Accepted Moving Floor 3 Access

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Move Floor 3 Access from Entrance Zone to the Research Hall double doors.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not to my knowledge

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Better engagement with Site Command from all departments.
- Symbolic as Ethics is one end, Site Administration in the middle and the Overseers in the heart of their primary tasking.
- Any future ISD Wars can be limited to specific areas, rather than across EZ>PW>LCZ>CS

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- CI may struggle more to enter Floor 3.
- Easier access for all site staff can also be a downside as Floor 3 may get a minge horde.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
The Overseer Council is deemed as roleplay creators and as such should be in the heart of the most important department on the server. Moving the access to there would enable researchers to follow their queries in an appropriate chain of command and can access us better. This will enable O5 to conduct roleplay scenarios better and reinstates the purpose of "Core Sector" being the heart of Site-65.


+Support on moving it, not sure if that's the right place for it.

People saying it would kill EZ activity as if there's ever anything happening there or F2 outside of raids. That whole area needs a massive rework. We have a huge cafeteria that's never used for anything, storage is just a big fancy vent room, lobby has a reception desk but literally no role that could/should man that and lobby is never used, EZ is never used except for GOC embassy and F3 access as it is (which is only during raids or by specific departments, most of the time).

It might make more sense to compress F2 and EZ into a smaller area, with GOC embassy, PW loop and maybe F3 access or something else like that there. As in we have GOC embassy as a room on the side of lobby, access to PW loop as the main feature, and maybe some other rooms could be attached as needed. I like lobby's design, but it isn't used for anything. I don't like EZ's design, and it barely has a purpose.
An EZ Rework would be preferable, that is true. The problem is that almost every department is clumped up in one big area instead of being a bit more spread out, like Administration would be in EZ, Research in LCZ only etc.

So if we were to rework the EZ, it would be best if some departments would move over there, but we would have to see what the players like more.
Giving Entrance Zone two entries to LCZ as well as integrating Core sector inside Entrance zone would be a nice map change placing most of the administrative departments inside Entrance Zone as they should generally be, this would also give CI more raid potential as well as giving Nu-7 more things to do besides sitting on surface as patrolling Entrance zone area would be needed.

so I feel this is a good idea do to the fact "iN LoRe" O5 are supposed to be the hardest people to ever reach however in the server ci could avoid the entire site and get to floor 3 and to where o5's offices are with minimal effort unless a1 somehow find out that their heading to floor 3. Often times going up to floor 3 there's rarely anyone in the halls, not that I always go up there however during power failures I always B-Line to floor 3 to fix keycards ASAP and every time I only see 1 or 2 A1 either due to a1 just not being active as a whole or o5 has tasked them with goals that take them out of the way.

Something that could benefit EZ given o5 is moved is maybe moving DEA there which would allow both DEA and IA's offices the ability to expand such a mapper decides they'd like to persue that. if not I'm sure there are other alternatives that can be agreed upon through discussion.
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Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Mar 21, 2022
I'll do you one better:

Leave the double doors available to put GM event rooms behind them. Turn one of the bookcases in the Site Administration wing into a secret door that leads to the Floor 3 elevator.
I actually really like this idea, but i think that removing the F3 Access from EZ would leave it a complete barren wasteland,
Personally, i would imagine the presence of an O5 Area on a site as a rumor, hidden in unused and seemingly deserted areas on site, but having secret back-doors throughout all areas of the site they may want to visit, being the secret beating heart of the Site.

An Ideal Floor 3 would be connected through many ways to the site, letting the overseer council move stealthilly to their destinations without anyone aware how they got there. A hidden door behind a bookcase here, a crawlspace under a floor tile there, a maintenance shaft next to a rail line. (the downside is, with this being a game played by people, the entrances and exits would become common knowledge quickly.)

This would also make Floor 3 an attractive raid target as it would allow Hostile forces to bypass the majority of the defenders when navigating the site.

The downside is that this would require a significant Floor 3 overhaul which is way out of scope.

I think that until an EZ rework, Floor 3 should still remain where it is, and in the case of any potential EZ rework, i think more RP should be moved towards them, instead of moving them towards the RP.
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Hi Broda,​

I believe that Site Command's residence should remain in Entrance Zone as Lord_Fr3ze the council are not meant to be known amongst the majority of foundation personnel. It would also be unfair for the chaos insurgency to raid the council offices as they would now also have to deal with O-1 combatives, security personnel, and external affairs personnel who come from PW/SS.

As Fr3ze also said, this would completely tear down any player presence in entrance zone. It is already quiet enough as it is, it would be a bad decision to contribute to that factor.

Therefore I am leaving a -Support on your suggestion.
Kind regards,​
Hi Broda,​

I believe that Site Command's residence should remain in Entrance Zone as Lord_Fr3ze the council are not meant to be known amongst the majority of foundation personnel. It would also be unfair for the chaos insurgency to raid the council offices as they would now also have to deal with O-1 combatives, security personnel, and external affairs personnel who come from PW/SS.

As Fr3ze also said, this would completely tear down any player presence in entrance zone. It is already quiet enough as it is, it would be a bad decision to contribute to that factor.

Therefore I am leaving a -Support on your suggestion.
Kind regards,​
At the very least we need multiple entrances to Floor 3 then.
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