As always: we'll post changes as they happen on the MilitaryRP Discord in #change-logs.
? Staff Promotions ?
those who weren't promoted this month we wish you luck in the upcoming month.



Doom Guy


?New Features ?
No new features this month unfortunately

- Added the ability to book the rooms in the training center of NWO and NATO Bases
- Added some booking boards outside the rooms, you can press E on these to book rooms
- Staff Sergeants and above may book these rooms. To see which rooms can be booked from a distance, use /calendar
- MilitaryRP USA Playermodel Changes
- Changed NATO Response Force Models
- Changed Delta Force Models
- Changed Military Police Corps Models
- Changed 3rd Armored Division Models
- The "/voiceampme" command has gone from being usable only by Major+ to Sergeant Major+. This means Company Command can now give themselves Voice Amplifiers to lead wars in the absence of Regimental and High Command.
- Add search bar to player transfer request
- Added Crimson Blade models to the config for the faction
- Reduced time to interact with player from 1 second to 0.5 seconds
- Made it so you get your hands back when healed
- Added Medal info menu
- Added ability for high command to give and remove medals to players
- Added Strip W/C to player actions
- Reduced time to remove head from 5 seconds to 3 seconds.
- Modified Voice Amplifier
- Reduced mastery requirements for all Autorifleman jobs from 15 -> 10
- Reduced mastery requirements for aerial regiment Anti Air jobs from 15 -> 10
- Reduced KBAR price from 5,000 -> 2,000
?️ Map Changes ?️
We're happy to announce that we moved to afghan!
We're happy to announce that we moved to afghan!
?️ Bugfixes & Optimizations?️
- Fixed food crates not spawning
- Fixed KBAR not being able to be permanently equipped in the gun dealer
Removed Features

No Features have been removed this month.
? Rules Changes ?
- 2.10 - Hostage Negotiation Rules
- If the enemy team has taken a hostage and an SGM/WO+ of the hostage's team is online they must engage in negotiations according to the hostage negotiation table. Once a deal has been agreed to by both sides it must be honoured and no rescue attempts can be made. The hostage returned must be the actual hostage. If the team who has kidnapped the hostage contact the hostage's team with a reasonable amount of time left on the hostage's maximum kidnap time, it is the fault of the Hostage's team if the hostage is held beyond their maximum kidnap time.
- 3.07 - Deploying Vehicles
- A Maximum of 4 Armoured Vehicles can be deployed by either 17thAR/3rdAD or 1stAL. All other regiments may have a max 2 armoured vehicles. A maximum of 2 armed helicopters can be in the sky per team at one time, if a team owns 2 or fewer territories, the opposing team may only have 1 armed helicopter in the sky. JAF/USAF/SWB may have at most 4 helicopters deployed at once. In Lane Wars, only 1 Heli deployment, per side, is allowed at any given time.
- 3.14 - Helicopter Piloting/Co-Piloting
- Only JAF/USAF, SWB and HC may Pilot helicopters. Spec-Ops regimental command may only pilot unarmed helicopters. JAF/USAF, SWB and HC may Co-Pilot for a pilot outlined prior. In the event there is no-one outlined prior available to Co-Pilot, the pilot may call upon the RC of another regiment to do so.
- 3.07 - Deploying Vehicles
- A Maximum of 4 Armoured Vehicles can be deployed by either 17thAR/3rdAD or 1stAL. All other regiments may have a max 2 armoured vehicles. A maximum of 2 armed helicopters can be in the sky per team at one time, if a team owns 2 or fewer territories, the opposing team may only have 1 armed helicopter in the sky. JAF/USAF/SWB may have at most 4 helicopters deployed at once. In Lane Wars, only 1 Heli deployment, per side, is allowed at any given time.
- 1.17 - Don’t ERP
- We have a zero-tolerance policy on Erotic Roleplay. Going out of your way to ERP is unacceptable and will be met with serious consequences.