NATO Health Survey Results - Q1 2024


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 25, 2020
Hello all,

Lately as the 'leader' of NATO on MRP I've seen a decline in members joining the regiments, but also a decrease in players joining the server. There's been multiple discussions behind the scenes between myself, the NHC Team and Server Staff, however it's been felt that not always voices were heard (As shown in the results)
Therefore I authorised the creation of a survey to gauge members concerns, thoughts and suggestions around the NATO side, the server as a whole and their perception of the staff team during interactions.

I'm creating this thread for a few reasons but the main ones are to allow for absolute transparency and to further increase the sight of these results in the hopes Network Leadership see this and will act upon these results, which I sincerely hope this will do. This survey is in by no means meant to disparage or belittle any member of the server, it's server staff or the general community and I know for well our Sever Leadership do try their best. I feel it's just imperative that voices are heard and we can look together to find ways to look for solutions.
I'd really look forward to see a response from Network Leadership on some kind of strategy going forward to combat the issues shown within this report.

The survey did allow for written feedback in some sections and this is being analysed by myself on actions to be taken down the line.

I hope this could create some discussions from our other servers within the community on your thoughts around these results and how you would think is best suited to try and combat this decline.

Link to report:
(The report is 43 pages long... Sorry)

(There's also no where else to put this in any other area on the forums so General Discussion it is)

Apr 2, 2022
imo the main issues are the new campaign system (which I do like but could use some changes) and stubborn players

Im not that interested in logging onto the server when there is 3 days left in the campaign and there are 30 nato and 10 nwo and its 100 against40 campaign score (just so we’re in the clear, this happens with both sides)

Roughly a year ago we had a town hall and I suggested to ventz to make a scp-rp job that would be unlocked by having “x” amount of playtime on mrp, he said something similar was already in the works, it never happened but I think this should be reconsidered, I’m certain at least some players will actually enjoy mrp and decide to stay on it

I also think the new war types affect server health negatively (this is copy pasted from a different thread)

KC - pure trash, waiting for it to be removed / replaced with attrition , whenever its this war type I personally just log off

SnD - It should not take territories from other factions when this wartype is selected, there is also a bug where the territories arent given back after war

CTF - It should not take territories from other factions when this wartype is selected, there is also a bug where the territories arent given back after war., also make it so stolen flags are reclaimed by touching them and not by waiting a timer, I keep seeing people throw smokes on the flag and then just running in suiciding just to reset the timer and its fucking cringe

Another major issue with these new war types is that they dont give an advantage to the faction with the lower playercount which isnt the case with conquest and attrition
Roughly a year ago we had a town hall and I suggested to ventz to make a scp-rp job that would be unlocked by having “x” amount of playtime on mrp, he said something similar was already in the works, it never happened but I think this should be reconsidered, I’m certain at least some players will actually enjoy mrp and decide to stay on it
Forcing people to play MRP to unlock an SCP-RP job is one of the worst ideas imaginable.
Jan 29, 2023
Forcing people to play MRP to unlock an SCP-RP job is one of the worst ideas imaginable.
It doesn't have to be that bad, look at it this way Broda:
Someone is "forced" to play MRP, so he plays it just to unlock the thingy. He unlocks it and realizes that he actually had decent fun and comes back to MRP every now and then.
As long as it's not a character that changes the gameplay massively I'd say it's not that bad of a idea.