[MRP_Mapper_Application] Alpha rest

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In-game name on all servers you play:
alpha rest

-Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:579975155

-Age: 17

-For how long have you played on our servers?: 2020

-What country are you from?: united kingdom

-Time Zone: bst

-Do you have a mic?: yes

-Is this your first application for Mapper? If not, link previous ones: non

-Have you received any bans?: yes 1 recent ban for harrassment about 2 months ago

-How confident are you with Hammer (Rate yourself 1-10 using rating guide): 6-7

-Do you have previous experience as a Mapper for GMod?: For the past 6 months I have been working on expanding ways to improve my skills this is seen in the progress of the map i have made useing sound, lighting and advanced shapes. I have no prior experience in any mapping roles for any communities or people

- What source games have you mapped for and used the content of?: gmod hl2

-How many hours can you commit to Mapping per week?:7-12

-Why do you want to be a Mapper? What can you help us with?:
I want to become a Mapper because I've played MRP for a significant amount of time and have gained a deep understanding of the game's dynamics and environments. I have noticed several areas in the current maps that could be improved to enhance gameplay and user experience. By joining the mapping team, I can contribute my insights and skills to help refine and optimize the maps. Additionally, I understand that the current mappers have a substantial workload, and I am eager to alleviate some of that pressure by contributing my time and efforts to the team. My goal is to collaborate with other mappers to create more engaging, balanced, and visually appealing maps that will enrich the overall experience for all players.

-Which server(s) on Civil Networks do you play on and which ones would you most prefer to map for?: MRP

-Have you made & edited any map before? if so attach some images showcasing your map & edits

-List any ideas of new maps/map edits for CN that you would like to work on. Here are some ideas for new maps and map edits for CN that I would like to work on:

1. Base Optimization :
- Improved Layouts : Redesign base layouts to enhance strategic depth and flow, ensuring key buildings and resources are optimally placed for balanced gameplay.
- Building Relocation : Relocate buildings to reduce congestion and improve accessibility, making it easier for players to navigate and utilize base facilities effectively.
- Resource Distribution : Adjust the placement of resource nodes and storage to ensure a fair distribution, promoting competitive gameplay and strategic planning.

2. Displacement and Terrain Adjustments:
- Terrain Smoothing: Refine terrain displacements to eliminate unnecessary obstacles and create smoother paths for player movement and vehicle navigation.
- advanced Cover : Introduce natural and artificial cover in strategic locations to encourage tactical engagements and provide protection during combat.

3. area Portal Improvements :
- Portal Placement: Adjust areaportal locations for better map transport, to make sure the important areas dont lag the server without disrupting gameplay balance

4. Map-Specific Improvements :
Afghan: Rework the terrain to provide more strategic balance and elevation changes, enhancing combat scenarios. Relocate key buildings for better accessibility and balance
Backwater: Adjust the placement of key buildings to create a more balanced and engaging experience. Improve the layout to travel time between important areas

5. New Map Ideas :
better Urban Warfare: Design a map set in a thick urban environment with multiple areas, with vertical gameplay opportunities and intense close-quarters combat.
Forest parts: Develop a map set in a dense forest with secret paths natural obstacles and camouflaged bases, promoting stealth and ambush tactics

more details :
I have also have been geting invoved with the map suggestions page in discord that provide more detail what me as a dev and the community wants for the future of CN


on working on these ideas, I aim to better the players time by providing well balanced strategically engaging and visually nice maps that use to various playstyles.

ps some buildings have been taken of current maps in rotation in mrp and 1 from a map called fork not all my work but ive edited all buildings ive put in the maps
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Oct 18, 2023
HUGE +Support

-This mans been mapping and working hard for too long now.
-Has dedication, got banned and kicked from GM. Came back and worked his way back up and still mapped throughout.
-W guy.

-Told me to say this he has my family.
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Senior Developer
Senior Developer
Mapping Team
Content Team
Jan 3, 2022
It seems you understand the basics of hammer, but with these given screenshots I can't really make out the finer details, Lighting Preview in Hammer does not fully represent to how lighting is on the actual map. So I'd be nice if you could provide actual screenshots from in-game.

And I am not quite sure why you put screenshots of a env_soundscape, hint face, light_environment and so on.

Other than that, it does look quite okay, but there can definitely be some improvements done to optimize the map further and reduce vertex/brushside count even more, like instead of making that trigger brush a cylinder like to fit the barbed wire, a simple cube shape would do just fine and save a few vertexes.
It seems you understand the basics of hammer, but with these given screenshots I can't really make out the finer details, Lighting Preview in Hammer does not fully represent to how lighting is on the actual map. So I'd be nice if you could provide actual screenshots from in-game.

And I am not quite sure why you put screenshots of a env_soundscape, hint face, light_environment and so on.

Other than that, it does look quite okay, but there can definitely be some improvements done to optimize the map further and reduce vertex/brushside count even more, like instead of making that trigger brush a cylinder like to fit the barbed wire, a simple cube shape would do just fine and save a few vertexes.
love to get some feed back maybe can call at some point for tips i was also limited by a max amount off screen shots
Awnser for the text "I am not quite sure why you put screenshots of a env_soundscape, hint face, light_environment and so on." Trying to give people a sight on what i can do
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I thoght to add some more bits im currently working on that include destructable walls gates and combat situations this is a example of afghan border. there is much that is missing in this project as im not finnished

ps not all my work some buildings implimented of maps such as vietnam and afghan models taken from highlands

there is more hidden details but im limited to the amout of images i can post

I also dont mind learning vehicle dev work as the mrp needs people who can work on helis and tanks


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i miss understood the application some buildings are from other maps on my app such as the main petrol station and the headquarters and the hanger. just wanted to mention as ive just read through the quota again. also a recent edit i made to afghan border ive ajusted buildings from other maps and made some of my own to make sure the location is balanced for both NATO and USSR
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