Accepted Misc. GOC Job Slot/Role Changes

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Changes a few of the following roles/jobs.
Remove the starting licenses for GOC, to make them earnable in-game through RP/training.
  • GOC Medic require a Medical License
  • GOC Marksman require a Sniper License
  • GOC Strike Team require a Heavy Weapons License

  • Make the GOC Medic SPC+ (was LCPL+)
  • Make the GOC Field Operative CPL+ (was LCPL+)
  • Make the GOC Assessment Team SGT+ (was CPL+)
  • Make the GOC Strike Team 1SG+ (was SGT+)

  • Split the GOC Ambassador role into Junior and Senior Ambassador
    Junior Ambassador gets a CL4 [LT+]
    Senior Ambassador gets a CL5 [MAJ+]

  • Split the GOC R&D role into Junior and Senior R&D
    Junior R&D gets a CL3 [SPC+]
    Senior R&D gets a CL4 [LT+]

  • Reduce the Field Operative slots to 3 (Down from 8)
  • Reduce the Medic slots to 3 (Down from 4)
  • Increase the Strike Team slots to 6 (Up from 3)
  • Increase the both Jr. and Sr. Ambassador slots to 4 (Up from 2), 4 for LTs, 4 for both MAJs, the LTGEN, and GEN

  • Remove the Kant Counter from all GOC roles, aside from Field Operative.
  • Remove the TE-5 Hacking Device from all GOC roles, aside from Assessment Team, Strike Team, Field Operative, and Soldier.
  • Remove the Interrogation tool from all GOC roles, aside from Assessment Team, Officer, and Commander.
  • Remove the Weapon Checker tool from all GOC roles, aside from Assessment Team, and Field Operative.
  • Remove the Scranton Reality Anchor tool from all GOC roles, aside from Field Operative.
  • Remove the Frag Grenade, Smoke Grenade, Flash Bang, Vehicle Repair Tool, Door Repair Tool, and Technician Repair Tool from Officer, and Commander.
  • Remove the Smoke Grenade from Marksman.
  • Give the Medic a TE-5 Hacking Device.
  • Give the Medic a Smoke Grenade.
  • Give the Soldier a Frag Grenade.
  • Give the Juggernaut a Frag Grenade.
  • Give the Field Operative a Flash Bang.
  • Give the Assessment Team a Smoke Grenade.
  • Give the Engineer the Scranton Reality Anchor tool.
  • Give the Engineer the TE-5 Hacking Device.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ Better overall balance for GOC v F/CI.
+ Better overall RP capabilities & utility.
+ Rank / License requirements make these changes more justifiable.
+ Change was proposed by Server Leadership.
+ Change was approved/acceptable by US GOC.
+ Additional encouragement for Teamwork.
+ Gives additional RP with earning licenses.
+ Strike Team can have a total of 2 teams, which can increase comms/combat RP.

~ Will be making a seperate suggestion for GOC Combat Engineers, which is why I suggested it at LCPL+.
~ Utility is split amongst different roles to increase team-play.
~ Overall specialized slots are decreased by 2, to 19 total. (Down from 21)
~ Overall Disguise Cards are decreased by 4, to 7 total. (Down from 11)
~ US GOC discussed, and approved this suggestion during a meeting.
~ GOC gets technically 2 grenade kits, however one is split amongst 4 seperate roles (Assessment, Medic, Soldier, and Field Operative), with one additional Smoke Grenade in the "Split Grenade Kit".

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Development time.
Can't think of any other issues.

UK GOC will still stink(real(@Otters(u smell(also hiii!!!(These are joke negatives btw))))).
- Darren might complain it's ERP/FailRP for GOC to have slot/loadout changes.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Some of these changes were discussed with Server Leadership and refined as needed. The US side of GOC were the ones discussing and approving many of these changes, and both sides came to agreeance with this suggested proposal. This would assist with the balance of GOC v F/CI, while not making the faction entirely underpowered for just 35 personnel, with around 0-10 active.

