Name: Ang Jam
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:612145976
Please state if it is for SCP-RP UK or USA: USA
Level of appeal (2 or 3): Level 2
Have you already carried out a level 1 appeal - please give details: Yes, i have but no one has responded yet but i have to make a Level 2 because it is urgent.
Who did you carry out the level 1 appeal to, and where: Teamspeak In E-11 CO office
Rank demoted from: LT
Who demoted you?: MAJ Patrick Tyson
Date of demotion?: 12/30/2024
What is the case against you?: So, it all start's where i messed up as a GSD Officer giving myself guns. I was really wrong for that My friend showed me what to do i should've not listen to him. But i was a GSD at the time i think i shouldn't get removed/demoted from E-11 because i wasn't on the job doing that i was a whole different character. Also, that was my first time ever holding a cl4 position i was very excited.
Is this true?: Yes
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No, this is my first time being demoted i don't have demotion records.
Please list any previous roleplay demotion appeals: N/A
What is your side of the story?: My side of the story is that this was my first LT CL4 position i should not be removed because i might have given myself guns as a GSD Officer but i got ban for 1 day that was my first offense for the thing i did. And also i was a different character plus i wasn't on the E-11 Job once for what i was doing. So i think i should just be striked because one time i looked through the roster somebody got ban for ERP 2X for 1 day which is pretty bad and they got striked. I am very sad about this i didn't really think at the moment and went from E-11 LT (first time ever CL4 spot) to no regiment.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:612145976
Please state if it is for SCP-RP UK or USA: USA
Level of appeal (2 or 3): Level 2
Have you already carried out a level 1 appeal - please give details: Yes, i have but no one has responded yet but i have to make a Level 2 because it is urgent.
Who did you carry out the level 1 appeal to, and where: Teamspeak In E-11 CO office
Rank demoted from: LT
Who demoted you?: MAJ Patrick Tyson
Date of demotion?: 12/30/2024
What is the case against you?: So, it all start's where i messed up as a GSD Officer giving myself guns. I was really wrong for that My friend showed me what to do i should've not listen to him. But i was a GSD at the time i think i shouldn't get removed/demoted from E-11 because i wasn't on the job doing that i was a whole different character. Also, that was my first time ever holding a cl4 position i was very excited.
Is this true?: Yes
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No, this is my first time being demoted i don't have demotion records.
Please list any previous roleplay demotion appeals: N/A
What is your side of the story?: My side of the story is that this was my first LT CL4 position i should not be removed because i might have given myself guns as a GSD Officer but i got ban for 1 day that was my first offense for the thing i did. And also i was a different character plus i wasn't on the E-11 Job once for what i was doing. So i think i should just be striked because one time i looked through the roster somebody got ban for ERP 2X for 1 day which is pretty bad and they got striked. I am very sad about this i didn't really think at the moment and went from E-11 LT (first time ever CL4 spot) to no regiment.