As always: we'll post changes as they happen on the MilitaryRP Discord in #change-logs.
? Staff Promotions ?
those who weren't promoted this month we wish you luck in the upcoming month.





?New Features ?
- War Rework
- Removed Attrition and Lane Wars
- Added Kill Confirmed, Search And Destroy and Capture The Flag War Types
- Updated territory overview UI to show what territories are active in the war
- Campaign System
- Every 2 week a new campaign starts
- After each war the winner gains Campaign Score (Major Victory: 5, Victory: 3, Minor Victory: 1)
- The team with the most campaign score at the end wins the campaign
- At the end of the campaign there is an automated base raid where the winner of the campaign raids the loser's base
- Each war outcome is logged
- Information about the campaign can be viewed in the F4 or Escape menu
- Added a counter to the conflict status ui that shows the current day of the campaign
- Added /campaign command [DISCORD]

- LMG's all buffed. Spread decreased for the most part. Some RPM + Damage changes made too. All gun stats will be publicly posted when I get around to it
- CSB Guns changed to AK74U and Groza
- Added Civilian Cook
- All damages increased to be 20 p/pellet (I think each shotgun has 10x Pellets per? Could be wrong)
- All spread decreased when Hipfiring (All set to 1.25 instead of values such as 1,5/2/3)
- RPM decreased
- Added Interactive NPCS
- Added "No Breach" zone on the NWO Garage jaildoor
- Added Timed C4 to both SpecOps/Peacekeeping High Command Jobs
- Repositioned the server room in NATO Meeting room
- Added message if you are unable to place bomb
- Made it so you can only place bombs indoors
- Decreased Search And Destroy war time
- Changed war score from bomb detonation to 20
- Added Clipboards to all AOR/RMP Jobs
- New players now receive 2x Mastery XP for the first 48 hours of playtime
- New players now receive Ceramic Plating for the first 48 hours (previously 24 hours) of playtime
- Added /liftdeathbans command - Moderator+, removes deathbans (e.g. Spy bans) for the targeted player
- NATO + NWO Kit A and Kit B weapons have been altered to match the future Recoil + Time to Kill changes. I will work my way through the rest of the guns.
- Decreased the accuracy of Snipers when Moving. This will NOT affect accuracy when standing still and firing.
- Sterling + PP Bizon (Same Stats) RPM 800 -> 1100 Damage 28 -> 20 Clip Size 40 -> 25 Recoil 1.2 -> 1.5
- S.2 Veresk + P90 (Same Stats) RPM 1000 -> 1150 Damage 31 -> 19 Clip Size 45 -> 30 Recoil 1.5 -> 1.8
- MAC-10 + Uzi + Glock P80 + MP7 (Same Stats) Recoil 0.8 -> 1.6 Damage 24 -> 19 RPM 1100 -> 1250 Clip Size 25 -> Same (25) Spread 0.04 -> 0.0004 (In line with other SMG's) Decreased the MAX Recoil that there can be.
?️ Map Changes ?️
No map changes this month
?️ Bugfixes & Optimizations?️
- Mass Texture bug and Map glitches fixed
- General Optimisations for the map to run smoother.
- Updated UI and fixed bug with notifications where it would spam when searching models.
- Fixed name order with auto rank sync
Removed Features

No Features have been removed this month.
? Rules Changes ?
- **4.00 - FOB Areas*
- FOB radios must touch friendly-controlled or highlighted territories. Such FOB radios must not touch enemy territories in any way.
- **4.01 - FOB Placement**
- You may only place fobs on the highlighted territories during peacetime, you cannot place fobs on the enemy highlighted territory. during Pre-War/War you may place fobs on your controlled territory or a neutral territory
- **4.02 - FOB Destruction**
- You may destroy an enemy FOB in neutral area's at Pre-War/War; however you may only destroy enemy FOB in an enemy area during war, unless otherwise allowed in the rules.
- **4.05 - FOB Assaults during Pre-War**
- An FOB in a Neutral Territory may only be assaulted in order to be destroyed once during Pre-War; this is not an exemption to any other rule. Once someone involved in the attempt has died, they may not return to the assault.
- *[NEW]* 2.19 - Entering the Enemy Base
- Players may only enter the enemy base during wartime for the purpose of spy operations, theft and espionage, Players may not enter the enemy base during war whilst not on the Spy Job. During a Wartime Baseraid, you may enter the enemy base for the purpose of capturing the base. You may not attempt to breach/hack doors for the duration of the war unless your intent is to steal a vehicle.
- 3.07 - Deploying Vehicles
- A Maximum of 4 Armoured Vehicles can be deployed by either 17thAR or 1stAL. All other regiments may have a max 2 armoured vehicles. A maximum of 2 armed helicopters can be in the sky per team at one time, if a team owns 2 or fewer territories, the opposing team may only have 1 armed helicopter in the sky. JAF/SWB may have at most 4 helicopters deployed at once. If only 1 Lane is activated then only 1 Heli deployment, per side, is allowed at any given time.