Denied MTF Member Limit Rule Change

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
+ Increases the limits of MTF Alpha-1 and MTF Omega-1 from 25 to 30
+ Adds a limit to MTF Nu-7 and MTF Epsilon-11 at 50 members

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ Stops "overflowing" of the 2 basic regiments (e-11 and Nu-7)
+ Allows O-1 and A-1 to have a couple more people

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Might make it harder to get into the basic regiments

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Realistically, I would rather there be no limits at all, especially for O-1 and A-1, but realistically for server health it is probably best if not everyone was in Nu-7 or E-11 and just didn't do anything else. The O-1 and A-1 change is purely to let O-1 and A-1 have more freedom in who they recruit. I am aware the O-1 and A-1 limits were put in place due to the Site Command changes, but realistically 5 extra members on both sides will not cause a huge power imbalance. Overall I see mostly positives from this suggestion.

Beta-1 was excluded from this because of the DEA update coming soon.

Goondra "Sleepy"

Active member
Dec 9, 2022
There already is plans for MTF to shrink
We are waiting for GSD rework to come into place before heavily limiting MTF slots especially on UK Side atm


Super Administrator
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Apr 11, 2022
As the current A1 commander on UK, this feels completely unnecessary. 25 members right now is a really good spot I feel like for us as we have good enough numbers to maintain our duties competently and especially with the amount of SC there is, the responsibilties we perform don't require quantities of members, 25 is good as it is. If you feel like it isn't enough then it may be a reflection of activity, as from what I see on UK, each ISD gets atleast 10+ daily.
As the current A1 commander on UK, this feels completely unnecessary. 25 members right now is a really good spot I feel like for us as we have good enough numbers to maintain our duties competently and especially with the amount of SC there is, the responsibilties we perform don't require quantities of members, 25 is good as it is. If you feel like it isn't enough then it may be a reflection of activity, as from what I see on UK, each ISD gets atleast 10+ daily.
Sounds like UK has it good but you don’t talk about us man


Super Administrator
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Apr 11, 2022
Sounds like UK has it good but you don’t talk about us man
As I said, thats only on UK side thats the only side I can speak for, but 25 members is plenty members already, if activity is struggling then that's on that regiment. Increasing slots doesn't equate to increased activity. It's ultimately effort Officer team puts in to entertain and engage with the Regiment.
As the current A1 commander on UK, this feels completely unnecessary. 25 members right now is a really good spot I feel like for us as we have good enough numbers to maintain our duties competently and especially with the amount of SC there is, the responsibilties we perform don't require quantities of members, 25 is good as it is. If you feel like it isn't enough then it may be a reflection of activity, as from what I see on UK, each ISD gets atleast 10+ daily.
As the current A1 LTCOM on US site, I can say we agree completely with Naffen. We currently have 24 members but find ourself on par with, if not overtaking O-1s 34 members in terms of activity. We have never find ourselves in a situation where we feel we do not have enough manpower, as choosing active and capable people makes up for the capacity limit currently put in place.
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Jack "Fubar" Daniel

Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Feb 10, 2023
isnt really needed; and especially where GSD is going to become the starter regiment, and doing their job as general security, Nu-7 and E-11 are going to be more a mid game regiment. This is going to help filter through people who are really determined to be in a MTF regiment and those who just want to be in one just to be in it so they can get out of d-block.

Jack Daniel
Nu-7 CPT [Holding]
UNGOC SGT [Holding]
SCP-096 Whitelist [Holding]
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Well-known Member
Jan 26, 2023

Regiments shouldn't be hardcapped whatsoever. The server peaks every day at 128 and to limit regiments seems absolutely unneeded, it should also be completely up to Commanders on their limits with advice from O5/Ethics.

GSD becoming the 'starter regiment' has 0 impact on whether or not MTF should be capped lol

MTF need hard caps and there aren't any real issues that come from having hard caps. MTF are not meant to be basic starter regiments where anyone can join them and suddenly there's 30 E11 and 40 Nu7 online at a time. That's just unnecessary and frankly, stupid. That's why in a future update when GSD is expanded significantly, MTF will get smaller caps and become more difficult to join, and likely more powerful to make up for it.

GSD becoming the starter regiment is to fix the issue where MTF have become a basic starter regiment. When people think Nu7 or E11, they think "starter regiment" for the most part. They're super easy to get into and not as specialized as they should be, which strays super far from lore and benefits nobody. MTF should be a cool thing you strive to be in, not the first regiment you join on day 2 of playing the server. The GSD rework will change this while making GSD more fun, expansive, bigger, and closer to lore.

Also on behalf of A1 so far, we are completely fine with our limit. We're still active and good at what we do with just 25 people, because we select the best people that we can find who can be active enough. That's realistically how every MTF should and will be in the future.

Reiner Zufall

Active member
Aug 1, 2022
As someone from A-1 i can tell you that increasing the slots to 30 isn't really needed. Im sure that both ISDs prefer quality over quantity. UK side had always 25 cap it was quite rare that we ever went above that it wasn't needed at all.
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