Denied [MRP] Personal Quests and Regional Popularity

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
It will add something similar to the D-Block quest giver on SCP-RP which will reward players with XP (This will be an efficient and fun way to grind XP) Depending on the quest (Probably around 150-300 per quest) and will give the faction Popularity and takes a few popularity points of the enemy faction.

Regional Popularity
Regional popularity will be similar to war funds, It's a system that benefits the faction. A meter will show how popular each faction is in the region (This meter goes up or down based on quests). The faction with more regional popularity will gain % more funds each war and if no one bids on ER/Militia they will side with the faction with more popularity and the popular faction will get access to the town supply station.
Civilians can also Decrease/Increase a faction's meter if they have a bad/good interaction with them. (It will probably be a button in the tab menu)
The town will have posters/decorations based on the popular faction which will be changed every restart (A few posters will be fine)

Quests will be given by an NPC in the respective faction's bases and will reward the Player/Regiment will XP and Regional Popularity, Quests have a cooldown of course (Depending on the quest could be between 5-20 min). Here are some quest ideas:
  1. Gathering evidence from contested points and RTBing with them (The regiment/player will be given a camera swep and has to take pictures of the contested zones to boost his own factions popularity up)
  2. Delivering supplies to civilians located in the town. (Player-based quest)
  3. Stealing sensitive information from the enemy base and releasing it to the public (Regiment-based quest once every peacetime and the faction has to try their best to avoid conflicts (You can't engage unless shot)

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
I'm sure the quests will be a fun and decent way to get XP and regional popularity will make either faction's RP more with Civilians and be more active in peacetimes.
Would encourage more/better civilian RP instead of just shooting civilians who enter the base on sight.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Could be hard to develop (The regional popularity idea can be scraped)
Might be too OP (XP and popularity bonuses can be adjusted)
I know this will probably get denied due to it being hard to develop but i think at least a quest system is needed.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

New and fun way to encourage RP and Gain XP.
Upvote 1
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May 14, 2022

Could be abuse as people from each team could go civilian and just raise or lower the Popularity so their team can get more funds or could be used to minge a little but overall it's good to get civilians more involved.

Could be abuse as people from each team could go civilian and just raise or lower the Popularity so their team can get more funds or could be used to minge a little but overall it's good to get civilians more involved.
The civilian thing could be tweaked a bit and can maybe have to be approved by staff or have a decently long cooldown.
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