Mosasaur's Overseer Assistant Application

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Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
923 hours
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
CI: "Mosasaur" GOC: Nick "Mosasaur" F: "Mosasaur" [PT-CO][HH-3 PVT]
Civilian name:
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
F: Senior agent, Nu-7 LT, IA agent

CI-G x1, CI-B x2
GOC 1SG x1, GOC SGT x1
E-11 SPC x2, GENSEC captain
SCP-RP USA moderator

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
- When I am given a task I will not stop until I finish it
- I know my way around the site
- I am very good with documentation
- I have experience as Clearance Level 4 personnel
- I have played on the server for quite a while now
- I think I am pretty recognisable person on the server

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
They carry out tasks given by The O5 Council, that may be:
- Various investigations/gathering information
- Approving/assigning experminets/crosstests in the name of The O5 Council
- If noone higher is around they can give Alpha-1 authorisation to use Clearance Level 4
- Making sure that the task given by O5 is finished as soon as possible
- They must always act professional, because they are basically the representative of The Council

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Nick "Mosasaur" Williams was born in a small village near ██████ in Greece. Since he was a little boy, he always wanted to have a luxury life in a big city, He was not rich at all, he had a healthy and happy family, but Jack was missing a comfortable life... After ██ years, he decided to start a company called ███████-████ the company was an absolute jackpot for his time, although it was not completely legal. The company was founded in the deepest and darkest corners of the Internet, called the Dark Web. He was living a happy and luxurious life with a pretty wife and two children. He didn't have to do anything, because Hitmen were manually registered to the system after giving their Dark Web IDs and biometric scans. Nick was taking only 15% of each hit, but the money people were paying for making a person disappear was unreal. He could not stop thinking about retiring before ██ years; at least he hoped so. Nick's success was only possible because of his old friend Mark's marketing strategy and financial help. Unfortunately, Nick was so in love with his life that he refused to pay rent to him. As we all can tell, Mark wanted to get revenge, so he called a few friends to Nick's house, but unfortunately, the FBI arrived before them through phone dialing tracking. They found every single piece of evidence they needed to put him and his associates behind bars for their entire lives. One day he was given an opportunity to leave jail faster if he only told the name of a guy above him, the guy who funded his entire business and his rich lifestyle. Nick knew it was all about Mark, but he did not say anything, he stood loyal to his old friend even after owing him a lot of money. That is when Nick heard a loud explosion in his interrogation room and was immediately put into a coma by some military-looking men.

*Nick wakes up on a chair in some weird office building*
O5-█ : Well, look who it is... Nick Williams, if I am not mistaken.
Nick : What the hell, where am I, and who are you? Who are these people around you? I demand some explanation!
O5-█: I have been observing you for some time now, and I must say, I am impressed with your performance. You did not rat out your friend, even though you had a chance to save your miserable ass.
Nick: How do you kn...
O5-█: Shh, I am talking now. I will say it once. You have, one chance to leave your current life behind, everything and everyone you love. Forget about them. They are the past, and we are the future of this world. You will work for us, you will make sure our will is followed. I want to make you our assistant.
*3 more lights appear in the room, revealing three suited personas from the shadows*
Nick: What the fuck is happening here? Am I dreaming? Is it a dream? Can somebody wake me up?
*O5-█ signals Alpha-1 operative with a quick hand gesture*
*Alpha-1 operative aims a gun into Nick's head*
O5-█: Offer expires in 5.....4....3....2.....1...ze..
Nick: Fuck me, fine, fine. I will be your assistant. Whatever you want, just please do not kill me.
O5-█: Excellent.
Nick: Who are you, guys?
O5-█: You will find out soon enough.
*Alpha-1 operative knocks Nick out*


Well-known Member
Nov 18, 2022
Mosasaur is a good guy, deserves this and really good lore
Pretty good hours

Give this man Clearance 4! (Again)
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Brewer 2.0 / Celtic

Blacklisted Player
Dec 18, 2023
Gave me my Nu-7 training, therefore, I experienced his professionalism and high standards first hand.

Mosasaur has amazing leadership abilities. Furthermore, when he says he is going to do something, he does it. Mosasaur is a man of his word.

I am confident that Mosasaur would be a great fit for the Overseer Assistant position. His abilities would be gone to waste if this application is denied.

For the reasons stated above, I will be giving you a...


A message from the Office of ██-3

Hello @Nick "Mosasaur" Williams ,

In regards to your application for Overseer Assistant, after Council Vote we have decided to DENY your application.

If you have any questions in regards to your denial, please contact ██-3 via email(lampmax),

You may reapply in two weeks time.

Best Regards,

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