Your in-game name: Kodi "Loki" ( Mr Bones )
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:50414347
Your steam community link:
Date of ban: 08/09/2022
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): Cheating -Tenten/Jules
Who banned you: Tenten/Jules
Ban length?: 26 Weeks
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the URL):
What will you do to stop this from happening again:
First of all, I would like to stress that I never have and will never cheat on any game. To stop this from occurring again, I will be sure to contact more staff to engage with future situations like this in order to get a fair decision, instead of a single staff member’s decision which I believe was biassed, and I will outline why I believe that in the following section.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned?
I have received two warnings. The first one was when I first started playing on the server; the second was a week ago. Both were warnings for things I had seen other players do and was not aware were against the rules.
1. FailRP - I assisted a senior researcher in attempting to hack out 049 as a GenSec Cadet. I did not immediately recognise my actions as FailRP; I believed it was an ethics issue. I was put in ulx jail for 180 seconds; this gave me time to reflect on my actions and understand why it is FailRP and not an ethics issue.
2. FailRP - I was selling weapons from the Class D Kitchen to Class D Personnel. I thought this was another Ethics issue as the first time I joined the server, a super admin gave weapons to Class D as a chef.
Why should you be unbanned:
Because I do believe the sit I had with the staff was unjustified. Staff said both:
“I have temporarily watched you play and I think it’s cheating”,
“An Nu-7 sent me a clip of them getting killed in the head when you were jumping”
But the truth was that this was for a short period of time. Some ‘evidence’ to support this was me looking at the floor. CI often look at the floor for cards and to make their heads harder to hit when engaging in fights. It’s a very common strategy in most FPS games. In the clip, the other marksman was jumping, and I was assisting in the attack behind the marksman. The claims made against me in this clip are not even of me.
“The SnapHack Clip”, which I do not know why he thinks this is hacking. I missed the first portion of bullets in this clip. I reacted quickly because of my game knowledge.
“And another Clip showing that I was hacking cause my head was constantly looking down”, which I do not understand how this clip again shows me as a hacker. As stated above, as an FPS gamer since 2007 and have years of experience, looking down has always been utilised, as it lowers the chances of getting headshot by the enemy target. If people notice in esports, a lot of times when a sniper does a quick scope, he is most likely to nod his head down in order to reduce the hitbox and the enemy’s chances of headshotting.
(link below provides an example of it)
(link below of me competing professionally in CSGO at a LAN Event)
When I got pulled into the sit, Staff member and MTF member TenTen was already accusing me of being a cheater (ignoring presumption of innocence), which already violates the rule of staff being as neutral as they can be when doing sits. He then tossed the links above, saying those are all the “evidence” of me being cheating. And when I attempted to show him my POV during the fight, he ignored me by saying, “Your POV does not prove anything to justify yourself”, and that “if you have a problem, just make an appeal”, which he was impatient and it gives off the impression of trying to punish me as quickly as possible.
Now please let me make this clear, I instantly posted my POV in highlight submission on the official SCP RP discord expecting to gain praise for my skill (Minutes before I even get pulled to a sit). WHY would anyone do this if they were cheating?? I have dedicated my time and money to the server, constantly played with 250-300+ pings for weeks, and spent more than $200 on VIPs, PAC3, and permanent weapons. Why would I or anyone else risk that if they were cheating?
But the staff that I engaged with, TenTen, who was the only one that was on my case, did not appear to show any interest in the investigation; instead, “If you have a problem just make an appeal”. Where is the neutrality in that? Where is the fairness in that? Am I not even allowed to prove my innocence before being punished? After this occurred, I was informed that MTF started mocking me for this staff member’s decision which further reinforces a bias in my opinion. I’ve been unable to play for two days already for a false punishment.
How can you ensure that you won’t break any other rule?:
I can ensure I won’t break any other rules that are on the books.
Why do you want to rejoin this server?:
Because I think this server has a lot of great people, and I would very much like to return. I don’t believe my reputation should be tarnished so heavily and especially without a proper sit. I do believe this is a great server, and I have really enjoyed my time on it. But now I need to know how will my ruined reputation be brought back? How will staff tackle this bias? It’s not only me that has been the victim of this type of treatment. Will the staff give me an open apology? And how will staff prevent this unprofessional behaviour from happening again to other players?
EDIT: I have linked below some recent stats from my last 15-30 CSGO Matches as well.
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:50414347
Your steam community link:

Steam Community :: kodith3great
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): Cheating -Tenten/Jules
Who banned you: Tenten/Jules
Ban length?: 26 Weeks
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the URL):
SCP-RP Rules
Civil Networks SCP RP Rules Discord Link: Teamspeak Address: All decisions made in game by staff are to be respected. If you feel that your punishment was unjust then speak to an Admin+ in game or make a forum complaint or a ban appeal. Arguing...

