my executive researcher application

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Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:536990847 Steam ID 3 [U:1:1073981694] Steam ID 64 76561199034247422
Discord name: !!darren#2724
For how long have you played on CG SCP: since march 1st i also have over 1 million seconds ingame
Age: 14
In what country are you located?: Ireland
Time zone: bst
Character name(s): Darren tate laurens Jeffys helpsfd Darren laurens
Civilian name: Darren tate laurens
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): scp rp uk
Do you have a mic?: yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: ive held ci e-11 and 096 whitelist
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: yes my most recent ban failrp class e was appealed and accepted and my last other known warning was august 23rd
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher? because i love researching scps seeing how they are coded and making it fun for the dclass ive also felt bad for scp like 682 and 079 cause they never get tested and ive always wanted to test 008 also ive made many friend in the research department and improved my average quality of document from poor to good and excellent. On a side note i have been progressing to improve my roleplaying and reputation i have talked to a few people which say im more mature and not a asshole to be around and that my tests are fun and creative unfortunatly people dont seem to believe me i want to test on more scps and gain the respect of people and do tests on scps that usually never get them
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?: the first job other than dclass i played was a jr researcher ever since then i loved researching more than any other jobs i loved the laughs i would get people saying nahh its darren let him test me he does good tests ive always loved reading other peoples document and giving my opinions on them i like helping jr researchers and teaching them how to write a good document and helping them with the test i always make sure before i do a test thats its unique fun and intresting and that the people involved are happy i always help new gensec cadets with what they should do and not. i really believe i have the qualities needed for exec researcher i just hope other people can see it too!
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent? i written 1 excellant document what makes a document excellent is a unique idea good spelling a lot of detail a very detailed aim and methods a very creative test and a practical one that actually helps gensec with understanding certain scps and mtf also it has to have very good spelling a clear and concise aim and a good conclusion and most importantly a good introduction best to put in 1 or 2 images
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?: teaching new junior researchers how to follow the rules of testing making sure they right and know how to make a good quality document they also grade documents unbiasadly they can also give approval for some cross tests there are limits to which they can approve also group lectures this is espiecelly useful for teaching a big group of researchers whether it be how to write an excellent document whats scps they can and cant test etc also group lectures can be used to get to know the researchers more and build good relationships with them
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in: Darren laurens born in 1997 was born in the siberian wilderness darren was always facinated with science and how different creatures worked and operated and biology after dissecting rats and frogs he set out to dissect a bigger animal maybe a bear he brought a tranquilizer gun and a few friend after finding an abandoned town darren and his friend investigated they encuntered the flesh that hates after managing to capture a live specimen of the flesh that hates darren spent many months learning its biology after the foundation discovered the scp 610 infestation and found darren researching scp 610 with remarkable progress darren was thought to be dead by the authorities the foundation offered him a job as a junior researcher ever since then darren had a facination with scp like viruses and wants to make an effective cure so no one will suffer like those people in that siberian town
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- Support

Due to your current issue within the server and the lack of trust many people have with you at this time I do not believe you are ready to take on the position of holding a CL4 Role and should first focus on maintaining a somewhat clean record not receiving any warns or bans whilst also getting MTF Experience etc.
I feel this would benefit helping you to turn a new page within the community on their feelings toward you as currently most are not positive and many would not have faith in you holding a CL4 position currently.


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
- Support

Due to your current issue within the server and the lack of trust many people have with you at this time I do not believe you are ready to take on the position of holding a CL4 Role and should first focus on maintaining a somewhat clean record not receiving any warns or bans whilst also getting MTF Experience etc.
I feel this would benefit helping you to turn a new page within the community on their feelings toward you as currently most are not positive and many would not have faith in you holding a CL4 position currently.
i love being a researcher but i just cant convince or get people to believe im actually trying to rp which is unfortunate many people in the server complain in ooc when i join and no amount of showing or telling will convince them otherwise ive seen people say i just want to get to level 5 keycard job so i can spam nuke the server which to me irks me the wrong way the fact that some people believe i only want higher positions just to minge and mass rdm really goes to show you cant convince.
first of all i have been mtf and second of all i cant convince everyone in the server im a better person people dont work that way unfortunetly no disrespect to you of course i cant control everyones feelings i can only prove it to them and since i love researching i figured this would be a good place to start many people in the research department i have helped espiecelly many junior researchers with their tests and documents some people
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=/= Neutral leaning to -Support

+Trying to improve his reputation

-Not the best reputation on the server
-Recent Warns and/or Bans.
-Have only seen you on Researcher recently.

