Denied [MRP] Conquest Wars Give Full Stocks

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

This would create a system where all stocks on both teams get restocked as soon as pre-war for Conquest begins. (I swear to god actually read it before you go '-support helis tanks bad')

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

Currently, we have a couple of big wars a day, these are typically later on in the day and they can be vastly determined by players who are online earlier in the day using stocks in their smaller wars. Allowing for full restocks gives a more exciting dynamic to wars, as well as giving all regiments more access to equipment.

Another positive would be player retention, a lot of people will log off or switch sides if there are no stocks, having all stocks restock before a conquest war would solve this.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

The obvious negative is that there would be more vehicles and that stock management would be wildly negated. People in earlier wars too may opt to abuse stocks, meaning if an attrition war happens later on in the day it could negatively impact the outcome. Personally, stock management is not a fun way to engage with the server, and is more of a chore than anything actually engaging.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

This would only be for conquest wars, or alternatively, for wars where both teams have >25 players. It's a bit of a weird gameplay aspect that people who play in a different timezone have to rely on earlier/later players to manage the stocks from their regiments.

Conquest wars are usually the biggest wars of the day, where the whole of MRP is together in fighting. Limiting access to stocks for regiments hugely downplays how big these wars can be. We should want conquest wars to be all-out warfare, with both teams having the opportunity to fight on even footing.

The negatives are a big factor, but they won't play too much of a role in reality. At peak war, both teams have tankers and pilots which tend to counter one another. The victors of the wars will be decided on performance and intuition as opposed to who has more stocks.

Yes this would mean that people could potentially abuse the stocks earlier on, leading to a more intensive series of wars earlier in the day, but to combat this we could perhaps limit stocks when under a certain playercount, or if a war is less than 16 v 16?

Perhaps we could include a new war type that occurs at more than 30 v 30 called 'All Out War' which would give an emergency supply of all stocks, these would be more rare and probably only happen in the biggest war of the day, if not the week, thus removing the chance of people abusing stocks early on.

I say let's give the chance for both teams to have the peak war of the day be played on level footing, let's see more tank combat, more dogfights, more infantry using vehicles to get around.

This would NOT apply to specialist vehicles such as SCUDs/HIMARs and HQs.
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Active member
Oct 17, 2022
+/- Support

This is a tough one for me, as someone who doesn't use vehicles. I think it's a +Support/good idea if/when there are other counters added to combat helis (such as the current suggestion of bullets doing some damage to them). But if there are no counters added its a -support helis tanks bad.
May 14, 2022

I don't mind big wars but help the Tanks/Heils regiments to oversee stocks as war score must be taken into factor, fall down to who can destroy the other force's vehicle quicker which will suck for 15th/IVG.
Tank/heli regiments already control wars, we are just making infantry even worse
As a decently long standing member of an infantry division (15thRB) I can tell you that there is very little we can do to stop vehicles on our own, even if a whole infantry regiment is attacking it, the only possible thing we can do it KWK it or ALL throw grenades
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A lot of people missing the primary point of this:

Tanks take out tanks
Helicopters take out helicopters

The best counter to the things that harass infantry is more of the same things in your own side. We can’t be limiting the fun of a regiment this way.

Stock management has never been engaging for anyone, so for someone to not even read the suggestion and say ‘do better stock management’ is a bit stupid

Also, if this were implemented (which it likely won’t be as it’s flooded with -supports from people who missed the point entirely), I’d fully support infantry having more in the way of counters to all of these, I’m a big fan of nerfing vehicles vs infantry but allowing for more vehicles to compensate

This benefits literally everyone, big wars will be more fair, and the winners aren’t decided by who abused stocks less at a 10am war


Oct 8, 2021
A lot of people missing the primary point of this:

Tanks take out tanks
Helicopters take out helicopters

The best counter to the things that harass infantry is more of the same things in your own side. We can’t be limiting the fun of a regiment this way.

