Denied Minor Fearrp Rule update

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
It would change the amount of armed personnel needed to put a juggernaut under fearRp to a higher number that 2:1, ideally something akin to 3:1 or 4:1
I originally believed that this higher number was the case already, but according to something I saw a Super Admin say in game a jug just needs 2:1 like the usual
This would also add a note under Rules Section 1.13 to mention that a Jug requires more than 2 guns on them to initiate FearRp

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I Searched the keywords but couldn't find anything

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
1. It makes more sense as a jug is meant to be a tanky unit, so it makes no sense to have them able to be placed under FearRp so easily
2. It could allow more solo performance for jugs, so if they suffer a team wipe, then they can still push on

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Could maybe lead to mingy jugs?

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I believe that this should be accepted as it is a common sense change.
As for the issue of mingy jugs, that could be somewhat easily dealt with by the COs of GOC/CI so it'd be a more server dependent issue
Should be 4:1 for ERT, Orange Suit and CI Juggernaut.

Orange suit cannot be put under fearRP under ANY circumstances
Like you are forgetting that this is still a game. It's a question of balance not "omg in lore it says this and that.." if you were to go by that certain CI Members are immune to torture, interrogation ect.. if you twist the lore for them to be brainwashed by the Engine. Like it's a question of playing a game that is fair. Even you were to go by lore CI would probably be crushed because their base is stationary and literally like 500 meters away from the Foundation.
This server is not lore accurate for shit. Not to mention the Stationary Task Forces E-11, Nu-7, A-1 and O-1
Should be 4:1 for ERT, Orange Suit and CI Juggernaut.

Like you are forgetting that this is still a game. It's a question of balance not "omg in lore it says this and that.." if you were to go by that certain CI Members are immune to torture, interrogation ect.. if you twist the lore for them to be brainwashed by the Engine. Like it's a question of playing a game that is fair. Even you were to go by lore CI would probably be crushed because their base is stationary and literally like 500 meters away from the Foundation.
This server is not lore accurate for shit. Not to mention the Stationary Task Forces E-11, Nu-7, A-1 and O-1
No like, quite literally in the rules O Suit can't be fearrp'd.


Civil Gamers Expert
May 1, 2022
+Support I mean it sounds kinda logical but also its a weird topic i mean were talking about juggernaut i mean technically should he even be put under fear rp because i mean he kinda is beefy in armor and health should fear rp even be applied because if your thinking about it you wear armor irl that makes you almost invincible are you really going to lisen to 2 people or even 3 or 4 people pointing guns i think it should be what guns your pointing at the juggernaut not how many people it just sounds kinda stupid i guess
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