Hey Darren! I'm glad to see you going for a CL4 position, however personally I dont feel like you are ready for it. Currently you got an extremely negative reputation on the server, which I can see you are trying to improve, I dont think its a good idea to try to go for a CL4 position just yet. Nontheless, I wish you the best of luck!

Edit: Also, I suggest not responding to every comment with a seperate comment, in the rules of applying, they say reply with one message and edit it if needed.


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
=/= Neutral leaning to -Support

+Trying to improve his reputation

-Not the best reputation on the server
-Recent Warns and/or Bans.
-Have only seen you on Researcher recently.

Hey Darren! I'm glad to see you going for a CL4 position, however personally I dont feel like you are ready for it. Currently you got an extremely negative reputation on the server, which I can see you are trying to improve, I dont think its a good idea to try to go for a CL4 position just yet. Nontheless, I wish you the best of luck!
Thanks for the reply im going for this because ive tested almost every scp except the level 4 ones and i really want to test those i also want to help other researchers since as a senior researcher i can only do so much ive made a few friends in the research department ive also helped a few people get excellant graded documents which im proud of its also when i was a dclass ive seen many researchers not even do tests with clipboard or anything writtin down also tests being completly racist and unethical for which i have clips of and as an executive researcher i believe i would be able to do something about it


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
Recent Bans/warning
Lack of trust
Lore isn't... the best?
Haven't had any good experiences with his so far...
recent bans/warning my last warn was 9 days ago and i think you made this -support cause i -supported you're executive researcher application lack off trust does not matter since it is literally only you and if you want to trust me i guess you are just gonna have to take my word with it i appriciate the feeback on my lore and thomos stone i have never interacted with you ingame so far so you are making the last part up most likely cause i minus supprted you're executive research application cause you only have days worth of playtime. Thomas stone we have never met
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Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
i love actually critiscitm and not just -support or -support bad reputation
+/- Neutral

Darren, I believe you have potential in terms of fantastic teamwork skills/leadership skills.

You need to start proving that you are worthy of obtaining high-level positions by earning

You can do that by first, avoiding breaking server rules, never breaking the Ethics or Conduct Code, and showing your potential to others.

This is why I'm giving you a
neutral, my vote will change depending on the progress I see.


Well-known Member
Mar 28, 2022
- Support
I don't want to go into too much detail here, but Nu-7 blacklist logs make me not want him on the Executive Team.


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
- Support
I don't want to go into too much detail here, but Nu-7 blacklist logs make me not want him on the Executive Team.
ive explained it but ive never sent death threats to anyone im currently getting that sorted out the mass breaching as it was said was really scp 8854 basically scp 8854 just came out scp 8854 in non spec containment researcher comes says can you beam him i open door and spc 8854 runs out i hope this explains it to you!


Well-known Member
May 8, 2022
MASSIVE - Support
-Corrupt on IA
-Cannot handle his duties regardless of job
-Horrid reputation
-NU7 and E11 black list reasons

-Is unable to be professional should something not go his way
-No CL4 experience

I normally have something good to say about everyone when I put a negative support but I do not for you. You have not done anything positive within the server as any interaction with you is negative and toxic. You have tainted many departments with your actions and reputation.
  • Angry
Reactions: Darren

Tim Wilson

Well-known Member
Apr 23, 2022
-has been banned in the past
-blacklisted from E-11 for a very stupid and irresponsible reason
-can be very toxic sometimes

I personally can not trust you with such a role since you are way too immature and I just don’t think you would handle it well at all. Just work on yourself more and think things out before you do them.
May 7, 2022
-Has had a load of negative interactions with members of the community
-Can be extreemly toxic
-Has been blacklisted from E11 and i belive Nu7 for very stupid reasons

+Trying to fix his Reputation
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