MilitaryRP - GM Application - Zaks

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Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Mar 30, 2024
Your Username: Zaks

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:105084985

Discord Username: zak8411

Age: 19

What's your current playtime: 2 Days 12 hours in the past month (10 days in total)

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: Stinger Monkey [AVT-S1] - NATO
Zakss - USSR
Not Zaks - Civilian
Mohamed Bin Khalid - Crimson Blade

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Yes

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why:

How many hours can you be on everyday: 5-6 hours depending on what shifts I am given in work

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: Yes on other servers which have since closed down

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: I have been in the Civil Networks community for a couple of months now, and I have finally decided to go for this role as a Gamemaster after playing in a lot of really good events and wanting to be able to hold one for the community myself.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: My extensive knowledge of GMod (over 2000+ hours) and what tools do what and how to use them, i believe that I would be able to show and teach people who dont understand them, how to use the tools. I think i would be a great contribution to the team with lots of new ideas, an understanding of what responsibility is and and my wanting to learn more about the community and to help out more to bring a lot more new players in.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
1) Rogue Agent
My first idea, Rogue Agent, would be about a rogue soldier has decided to try and leak classified documents to the other side which would cause a major disadvantage. The soldier is going around collecting all the information they can while the rest of the side is investigating clues being left behind and questioning as many people as they can.
The rogue soldier is to collect 5 documents and escape and hand them over to the other side without being caught.
These documents would be scattered across the base in unknown locations and they have to act as normal as possible while gathering these so they dont draw attention to themselves and get caught for being a "spy"

2) (NATO SIDED) Self Destroy
A package was delivered to NATO from an unknown civilian, after they take it inside and open it, it starts ticking. NATO have to solve riddles given to them from this unknown civilian before it blows up and kills those around it.
These riddles will spell out a code, they will have 3 tries to get the correct code, each time the input is wrong, they lose time to defuse it.

3) (USSR SIDED) Drug Induced Psychosis

A member of the USSR has been caught outside the base by an unknown chemist who proceeds to inject them with a chemical causing them to go crazy. This solider is then brought back to the base by the chemist and is told to inject as many people as they can and cause chaos. If the USSR choose to kill him, they never find out who the chemist is and what the drug is, but they can choose to restrain the soldier and run blood tests on him, finding a trace that leads back to a well known chemist in the West Town region.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server): Operation Collateral Damage.
After the events of Washington, NATO are discussing if they should retaliate and send the USSR a Nuclear
Thermobaric Missile and start World War 3. USSR are informed of these discussions by a spy and decide to attack NATO to try and prevent these attacks from ever happening.
They are at a standoff, both facing heavy casualties and decide to resort to plan B.
Plan B is put into action by both sides, they understand the consequences and between inside talks to the generals of their individual military's, all come to a conclusion that "Collateral Damage is acceptable."
The Russians send their own missiles, NATO send theirs...but will they get intercepted or will there be an end of the world?

List an example mission for each pair of regiments (RMP/AOR, SAS/STS, IVG/ISAF, JAF/SWB, 1stAL/17thAR): RMP/KGB - A Fentanyl Stash is hidden away inside their base, they have to find and seize it before its put in the wrong hands and things go crazy.

SAS/SGRU - A high ranked official has arrived for an inspection, it is SAS's job to protect them and make sure nothing goes wrong, where as SGRU are to kidnap him or execute him.

ISAF/40th - There is a hidden cache hidden in the Towns of Afghan, both regiments are to find and bring it back to base without letting each other get it.

17th/11th - A prisoner convoy has been spotted by 17th Regiment, causing them to hit the greenlight and go and save the prisoners by destroying the vehicles around the transport truck and kidnapping the driver of that truck.

JAF/ATR - A SAM site has shot down a civilian transport plane, carrying precious cargo worth a lot of money, JAF and ATR are to recon and recover the crash site before the other regiment does so.
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