Denied More uses for: Scranton Reality Anchors

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

[1] Make people inside of a Scranton Bubble Untargetable from Reality-Benders - think this was denied in the past

[2] Buff people inside the bubble by taking less dmg / nerfed effects (against reality-benders)
[3] Type-Green's 'Materialise Guns' have a 50/50 chance for each bullet to enter inside the bubble

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Don't Know

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ More use for Anchors (they're relatively ineffective/'useless' at the moment)

+ Well-Needed Nerf to Reality-Benders
+ Counterplay to Reality-Benders

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

Could conflict with any future reality-bender nerfs
Dev Backlog

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

More uses for scrantons
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  1. has been denied based on being "too detrimental during TG and 8837 Breaches, and would negatively impact CI too much during raids"
  2. please no more damage reduction effects, im tired of having to empty 2 mags into downed combatants on 008 samples
  3. sure
1. edited the post & grey'd out, didn't realise
2. sorry I meant the damage reduction effects will be against reality benders only - edited this for clarification
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previous stated stuff from grunger
if im not mistaken grunger thought that damage reduction would be for everyone, and the first option has been blanked out.

not needed
scrantons are well-known to be relatively bad because of their high cooldown+minimal uses.
reality benders are quite annoying due to their little counterplay.

you recently stated you'd rather revert the tylenol change Requis made which would mean bringing back 10,000HP CI juggernauts, (don't take this the wrong way) this personally makes me think your real reason is that you'd rather not get CI nerfed (& you play CI jug for countless hours a day using using this overpowered chem to win)
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Feb 10, 2024
I really like the idea of being a little stronger against Reality Benders while inside the anchor. Though I don't think having a 50/50 chance to hit is the right way (Gambling bad m'kay). The damage reduction against bullets is pretty neat though.

Having to stack inside the small bubble with like... 6 people seems good to me too, because it incentivizes coordination. Form an advanced firing line to reduce friendly fire and having the weird visual effect from the anchor seem like a good tradeoff for damage reduction against bullets from Reality Benders. This also makes it so if you successfully catch a TG inside an anchor, they will have a much harder time fighting you for a short time since even if they materialized a gun recently, they will do reduced damage to anyone inside the bubble.

Though I really don't think that they should be immune to any abilities if they are inside the bubble, as it will be way too tough for Reality Benders to fight back because any CL3 can get an anchor. Remember, their energy is a finite resource that quickly drains when fighting big groups!
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bro biscuits was/is possibly the most annoying person for CI to deal with this mf has been a CO of every surface job that works against CI
its recent but biscuits has been playing ci jug religiously and nothing else at the moment & recently stated he wants his already overpowered drug tylenol reverted, it was why I came to this opinion (my personal opinion which could be wrong)
- anyway that's all, rather not clog this thread with something irrelevant to the actual suggestion. if you want to discuss further you can contact me on discord instead
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

[1] Make people inside of a Scranton Bubble Untargetable from Reality-Benders - think this was denied in the past
realistically if you're inside a bubble, you're going to already be disabling the reality benders abilities, so there isnt much point to this, unless you're on surface.
So yeah, go for it.

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

[2] Buff people inside the bubble by taking less dmg / nerfed effects (against reality-benders)
no, sounds like a lot of work, and if 1 is accepted, 2 would just nerf TG's to the ground

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

[3] Type-Green's 'Materialise Guns' have a 50/50 chance for each bullet to enter inside the bubble
same as what i said on point 2, but to a lesser extent.
If a TG cant reality bend people inside a bubble, their only option is a gun, which would have 50% of its bullets not work.

Individually i think they work well, together not at all
its recent but biscuits has been playing ci jug religiously and nothing else at the moment & recently stated he wants his already overpowered drug tylenol reverted, it was why I came to this opinion (my personal opinion which could be wrong)
- anyway that's all, rather not clog this thread with something irrelevant to the actual suggestion. if you want to discuss further you can contact me on discord instead
its not that op


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Suggestion Denied

Hi @appo ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

Reason: We will not implement any of these features for scrantons, however we are looking into nerfing reality bending as a whole

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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