Denied My suggestion for a new Department of Legal Representation (DLR for short)

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Feb 22, 2024
Suggestion of Harold "Cygnus" Gunner(discord is "Cup Of Coffee")

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
[the suggestion is about (as stated in title) a department that can give legal representation in arrests and in tribunal court, allowing arrested personnel to have their sentence reduced without being charged with lets say resistance, and aside from that opening new work slots

I did think about it before and I have thought of the roles and what they should be allowed and shouldn't do

these are the amount of slots I think each role should have:

Law Clerk/Intern: ?/inf
Associates/Counsel: ?/10
Senior Associates/Senior Counsel: ?/6
Senior Partners/Partners: ?/4

Director Of The Department Of Legal Representation: ?/2

this is the requirements for each role
Director of the department of legal representation - whitelisted
Senior Partners/Partners - total level 30 and support 15 and being chosen by the director of the department
Senior Counsel/Senior Associates - total level 20 and support 10
Junior Partners/Associates/Counsel - total level 10 and support 5 and being recommended by Senior Associates/Counsel+
Law Clerks/Interns - total level 5

and so hierarchy, or a Chain of Command structure will be present:
Law Clerk/Intern: Allowed to represent CL1 personnel and tech experts
Associates/Counsel: Allowed to represent CL2 (and below) personnel and clerks
Senior Associates/Senior Counsel: Allowed to represent CL3 (and below) personnel and Associates-
Senior Partners/Partners: Allowed to represent CL4 (and below) personnel and Senior Associates-
Director Of The Department Of Legal Representation: Allowed to represent CL5 personnel and the entirety of the department

and aside from that the clearance I think should be given to each rank is:
Law Clerk/Intern: CL2
Associates/Counsel: CL2
Senior Associates/Senior Counsel: CL3
Senior Partners/Partners: CL4

Director Of The Department Of Legal Representation: CL4

Here I will specify the amounts of FLC Violations that the DLR personnel can be demoted for,
Law Clerk/Intern: Up to 5 Violations In one week IRL or 10 Violations Total
Associates/Counsel: Up to 4 Violations In one week IRL or 8 Violations Total
Senior Associates/Senior Counsel: Up to 2 Violations In one week IRL or 5 Violations Total
Senior Partners/Partners:Up to 1 Violations In one week IRL or 3 Violations Total

The Salary I think that Each Personnel Should Make
Law Clerk/Intern: 20$
Associates/Counsel: 25$
Senior Associates/Senior Counsell: 50$
Senior Partners/Partners: 80$

Director Of The Department Of Legal Representation: 110$
Aside from all, no DLR Personnel under ANY circumstance Posses, use or Be found with: ALL fire arms, elastic restrains(metal cuffs are allowed for uncuffing the represented personnel) All CLASSES OF AMNESTICS, if a personnel is caught with any of the following they will face immediate Demotion to the rank below them meaning counsel will get demoted back to clerk: Eplosives, Knifes and amnestics

I will try to make a guide for what could be taken as a risk to reoffend and what the DLR personnel are to do

Reoffend risk is when the personnel may not show any signs of remorse about the crime, noting this rule is very specifically focusing on humanitarian and material codex
the highest highlights you should put (when talking of a reoffend risk) are:Murder(1,2 and 3), Conspiracy, Robbery, Security (1 and 2), Information (1 and 2), Treason (1 and 2) and unethical orders(1)

a very side topic, when representing a personnel, then DLR personnel can request money for the representation, this is the maximum amount of how much each personnel can request

Law Clerk/Intern: 500$
Associates/Counsel: 750$
Senior Associates/Senior Counsel: 1500$
Senior Partners/Partners: 2300$

Director Of The Department Of Legal Representation: 4250$
note that if you are overpricing (lets say asking for 1500 as a counsel/senior associate for possession of a pistol, misuse two) can result in your permit to legally represent to be revoked

EVERY legal representation that is given by a DLR personnel MUST be documented in the following format (you can tweak it to your comfort but try to make it as similar as you can to this format):

(title of your choosing)
Representing personnel:
Represented personnel:
Amount requested:
What FLC violation has accrued:
Crime severity:
Representative job(intern/clerk/counsel/associate/senior associates/Senior counsel/Senior partner/Partner/Director):
Amount of money requested:
Amount of money agreed upon:
Represented personnel clearance:


Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
[I do not think that anything familiar has be suggested]

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[the positives I see is first of all opening up new, more "administrative" feeling roles and as stated above allowing personnel accused with crimes to have a chance at their sentence reduced. allowing for a non-combative "higher" ranking, support personnel.]

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[making the arrest process much longer due to the time it can take to get to an agreement, and possibly getting people with a reduced sentece with them being at a risk to reoffend causing just more frustration within the foundation personnel]

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
[in my opinion this suggestion should bee accepted because every one could benefit from it, the arrested personnel, the arresting personnel, and the entire facility knowing they aren't alone in the hands of the law, and as stated many times before can give more slots and a different job experience to players]

side note, if this suggestion gets accepted, I would like to request the role of the director, as this is a department I am suggesting
Jul 10, 2023
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Harold :D ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

The server does not have the capacity or the need to have a legal department. If you wish to act as a lawyer for RP (e.g a tribunal) feel free to contact staff about setting something like this up.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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