MilitaryRP - Staff Application - redsmufc

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Your Username: redsmufc

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:571788960

Discord Username: redsmufc#2612

Age: 16

What's your current playtime: Doesn't show total but In total id say around 225 hours if not more

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: NATO - SAS L/Cpl redsmufc [478]
USSR - Infantry PVT redsmufc
Civilian - [EkaSS Soldier] redsmufc

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: No -

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: Yes 3 warnings (FailRP - Using Cyanide - Base Camping on event map - FailRP again) 1 kick as I was AFK and they wanted to reduce lag. However I have learnt from my mistakes as they were 3 years ago when I wasn't as mature as I am today.

How many hours can you be on everyday: between 2-6 depending on days im working and 6th form

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community: Yes I was Head Admin on a roleplay server where i dealt with players and also learnt how to manage people and players and I was also a senior moderator on a large starwars RP server where I had to leave due to commitments.

Tell us about something that you're proud that you've achived in-game: Im happy that 3 years ago I had a decent impact on the people around me on this server when I was in JAF as a CSM and still to this day I have people recognise me and also the fact that today I am very soon to become an NCO in the SAS which back when I played before was a very big thing.

Why would you like to become a staff member: (I wish to become a moderator as I understand there is currently a lack of moderators on the server and due to my old experiences on this server, I understand how the server works in a sense, I enjoy helping/sorting situations out for people (knowing that I have helped) and I have learnt and adapted my ways to become more mature and would enjoy to pass on this view through the community and my fellow staff team.) - Old app | I also would like to state that now after having time to play the game I have better understanding for the new rules and a way better understanding for the rules I remember. Meaning I would be a really good choice for staff.

If you could improve something on the staff team, what would it be and how would you do so: (I will be able to help with many situations, mainly ones where people need to be calmed and my skill is de-escalating the situation so I can make a verdict. Also I know the rules of the server and the rules of staff, therefore I will not overstep my mark and if anything turns south, I will just call another mod or even a senior mod and if I don't feel 100% sure with the punishment I think should be given, I will again call another mod or a senior mod to assist. However, this will happen once in a blue moon as my decision making and thinking on my feet is some of the best. I know people will look at my warnings and think I am not fit for staff but these warnings were 3 years ago when I was 13, I was immature and didn't understand how to keep sane. However, nowadays, I am 16 and I am smarter and more developed, I understand how to communicate better than I did and I know how to operate calmly better. This Is why I should be a moderator and its because I have my mistakes clear as day, of which I have learnt from and I will move on from adapting them into how I operate as a moderator as I understand how and why people do things because I was there at one point in my life.) - last app | Also Now having time to think and get used to the server I am able to understand what people need quickly and ensure they are helped and can get on with their experience within seconds. I understand how people work and this will help me to get sits done and sorted fast with a minimum amount of fuss and with the best results.


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
MilitaryRP Staff
Resources Team
Mar 10, 2021


I can tell from the decent application you have made that you have good intentions and that you have experience being a staff member which is great. However, on this server you have not achieved much at all. In the over 1 month after your lost applciation was denied, you have barely progressed up the ranks which does not speak good about your dedciation to the server.

I was looking to give you the benifit of the doubt, so I contacted your COL Willboc to see what he thinks of you. It turns out that even he has barely any interactions with you and from what he told me, you are just simply not very active.

If you want to become a staff member, you first need to show that you can succeed in RP. Besides, how can we see that you have changed and you will not break the rules, if you have not been playing enough to even get the chance to break them. I suggest playing more on the server, going up the ranks, in the meantime talking to people, getting yourself deeper involved into the community, and then applying for staff.

Either way, I wish you all the best of luck!
Kind regards,
Zlat, Senior Moderator.


I can tell from the decent application you have made that you have good intentions and that you have experience being a staff member which is great. However, on this server you have not achieved much at all. In the over 1 month after your lost applciation was denied, you have barely progressed up the ranks which does not speak good about your dedciation to the server.

I was looking to give you the benifit of the doubt, so I contacted your COL Willboc to see what he thinks of you. It turns out that even he has barely any interactions with you and from what he told me, you are just simply not very active.

If you want to become a staff member, you first need to show that you can succeed in RP. Besides, how can we see that you have changed and you will not break the rules, if you have not been playing enough to even get the chance to break them. I suggest playing more on the server, going up the ranks, in the meantime talking to people, getting yourself deeper involved into the community, and then applying for staff.

Either way, I wish you all the best of luck!
Kind regards,
Zlat, Senior Moderator.
Hey man just kinda wanna speak on my behalf about this thanks for the good luck however the reason I haven’t been active within the month is because I have been away the whole month without any available time to get on. However before I went on LOA I was active and had a lot of interactions with the old COL Alexander, this being said since coming back from LOA we had Wilboc take command as Alexander moved up the ranks and I don’t normally get on the same time that he does therefore meaning we don’t have many interactions. If you speak to another CO names Squiddy he will be able to explain how I’m like and my activity a bit more as I am always on with him and have had countless interactions with him.

Btw this isn’t me having a nag im just explaining my side of this jsut too kinda clear the air a bit so you and other people who see my application understand if you get what i mean,

Many thanks,
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