My Ban Appeal

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Mar 23, 2023
Your in game name: 'Sweet'
Your Steam ID: 76561199245651628
Steam Community link:
Date of ban: Thursday August 24th 16:56:08 2023
What is your ban reason?: MRDM | NITRP | Stacked Bans X
Who banned you?: 'Red' (STEAM:0:1:5222690)
Ban length?: 28 weeks (but now it's 17 weeks)
What server were you banned on?: SCP RP UK

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will try to not let it happen again and understand the rules more precisely.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned?: I've been warned, kicked and (banned once) before.
Why should you be unbanned: Because now I understand what will happen to me if I don't follow the rules and I promise I'd not break the rules again and RP as normal by the rules.
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: Maybe a few if i'm too curious sometimes to weapons and objects in the game, but overall I will try my best to keep up the pace and keep my nerves shut in a glass jar.
Why do you want to rejoin this server?: I just miss SCP RP and all it's classes and guns and SCPS, because i'm a fan of SCP RP games. And I also want to continue my roleplaying.
Hi @Diamondcookie69

Unfortunately, I do not remember the ban exactly, as this was when I was a Senior Admin. From what I can remember, this was from a ban extension request, due to having multiple other bans this one specifically stemming from MRDM, it became more serious.

But this is now up to a Server Leadership Member. Due to not remembering this ban I cannot give an accurate overview of the circumstances.

(Also, this was my fault at the time. The ban should've been 26 weeks, not 28 weeks.)

Thank you,
Mar 23, 2023
Hi @Diamondcookie69

Unfortunately, I do not remember the ban exactly, as this was when I was a Senior Admin. From what I can remember, this was from a ban extension request, due to having multiple other bans this one specifically stemming from MRDM, it became more serious.

But this is now up to a Server Leadership Member. Due to not remembering this ban I cannot give an accurate overview of the circumstances.

(Also, this was my fault at the time. The ban should've been 26 weeks, not 28 weeks.)

Thank you,
I knew that.
Mar 23, 2023
Hi Sweet, Sorry I should have confirmed. Since it was my ban I've got to give my side of it for when someone looks into it. It's just context for them really.

Thank you,
And you didn't say you would give a score to the application (an overall). Or is it up to the other moderators or that I just need to re-send the application for an overall call response. (Not you from you)
And you didn't say you would give a score to the application (an overall). Or is it up to the other moderators or that I just need to re-send the application for an overall call response. (Not you from you)
Hi Sweet,

All I've done is add context, which is all that's needed from me at this stage. It is now just waiting for another Staff Member (Admin+) to review and decide on your appeal.

Thank you,
Mar 23, 2023
Hi Sweet,

All I've done is add context, which is all that's needed from me at this stage. It is now just waiting for another Staff Member (Admin+) to review and decide on your appeal.

Thank you,
I mean technically if an admin or a moderator puts a reply to an application that means others won't mind the application anymore and will think it's graded.
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