Mitski's Resignation Appeal (For SGM)

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Name: Mitski/Azrael

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:83019536

Previous Rank: SGM (transferred to HMOD after some months)

Date of resignation?: 5/19/24

Why did you resign?: Had real life issues to deal with (Setting up my classes as well as i have a less than 2 year old son)

Prior to this resignation , have you ever been demoted or resigned?: Never been demoted or have never resigned from a position like this

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: Yes, they are all prior to me being a TGM

Why should you return / why can you now commit to being staff again?: I can provide proper RP scenarios with whoever needs it, whether its researchers/gensec/MTF/ISD it doesnt matter who. I am a good builder as well as i have plenty of dupes that i can use/reuse. I have some more ideas that could be helpful to RP on site or create more stories.
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Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Group Moderator
Dec 15, 2023
Gamemaster Resignation Appeal - Accepted

Hello @Mitski ,

Thank you for putting the time into making an appeal. This has been discussed between Event Team Supervisors and we have decided to ACCEPT your appeal and bring you back as a Game Master.

Please make contact an Event Team Supervisor to proceed with the next steps.

Congratulations, and welcome back.​
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