The GOC has 21 total combat spec. slots, with only around 15 being viable to use, with 8(the majority!) being Field Operative slots. The proposal reduces the total combat spec. slots to 19, with the viable combat spec. slots being increased to 16.
Last edited:
Jul 10, 2021
Hello Kito.
As the UNGOC Lieutenant General, and acting General, I would like to put in my two cents to this discussion.

I believe your understanding of what UNGOC is, both balance wise and RP wise, stems from the activity of the faction on the U.S server. Now, while stating that both factions don't run similarly would be a foolish statement however both factions run differently enough to the point where I believe it's a clear difference.

As per your statements on the UK GOC, we do not perform NEARLY as many hostile raids as the U.S side has performed.
This is not to say the way U.S GOC is run is incorrect, simply only different.

With these suggestions, you are suggesting to make the GOC run itself into the ground through unnecessary trainings and heavy nerfs to the items and equipment the GOC is equipped with.
With that being said, the UK UNGOC-C are not in favour of this loadout change.
From what I have been told, both sides must be in favour of this change for it to follow through, following this logic, I will not be accepting for these changes to be made.
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Just gonna list off what I +support and what I -support here, with a summary as to why.

- Requiring licenses, especially Sniper. As it stands Nu-7 Marksman is the ONLY sniper Job that required the Sniper license, not even B-1 Recon needed it when B-1 was around. Medic would be more in line with Nu-7 Medic and CI Medic. Strike Team is similar to Nu-7 Autorifleman so I can see that too.
- Reducing Field Op slots, though I think 4-5 is more appropriate.
- Upping Strike Team slots, though again 4-5 would probably be more balanced.
- Give Medic a TE-5, would make sense because CI med has a TE-5 (iirc) and all other GOC jobs do as well.

- JR/SR jobs for RnD and Ambassador, just complicates things.
- Removing certain util from certain jobs, especially TE-5s. CI all has TE-5's since they are a surface GoI. Just because US GOC does not raid often doesn't mean we shouldn't be able to like CI if we want/need to.
- Giving Medics an Elastic Restraint. CI, Nu-7, and GOC Medic jobs are all insanely overpowered if used properly. Can prolong a fight by nearly triple the amount of time and makes kidnapping actually childs play. Making it easier to kidnap? Dear god no. See above, just because we do not do it often does not mean we should be able to.
- Adding util to specific jobs, besides the TE-5 for medic. One of them is redundant since Engineer HAS a TE-5 already, and the rest just are power imbalances that are unneccesary.
- Rank restriction changes. The ONLY one I would like to see is Ambassador go from LT to 1SGT so 1SGTs in Psyche can engage in more RP, though you did not mention that.

Neutral, just cause:
- "Starting licenses" is already not a thing GOC does, at least when Ryota was GEN. I had to train for all my licenses besides RRT (since it doesn't matter to GOC, Ryota gave it to me for free because OCD moment). I am unaware if Banker does License Trainings since he took over, but if not then I believe we should go back to how Ryota did it.

Overall some QoL changes I +supported could be made, but even then it does not matter much. I'm gonna put -support for this as a whole.
Just gonna list off what I +support and what I -support here, with a summary as to why.

- Requiring licenses, especially Sniper. As it stands Nu-7 Marksman is the ONLY sniper Job that required the Sniper license, not even B-1 Recon needed it when B-1 was around. Medic would be more in line with Nu-7 Medic and CI Medic. Strike Team is similar to Nu-7 Autorifleman so I can see that too.
- Reducing Field Op slots, though I think 4-5 is more appropriate.
- Upping Strike Team slots, though again 4-5 would probably be more balanced.
- Give Medic a TE-5, would make sense because CI med has a TE-5 (iirc) and all other GOC jobs do as well.

