Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:178092041
Discord name: DarknesZed
For how long have you played on MRP: since October 2020
Are you a returning player?: Yes (I returned the last 1 Month)
If yes to the above, when did you last play MRP actively?: This Last Month
NATO name (regiment and rank): Sander Veliu
USSR name (regiment and rank): Dimitri Petrenko (Hero of Stalingrad)
Civilian name: Selim The Killer
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Not any that i remember
Do you have any experience as CO or higher on MilitaryRP?: I have Experience as MP CO / ISAF SNCO / JAF SNCO / SHA SNCO / 10TH NCO
List your current in-game rank(s) on MRP: RMP SGM
What NATO regiment are you looking to enter?: CO or SCO RMP.
What rank are you looking to enter your chosen regiment in?: 1LT (My old Rank) / CPT
What makes you the best candidate for your chosen regiment?: During this 1 Month i have seen first hand the issues of NATO, As Military Police we lead by example, In both victory and defeat. I want to join as a SCO to assist regiment on its rebirth and in doing so ensuring NATO Rises once more, even if SCO is not Possible which i understand id love to help my old regiment to rise as it did during its golden days before i left.
List your strengths and weaknesses: Never Give up/ Flexible/Team Player ----- Drinking/Anxiety
Please list out your accomplishments on MRP, both in your chosen regiment (if applicable) and outside of it: During RMP days i was appointed by NATO General of Armies Crossen as 1LT, Although MP had hard days in recruiting i was able to teach new MP and improve the regiment discipline and make MP one of most respected regiments (during my time none was rude to Police)
What are the responsibilities of the position you are applying for?: SCO - Ensuring The Continuation of the Regiment of which im appointed (RMP) , Improving experience of the Appointed Regiment, even if i do not get the role of overseeing a regiment ill ensure to try my best within the powers granted by the appointed rank within regiment to ensure that the regiment is very active during peacetime, both roleplay and ensuring NATO Personnel safety. And in Wars Assisting NATO.
What are the main problems you see with the regiment you are entering into?: The Lack of Assistance by HC, The regiments feels left out and during times of crisis i have noticed that the blame unrightfully falls upon MP. Current Leadership within Regiment is in a good condition but due to the recent event their numbers been rapidly falling.
Continuing from the above question, what is your plan to address these problems?: Search of New Potential Future Regiment Heads ensuring regiment has a future, Increase in Tryouts , Increase of trainings , Organization Overhaul of RMP duties during peacetime , Ensuring to gain Update from members related to their experience within the regiment. Alas Ensuring that other regiments Understand The duties of RMP.
(This Post Has Been Edited , Its only Fair i do not try HC although RMP lacks one due to LOA so instead i removed it and left the second one my original spot.I do not Believe that RMP Has Active HC at least not this last month i been around, but it is only fair i spend my time assisting rmp in growing as CO/SCO and after doing so i try for High Command. Thanks Maverick i was unsure when i made this.)
Discord name: DarknesZed
For how long have you played on MRP: since October 2020
Are you a returning player?: Yes (I returned the last 1 Month)
If yes to the above, when did you last play MRP actively?: This Last Month
NATO name (regiment and rank): Sander Veliu
USSR name (regiment and rank): Dimitri Petrenko (Hero of Stalingrad)
Civilian name: Selim The Killer
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Not any that i remember
Do you have any experience as CO or higher on MilitaryRP?: I have Experience as MP CO / ISAF SNCO / JAF SNCO / SHA SNCO / 10TH NCO
List your current in-game rank(s) on MRP: RMP SGM
What NATO regiment are you looking to enter?: CO or SCO RMP.
What rank are you looking to enter your chosen regiment in?: 1LT (My old Rank) / CPT
What makes you the best candidate for your chosen regiment?: During this 1 Month i have seen first hand the issues of NATO, As Military Police we lead by example, In both victory and defeat. I want to join as a SCO to assist regiment on its rebirth and in doing so ensuring NATO Rises once more, even if SCO is not Possible which i understand id love to help my old regiment to rise as it did during its golden days before i left.
List your strengths and weaknesses: Never Give up/ Flexible/Team Player ----- Drinking/Anxiety
Please list out your accomplishments on MRP, both in your chosen regiment (if applicable) and outside of it: During RMP days i was appointed by NATO General of Armies Crossen as 1LT, Although MP had hard days in recruiting i was able to teach new MP and improve the regiment discipline and make MP one of most respected regiments (during my time none was rude to Police)
What are the responsibilities of the position you are applying for?: SCO - Ensuring The Continuation of the Regiment of which im appointed (RMP) , Improving experience of the Appointed Regiment, even if i do not get the role of overseeing a regiment ill ensure to try my best within the powers granted by the appointed rank within regiment to ensure that the regiment is very active during peacetime, both roleplay and ensuring NATO Personnel safety. And in Wars Assisting NATO.
What are the main problems you see with the regiment you are entering into?: The Lack of Assistance by HC, The regiments feels left out and during times of crisis i have noticed that the blame unrightfully falls upon MP. Current Leadership within Regiment is in a good condition but due to the recent event their numbers been rapidly falling.
Continuing from the above question, what is your plan to address these problems?: Search of New Potential Future Regiment Heads ensuring regiment has a future, Increase in Tryouts , Increase of trainings , Organization Overhaul of RMP duties during peacetime , Ensuring to gain Update from members related to their experience within the regiment. Alas Ensuring that other regiments Understand The duties of RMP.
(This Post Has Been Edited , Its only Fair i do not try HC although RMP lacks one due to LOA so instead i removed it and left the second one my original spot.I do not Believe that RMP Has Active HC at least not this last month i been around, but it is only fair i spend my time assisting rmp in growing as CO/SCO and after doing so i try for High Command. Thanks Maverick i was unsure when i made this.)
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