Monarch's Site Advisor Application

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Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 8, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):

For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP:
40 days


In what country are you located?:

- South Africa

Time zone:

Character name(s):
-Jaden "Monarch" Reed,

Civilian name:

- John Smith

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-MTF E-11, CI Deep Cover ( CI-A )

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

I've received around 5 warnings.
Micspam 1x - Accidentally put my microphone too close to my mouth..
Mixing 1x - Accidentally mentioned /OOC while in a hostage situation that dragged out for long.
RDM 2x - Was ill informed about the class D killing, someone said that since we are prisoners on death row, killing each other is allowed, I only realized after killing 2 Class D's. ( This was when I was still learning how this server operates )
NRP - Talking unintentionally ooc.

My last warning was 24 days ago^

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
I am applying for Site Advisor, because I believe that there is a gap in the amount of orders that are given to subordinates which effects the quality of roleplay. I can be effective in my duties as a Site Advisor while delegating orders to my subordinates. Overall I can increase the quality and quantity of roleplay within the Facility. This will also allow me to build up LV4 Clearance experience, which I can use to allow me to branch my help into other departments.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
I am suitable for Site Administration as I can play for hours upon hours, running the facility from morning to night, which allows me to assist the Director at any time I am needed. I can fulfill tasks no matter the difficulty, as I will find a way to complete tasks no matter the challenge. I also feel I have the experience and knowledge to fulfill my tasks with ease, without second thinking myself.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:

The responsibilities for Site administration are organizing the entire foundation, such as making sure security are doing their jobs correctly, making sure doors are getting repaired by engineers, overall just making sure the facility is running smoothly with no 'holes in the road'. Advisors should also assist the director with anything he needs done, for example writing documents that effect how the site runs, or updating certain rules.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Lore( Autobiography): My name is Jaden Reed, I originate from site-██, in Japan. I was transferred to this site by ██████ believing that I would be good candidate for Site Administration. I use to work for the Science Department, working on a multitude of different SCPS, some of which you probably haven't even heard of. One day while I was busy with an experiment with SCP-██ an 'overseer' of the department thought my work was really good, and decided to send me overseas to administrate his site. I decided to study and research proper protocols, and now I'm up to standard, and ready to begin my Administration Journey.


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 10, 2021
Northern Ireland
Rarely have RP
Good rule knowledge

I would change my verdict to a + if I saw you playing a few more support jobs which tend to get more RP than others as from there I’d likely have more interactions with you.
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CG Platinum VIP
Dec 24, 2020
Hello there, this verdict is mainly based on your application and a little interaction we had so ill be going with a +/-Neutral
ill happily change my verdict if we can get more interaction it might be hard as I am mainly stationed on the surface but even a conversation in TeamSpeak will help me understand who u are as a person.

+Active In-game
+Active in Teamspeak
+Good role knowledge

-Lack of detail within the application form
-Rarely seen roleplaying

-Good luck!
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Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 8, 2022
Same as what Bram put.

-I don't see you roleplay often
-I had to blacklist you from CI since you tried to hack the training room door
I sorted out the 'hacking' issue.

In regards to roleplay, I admit I've been focusing way too much time on moderation and playing as a Class-D. But this role opens up opportunities to use my roleplay experience of over 10k+ hours.

Thank you for the replies though.


Civil Gamers Expert
May 31, 2021
skype headquarters
Application Accepted
Congratulations @Monarch - Your application has been reviewed, and after discussion with Site Command, your placement has been authorised (after interviews and all required procedures).

Please contact an O5 for further information.
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