- JR/SR jobs for RnD and Ambassador, just complicates things.
- Removing certain util from certain jobs, especially TE-5s. CI all has TE-5's since they are a surface GoI. Just because US GOC does not raid often doesn't mean we shouldn't be able to like CI if we want/need to.
- Giving Medics an Elastic Restraint. CI, Nu-7, and GOC Medic jobs are all insanely overpowered if used properly. Can prolong a fight by nearly triple the amount of time and makes kidnapping actually childs play. Making it easier to kidnap? Dear god no. See above, just because we do not do it often does not mean we should be able to.
- Adding util to specific jobs, besides the TE-5 for medic. One of them is redundant since Engineer HAS a TE-5 already, and the rest just are power imbalances that are unneccesary.
- Rank restriction changes. The ONLY one I would like to see is Ambassador go from LT to 1SGT so 1SGTs in Psyche can engage in more RP, though you did not mention that.

Neutral, just cause:
- "Starting licenses" is already not a thing GOC does, at least when Ryota was GEN. I had to train for all my licenses besides RRT (since it doesn't matter to GOC, Ryota gave it to me for free because OCD moment). I am unaware if Banker does License Trainings since he took over, but if not then I believe we should go back to how Ryota did it.

Overall some QoL changes I +supported could be made, but even then it does not matter much. I'm gonna put -support for this as a whole.
GOC get all licenses from the start aside from Driver and Armored Vic licenses.
Hello Kito.
As the UNGOC Lieutenant General, and acting General, I would like to put in my two cents to this discussion.

I believe your understanding of what UNGOC is, both balance wise and RP wise, stems from the activity of the faction on the U.S server. Now, while stating that both factions don't run similarly would be a foolish statement however both factions run differently enough to the point where I believe it's a clear difference.

As per your statements on the UK GOC, we do not perform NEARLY as many hostile raids as the U.S side has performed.
This is not to say the way U.S GOC is run is incorrect, simply only different.

With these suggestions, you are suggesting to make the GOC run itself into the ground through unnecessary trainings and heavy nerfs to the items and equipment the GOC is equipped with.
With that being said, the UK UNGOC-C are not in favour of this loadout change.
From what I have been told, both sides must be in favour of this change for it to follow through, following this logic, I will not be accepting for these changes to be made.
Sorry for bringing up the UK GOC's performance, it's just what I've heard and seen.
Regardless, what specifically would nerf or harm the GOC's preformance? Why would license training "run the GOC into the ground"?
I'm not an unreasonable person.
Just gonna list off what I +support and what I -support here, with a summary as to why.

- Requiring licenses, especially Sniper. As it stands Nu-7 Marksman is the ONLY sniper Job that required the Sniper license, not even B-1 Recon needed it when B-1 was around. Medic would be more in line with Nu-7 Medic and CI Medic. Strike Team is similar to Nu-7 Autorifleman so I can see that too.
- Reducing Field Op slots, though I think 4-5 is more appropriate.
- Upping Strike Team slots, though again 4-5 would probably be more balanced.
- Give Medic a TE-5, would make sense because CI med has a TE-5 (iirc) and all other GOC jobs do as well.

- JR/SR jobs for RnD and Ambassador, just complicates things.
- Removing certain util from certain jobs, especially TE-5s. CI all has TE-5's since they are a surface GoI. Just because US GOC does not raid often doesn't mean we shouldn't be able to like CI if we want/need to.
- Giving Medics an Elastic Restraint. CI, Nu-7, and GOC Medic jobs are all insanely overpowered if used properly. Can prolong a fight by nearly triple the amount of time and makes kidnapping actually childs play. Making it easier to kidnap? Dear god no. See above, just because we do not do it often does not mean we should be able to.
- Adding util to specific jobs, besides the TE-5 for medic. One of them is redundant since Engineer HAS a TE-5 already, and the rest just are power imbalances that are unneccesary.
- Rank restriction changes. The ONLY one I would like to see is Ambassador go from LT to 1SGT so 1SGTs in Psyche can engage in more RP, though you did not mention that.

Neutral, just cause:
- "Starting licenses" is already not a thing GOC does, at least when Ryota was GEN. I had to train for all my licenses besides RRT (since it doesn't matter to GOC, Ryota gave it to me for free because OCD moment). I am unaware if Banker does License Trainings since he took over, but if not then I believe we should go back to how Ryota did it.

