[Moderator application] Jack Frederick/KFC is LIVE

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Well-known Member
Jun 18, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): 10MEMEGOD01 (Publicly I am KFC is LIVE)
How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console):

Funni .jpg
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: GB
Time zone: BST
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Jack Frederick, Nu-7 LCPL.
Chaos name (include your rank): Jimmy Rick, Conscript
Civilian name: Dick Jimmy
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:544854176
Do you have a mic?: Yes, my main microphone is the Razer seiren mini. My second one is the Amazon basic USB microphone with Qled display (it is 100 pound not so basic lol) but yes, I have some very good microphones.
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP:RP UK
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
This is my first application for this server, I've never applied for mod on any other Gmod servers ever.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have been warned for RDM in D block, I believe this was a couple weeks ago. I'm not sure on other stuff you'll have to check logs.
Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:
Yes, I am very well known in the SCP:SL community. I've ran multiple popular servers. I've ran two popular SL servers and I also ran an event with content creators that were reasonably big the largest got a shout out by Pewdiepie. I no longer own the SL servers and the event was a flop due to other management (this wasn't my fault, I had been blacklisted from SL. I wasn't/couldn't be arsed with continueing playing SCP:SL due to exams and mental health) I had setup everything for them and they couldn't run the event properly sadly which was a shame considering I put so much effort even reaching out for sponsors and asking other larger SL servers if they'd like to donate their Unity maps, which (they did).
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
No, I myself am very new to Gmod only having 335.1 hours on it. Only playing servers like SCP:RP and another server called "Police RP UK" becoming very well known in that community and becoming one of their highest ranking well "Terrorists" lol.
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
It depends, my last day of school ever is tomorrow and I will (have a lot of freetime) and I will be able to be on the server as much as I can. Roughly, 5/6 hours a day but it could be more if I am not doing anything on that day.
Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:
I've been apart of the community for awhile, I've laughed and even laughed so hard I cried lol. I've enjoyed my time here and I want to make it into something more special for other people. I understand the role of moderators and they're not only to enforce law and order they're here to set a role model for the rest of the community as a whole. I am an expirenced moderator, not in Gmod but I can adapt if need be. I have connections in the content creator world, I myself am not a big streamer but I am well known enough in SCP:SL to have spoken to some larger content creators.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?: Trust, the one thing with new moderators is that you have to have trust in them. That they'll make the right decision overtime you build this with a person but if a person acts immaturely and makes a fool of themselves how can you know they'll make the right decision if in a stressful argument.

(This has a lot to do with my question above ^) I have autism and in certain situations I can be very immature but I will admit to any wrong doings. I know right and wrong and unlike lots of people I will be the first person to raise a hand and say "look, I was stupid to have done this and I apologize for any wrong doings." I think out of everything, being able to know and tell someone when you're in the wrong so you can solve a situation is the most mature thing you can do. Sometimes asking for help is the right thing to do as well. I'm not saying that I myself am a immature person but I am saying that I have said and done things and will continue to as I am only a human being.
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Active member
Mar 14, 2022
+Good experience with them
+Not many warnings
+Good intentions


Well-known Member
Jun 18, 2022
-/+ Neutral

+ From what I've been told you are active.
- Don’t want this to come off wrong, but even though I haven't had many in all interactions I've had with you, you sounded demanding and aggressive and kindof immature.
-/+ Unsure of rule knowledge.

Honestly this is perfectly fine, I know I can be rude and immature at times and that is something I am currently working on myself. But I wouldn't call myself immature, I have difficulties that I have to overcome but I am far from a bratty child, but I can come off as rude due to the fact that my autism can stop me from seeing things properly and I can jump the gun a little. But as a moderator I will 100% take my job serious and set an example to others in the server.

+ From what I've been told you are active.

I am indeed very active, I don't really make applications so this is my very first application for a Gmod server. The only reason I decided to make one is because I've been apart of the community for a little while and want to give something back in return. I've acted immaturely (little trolling) at times but I do care and want the best for this community, I am dedicated to the server, I wouldn't make an application unless I really wanted to, I mean I've probably got more playtime then four applications combined. If I wanted to I would've made an application ages ago

"Don’t want this to come off wrong, but even though I haven't had many in all interactions I've had with you, you sounded demanding and aggressive and kindof immature."
don't be hesitant to say something, it's fine it's a mod application and if you have something to say then say it. As to this, I was probably just screaming at people in D block, "D class in the airlock NOW!!" and stuff like that. I like to RP as a serious SGT in D block and so I can come off as a little rude. But when not a SGT in D block I am normally quite good.

-/+ Unsure of rule knowledge.
I understand you might not have met me or possibly you have just not enough to get a good grasp on me, I do know my rule knowledge. I have read through SCP:RPs rules after speaking to an admin on what counts as "FearRP" as I was reported but let off as I did not know at the time what it was. I read through all the rules and I read through them again after having made my Mod application

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Well-known Member
Jun 18, 2022
+Previous staff experience

-/+From what I've seen, you can be immature
I am also unsure as to your attitude, or whether or not you can stay calm during stressful situations.

Good Luck
I am also unsure as to your attitude, or whether or not you can stay calm during stressful situations.
As a server owner I have dealt with a large amount of stressful situations but by far the worst situation I've ever been in was when my cheap [redacted server host name] server was DDoS attacked, I had just set it up and within the first two weeks it had been DDoS and I had no recourse other then to see what [redacted server host name] could do about it.
-/+From what I've seen, you can be immature
I can in certain situations act immaturely, but (we're all human) and we all do stupid things. But I will admit that in past I've said and done things that could be seen as "immature" but as a mod I know I have to be on my best behaviour.
+Previous staff experience
I have been staff on multiple servers SCP:SL servers, MC servers, discord servers. But (I have not been a Gmod mod) but I learn quickly and will adapt.
I have 160 hours now so I am very active, as of the time of writing this response.
Thank you very much!

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Deleted member 55

Application Denied

Hi @KFC is LIFE,

Thanks for taking the time to make a moderator application.

Unfortunately, your reputation in-game is not of a standard we expect from a staff member, please involve yourself with the community more and prove that you're an asset to the staff team before re-applying.

You may re-apply in 1 week​
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