My unfair ban

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Well-known Member
Jul 21, 2023
Your in-game name: Alex P.
Your SteamID: 76561199070786154
Your steam community link:
Date of ban: 10/16/2023
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): Mass RDM
Who banned you: Neptune
Ban length?: 2 weeks
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will read the rules again.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? I had a completely clear record, no warnings, kicks or bans, ever.
Why should you be unbanned: I am pretty sure getting spawn camped to point where you equip a gun for self defense is dumb reason to get banned. I got mass spawn camped by 173 to the point were we couldn't play the game. It is common sense, even in a realistic setting, that a member of even a uncombative branch would try to defend themselves from the breach especially since they have gotten into all our spawns, including personnel wing and the code black evac point in the garage, it was ruining the fun for everyone else. This could be compared to a active threat situations they teach you at work and school. you hide, and if that doesn't work, your taught to fight back. Their is plenty of stories on SCP wiki, where this situation has happened. It is lore compliant. In-fact, it seems unrealistic for a human not, to want to fight back against an active threats, or taking pride in there work and attempting to help combat threats on the site. It seems stupid that the MTF weren't even online, only one containment specialist, two combats medics and bunch of untrained GenSec's, and one GenSec captain. Our main force were a bunch of trainee GenSec's. so we had nobody combatting the breach, and all class-D's were escaping. We needed men, like a country, we had to call on the reserves, to draft some people. One could say security failed their job in protecting the personnel, and escorting them out to the point where their getting spawn camped. SCP Wiki says and I quote, about Class C which would be the researchers medical department etc. "In the event of a containment breach or hostile action against a Foundation facility, non-combatant Class C personnel are to either report to secure lock-down areas or evacuated at the discretion of on-site security personnel in the case of a site-wide breach or other catastrophic event." I was banned for shooting 4 d-class leaving d-block and entering the halls Infront of the medical center, during a code black. It would normally be a KOS pass the airlock for them, because SCP-173, SCP-096, SCP-076, SCP-9000 and SCP-079 were all out, but it was currently really early in the morning and nobody was really on.
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: I will not break anymore rules.
Why do you want to rejoin this server?:
I mean if i don't rejoin this sever, I am going to just, leave GMod. It is the only good server, on GMod. I have fun playing this server.
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Well-known Member
Mar 9, 2023

Appeal Response

Hello, Alex P. Thank you for making this Appeal.

As you state in your appeal you shot 4 d-class leaving d-block as a non-combative. non-combative personnel my only be in combat if there life is in danger the clip i was shown in the discord showed D-class running out of d-Block into the main area out side medbay with an m4 para non of them in the clip where threating your life you procided to just open fire on them for no reason what so ever. yes you do bring up some good points but i can tell you right now if you are a non-combative you should not be in any combat if your life is not in danger as well as to when i procced to bring you to the sit you said nothing when i asked you why you killed the d-class that is all.


Active member
Apr 9, 2023
Appeal Accepted

Hi @coolguy11110

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

With situation that was happening, You trying do defend yourself from an SCP is understandable, although you should not be killing D-class with an m4para unless if they were running towards you with a weapon to kill you, Other than that, You do give a strong statement, So I will be lowering this ban down to 3 days, cause for that type of situation does not need that big of a punishment. for you not knowing. Please as well make sure to read the rules to ensure this will not be an issue again
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