Overall some QoL changes I +supported could be made, but even then it does not matter much. I'm gonna put -support for this as a whole.
Understandable. I removed the medic getting elastic restraints, since I didn't think about kidnapping.
Also Engineer doesn't get a TE-5 by default.
Jr. and Sr. Ambassador and R&D were initially going to be developed but at some point they scrapped that idea.
And the GOC has no CL4 Researchers. PTPOLEMY is kinda locked to either CL4 Officers or CL3 R&D.
On the topic of Jr and Sr Ambi., what if Junior Ambassador is 1SG and CL3, then theres the base Ambassador, at LT and CL4, and then Senior Ambassador at MAJ+ with a CL5. Yea it's more complicated, but it'd be used more often. But letting NCOs get a CL5 card is really irresponsible and not worth the risk. Someone can literally just bypass ever getting a CL4 at that rate.
I upped Strike Team slots to 6 so it's an even split of 2 squads of 3. Plus that would also need about 6 1SGs on to fill it.
Jan 21, 2023
Mostly everything I Saw in this suggestions and reasons why i think they are Useless/UnNeeded
This is clearly a -Support I Don't really understand the point of most of those things, it just seems like its making GOC harder than it needs to be, But I'm only a UNGOC SGT, and I'm just giving my feedback.


Mostly anyone joining GOC Is Already Experienced with Heavy Weapons/Snipers/Medical Work
Everyone in Atleast UK GOC Is Already level 100-150 and are very experienced with mostly everything.
Overall, just annoying to deal with for CO's and people who just joined UNGOC, I Join UNGOC For RP And surface Interactions, not to restart my foundation character and have to get all Licenses again.

Rank Changes to Strike Team/Marksmen from SGT-1SGT

Again, I feel like this is just not needed, in UK Getting to 1SGT is pretty hard and I don't really understand the point of this suggestion
Why make it harder to get the better jobs in GOC When it's meant to be hard to get SGT.

Ambassador CL4/CL5 Jobs

(Atleast in UK) The CL5 is barely abused and a CL4 Sounds cool but i doubt it will be used.
Since we just go in with meetings with CI/F With Normal StrikeTeam and rarely Ambassadors

R&D CL3/CL4 Jobs

R&D Is Used for RP Where a hazmat is needed and sampling
(Which only allows us to take 3L Per Group now so I don't see why we need more R&D)

Slot Changes For Strike Team/Field Ops/Medic

Strike Teams Are Fine at 3, they are rarely played unless in Wars, or Surface SCPS, And Raids Which I don't think Foundation or CI will like us raiding with 5 M60's and 5 Shields.

Field Operative Changes are Meh, It kinda ruins the point of us having eyes on surface, ofc 8 Is 2 Much, but when in wars SpyCards are mostly banned if its a Event War or F/CI Giving us rules for the war so everyone have fun

Medics Changes Are Just Useless, CI/Nu-7 Has 4 Each, And UNGOC Medic has one of the worst loadouts in the entire Server, why do we randomly just nerf it?

The Nades/Te-5/Kant Changes

Overall, I feel like all of them are just a big Nerf for 0 Reason I Understand the point of additional encouragement for teamwork, or Balance for GOC Vs F/CI but We are 25 UNGOC Members (Not Counting CO's) And Wars rarely happen because of GOC And just Foundation/CI Doing something, I don't like saying this but we are "Meant to be OP" For the reason of actually being able to do something in Wars, and Groups being "Scared of UNGOC" So both groups don't just turn on us and "ohh ungoc is so underpowered let's farm for kills yayaya"

Also, I would Recommend Playing UK Server for a bit and Not just going off Videos you See in highlights, Since UNGOC UK Is actually RP Focused and not just "war go crazy brrrrr"...


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May 23, 2022
Suggestion Approved

Hi @Kito,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. However, only the following point will be accepted:
GOC Medic require a Medical License;
GOC Marksman require a Sniper License;
GOC Strike Team require a Heavy Weapons License;

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as accepted.​
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