Denied More time

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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May 14, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Add an extra 10 mins to peacetime just for DBs

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Give us a little time to host DB when you have a lot of people and RTBing.
DB isn't rushed and can find a way to help improve regiments
Give people time to train and get FOB up

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Can't really think of any but if there is any then I gladly hear it

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Just so don't feel like we rushing stuff cause at times feel like building FOB, rush training, then war then rush DB rush FOB rush Training, etc
When you have a lot of people RTBing it gives them time to do that.
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MRP War Veteran
Mar 13, 2022
DB shouldn't be 20 minutes it should be 10 at most which gives you 1 hour and 5 minutes 3 FOB's takes around 25 minutes (if even that) that leaves you 40 minutes to do trainings try-outs and anything else I play NATO and NWO and do not have any problems with any of these things if people are not at the DB you do not have to wait the voice amp has all team anyone that does not want to show up or cannot will still be able to hear it. I did not include the war orders you do in Pre war when people go to DB and even then you only really need one person there.

I hate how it's becoming more normal to strip back RP to appease people who can't just stand still and listen for 5 minutes. Debriefs give us chance to hammer home what went well and what went wrong, if people can't actively listen then why are they playing milrp? Just go into bunks and AFK instead of saying 'luz db luz db'.

Trying to make HC do shorter DBs is so stupid, try growing up instead god bless
Suggestion Denied

Hi Wolves, Your suggestion has been denied. Peacetime had recently been reduced in length as a large majority of the players spend their time AFK or not having anything to do during peacetime. You should have plenty of time for debreif and to do some training within a peacetime without having to wait around for another war.​
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