Stock management has never been engaging for anyone, so for someone to not even read the suggestion and say ‘do better stock management’ is a bit stupid

Also, if this were implemented (which it likely won’t be as it’s flooded with -supports from people who missed the point entirely), I’d fully support infantry having more in the way of counters to all of these, I’m a big fan of nerfing vehicles vs infantry but allowing for more vehicles to compensate

This benefits literally everyone, big wars will be more fair, and the winners aren’t decided by who abused stocks less at a 10am war
Helicopters take out tanks, I can see where you're coming from but just make sure your air/ tank regiments aren't being stupid.

you are just gonna remove a core part of vehicle regiments its stock management. If everything gets restocked in a conquest war whats the point on using your brain to take out a tank or heli oh ye they won't care bout stocks cause they just need a conquest war its all restocked. so it would fuck over the stock management system
That's my exact point - stock management is a very poor and annoying system. It's not at all fun for anyone involved and I feel it's now a case of stockholm syndrome the fact people so wildly adore it.

Also you do have to manage stock management, Conquest wars happen maybe once (or twice) a day at most, other war types won't have any form of restocking, just the biggest of the day. I am baffled by the response to this and I'm not entirely convinced people have actually read the idea fully

You don't know what a war type is until the pre-war, the second you find out it's a conquest it gets restocked. If you abuse your stocks the war before and it endsup being attrition then it's a very dumb move and a huge gamble, actual effects on stock management would be tiny
May 14, 2022
Ok, sorry heil regiments, but say we had a lane war and manage to shoot down 6 heils, after getting push back alot due to said heils then conquest war was declared, oh dear have to deal with the same heils that made your team lose in the first place.

People are already trying to get heils nerf more and tanks will have to be nerfed if conquest restock become a thing, yeah its true that you don't know what type of war it might be but current stock management lets people say in the first war, ok we don't waste this cause its first war and 99% of the time your stuff restock during pre-war or in middle of war,

IVG and 15th will not have a happy time if stocks are taken out more often than normal cause 70% of the time it's mostly conquest war with the server at the peak of numbers, I have only been in maybe three wars of attrition, mostly been lane and conquest war.
Ok, sorry heil regiments, but say we had a lane war and manage to shoot down 6 heils, after getting push back alot due to said heils then conquest war was declared, oh dear have to deal with the same heils that made your team lose in the first place.

People are already trying to get heils nerf more and tanks will have to be nerfed if conquest restock become a thing, yeah its true that you don't know what type of war it might be but current stock management lets people say in the first war, ok we don't waste this cause its first war and 99% of the time your stuff restock during pre-war or in middle of war,

IVG and 15th will not have a happy time if stocks are taken out more often than normal cause 70% of the time it's mostly conquest war with the server at the peak of numbers, I have only been in maybe three wars of attrition, mostly been lane and conquest war.
1. We would also have full helicopter restocks. With full heli stocks, they tend to fight amongst themselves, air superiorty is only really decided very late on in the war, if at all.

2. Yes, helicopters should absolutely be nerfed, but in relation to your point - what if we have players that exclusively play in the early wars? Why should we be limiting their own enjoyment of the server, time was it used to be a significant number of the playerbase played before 6pm.

3. Yes and I address this by saying maybe we should lower the amount of conquest wars, or make it so a full conquest only triggers above a certain numbers threshold (similar to a Lane War). IVG and 15th (and I speak as a former COL/tryhard of ISAF) have a much better time when we have full stocks. Or alternatively, add in a new war type that's semi-rare that acts as a conquest but with full stocks.

People come to play MRP to have fun in wars and do RP, not keep a close eye on stocks (which take an absurdly long time to restock anyway). It's a really boring aspect of RP and serves no real value. It wouldn't go away with this suggestion, but it wouldn't be as important.

Worst case scenario? Opponent has no stocks and suddenly has them back, maybe war is more difficult (which is good). Best case scenario? We have no stocks and actively have a fighting chance to succeed in the war

el zapso

Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 4, 2021
more helis = more silly dogfighting in the air, there are like a shit ton of helis if we use all stocks
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