MTF E-11 LT Ang Jam's Demotion Appeal [Level 2] [USA]

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Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2024
Name: Ang Jam
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:612145976
Please state if it is for SCP-RP UK or USA: USA
Level of appeal (2 or 3): Level 2
Have you already carried out a level 1 appeal - please give details: Yes, i have but no one has responded yet but i have to make a Level 2 because it is urgent.
Who did you carry out the level 1 appeal to, and where: Teamspeak In E-11 CO office
Rank demoted from: LT
Who demoted you?: MAJ Patrick Tyson
Date of demotion?: 12/30/2024
What is the case against you?: So, it all start's where i messed up as a GSD Officer giving myself guns. I was really wrong for that My friend showed me what to do i should've not listen to him. But i was a GSD at the time i think i shouldn't get removed/demoted from E-11 because i wasn't on the job doing that i was a whole different character. Also, that was my first time ever holding a cl4 position i was very excited.
Is this true?: Yes
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No, this is my first time being demoted i don't have demotion records.
Please list any previous roleplay demotion appeals: N/A
What is your side of the story?: My side of the story is that this was my first LT CL4 position i should not be removed because i might have given myself guns as a GSD Officer but i got ban for 1 day that was my first offense for the thing i did. And also i was a different character plus i wasn't on the E-11 Job once for what i was doing. So i think i should just be striked because one time i looked through the roster somebody got ban for ERP 2X for 1 day which is pretty bad and they got striked. I am very sad about this i didn't really think at the moment and went from E-11 LT (first time ever CL4 spot) to no regiment.
Jun 8, 2024
Hello, @Ang Jam

We will Currently, as Site Administration, be looking into this situation, we will give a response within 7 days or less regarding our Investigation at hand, we expect you to sit tight but we also expect no other officials to respond to this post due to it being an Appeal of Level 2, which is in Terms, Bosses, Boss, who will make the decision on whether your Demotion is Fair, just and Acceptable for appropriate reasoning.

King Regards,
Site Advisor Asmodeus Nighthall
Jun 8, 2024
Hello, @angeoo

We will be partially accepting your appeal for the position of E-11 LT, However we will be reinstating you to the rank of CPL instead

Provided to us was a clip of you job abusing as GSD providing weapons to D Class and then you yourself switching over to D Class, inciting a riot along the way.

Why we Partially Accepted you appeal, instead of denying it for blunt Job abuse and treason is we believe that the regiment was too harsh with your removal as you were not on E11 LT and had a different character name, however we are not reinstating you as LT as you were banned merely 7 hours after you were promoted and a newly promoted Cl4 ought to know how to behave within at least the first week.

We wish for you to turn a new leaf, we have had many back and fourth reports about your behavior, that could've be seen as argumentized, and sometimes we have to reflect, I wish for you to do this with yourself, improve yourself and your attitude on the server towards other people, we are all human after all.

Kind Regards
Asmodeus Nighthall, Site Administration
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