MrGhost's 6th Gamemaster Appeal

Mar 6, 2022
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:544836902
Previous Rank (convert if required):TGM (Trial Gamemaster)
Who demoted you?:Magnus
Date of demotion?:6 months ago(I still have no date)
What is the case against you?:I used inappropriate language in a staff sit.
Is this true?: Yes
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: I was demoted prior to this is 2022
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: There is also bans for MRDM and severe toxicity.

What is your side of the story?:I was in a conversation tabbing in and out of game checking documents as I had been instructed by my CO at the time. I tabbed back in and heard gunshots on the point I was AFK on and saw 2 members of the USSR (at the time NWO)in front of me and killed them. I did not realise that they were fear RP’ing me and so killed them, I found out later the mistake I had done when I was brought to the sit.Please keep in mind I was sick and it was 10 or 11 PM at night and so I was not my usual self. Annoyed and frustrated with the sit due to the reasons previously stated I became aggressive with the person who called a sit on me and said “f you for calling this stupid sit”. I realise the problem with this now, no member of the community or in general anyone deserves to be shouted at for something like this and so I now apologise for this action.I was then kicked from the GM team and due to this being my second kick I was temporarily blacklisted.
Why should you return / what will you change?: I believe I deserve another chance since then because I have noticed that the GM team needs members and so I wish to aid them.I also feel that since this event I have matured and I feel that an instance like this will not occur again due to my heightened perception of situations like these and I feel this time I will be able to aid the GM team more than any other time I have been a GM. I feel the community, especially at the moment, could use fun events to boost numbers and make players more eager to play as they will look forward to more new and fun events I will be able to bring to the table.