What will you do to stop this from happening again:
First of all, I would like to stress that I never have and will never cheat on any game. To stop this from occurring again, I will be sure to contact more staff to engage with future situations like this in order to get a fair decision, instead of a single staff member’s decision which I believe was biassed, and I will outline why I believe that in the following section.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned?
I have received two warnings. The first one was when I first started playing on the server; the second was a week ago. Both were warnings for things I had seen other players do and was not aware were against the rules.
1. FailRP - I assisted a senior researcher in attempting to hack out 049 as a GenSec Cadet. I did not immediately recognise my actions as FailRP; I believed it was an ethics issue. I was put in ulx jail for 180 seconds; this gave me time to reflect on my actions and understand why it is FailRP and not an ethics issue.
2. FailRP - I was selling weapons from the Class D Kitchen to Class D Personnel. I thought this was another Ethics issue as the first time I joined the server, a super admin gave weapons to Class D as a chef.
Why should you be unbanned:
Because I do believe the sit I had with the staff was unjustified. Staff said both:
“I have temporarily watched you play and I think it’s cheating”,
“An Nu-7 sent me a clip of them getting killed in the head when you were jumping”
But the truth was that this was for a short period of time. Some ‘evidence’ to support this was me looking at the floor. CI often look at the floor for cards and to make their heads harder to hit when engaging in fights. It’s a very common strategy in most FPS games. In the clip, the other marksman was jumping, and I was assisting in the attack behind the marksman. The claims made against me in this clip are not even of me.
“The SnapHack Clip”, which I do not know why he thinks this is hacking. I missed the first portion of bullets in this clip. I reacted quickly because of my game knowledge.
“And another Clip showing that I was hacking cause my head was constantly looking down”, which I do not understand how this clip again shows me as a hacker. As stated above, as an FPS gamer since 2007 and have years of experience, looking down has always been utilised, as it lowers the chances of getting headshot by the enemy target. If people notice in esports, a lot of times when a sniper does a quick scope, he is most likely to nod his head down in order to reduce the hitbox and the enemy’s chances of headshotting.
(link below provides an example of it)
(link below of me competing professionally in CSGO at a LAN Event)
Now please let me make this clear, I instantly posted my POV in highlight submission on the official SCP RP discord expecting to gain praise for my skill (Minutes before I even get pulled to a sit). WHY would anyone do this if they were cheating?? I have dedicated my time and money to the server, constantly played with 250-300+ pings for weeks, and spent more than $200 on VIPs, PAC3, and permanent weapons. Why would I or anyone else risk that if they were cheating?
But the staff that I engaged with, TenTen, who was the only one that was on my case, did not appear to show any interest in the investigation; instead, “If you have a problem just make an appeal”. Where is the neutrality in that? Where is the fairness in that? Am I not even allowed to prove my innocence before being punished? After this occurred, I was informed that MTF started mocking me for this staff member’s decision which further reinforces a bias in my opinion. I’ve been unable to play for two days already for a false punishment.
How can you ensure that you won’t break any other rule?:
I can ensure I won’t break any other rules that are on the books.
Why do you want to rejoin this server?:
Because I think this server has a lot of great people, and I would very much like to return. I don’t believe my reputation should be tarnished so heavily and especially without a proper sit. I do believe this is a great server, and I have really enjoyed my time on it. But now I need to know how will my ruined reputation be brought back? How will staff tackle this bias? It’s not only me that has been the victim of this type of treatment. Will the staff give me an open apology? And how will staff prevent this unprofessional behaviour from happening again to other players?
EDIT: I have linked below some recent stats from my last 15-30 CSGO Matches as well.

CS:GO Player statistics Dashboard
Check a brief statistics of your game in CS:GO - clutches, retakes, performance on different maps, grenade performance and common mistakes
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