
+ App is a hecking chonker

+/- No Interactions

Just by looking at the application, he has deserved this role in my opinion.